Chapter 471

She raised her eyes and forgot about him, "Dongfang Boyu, I don't want to have anything to do with you, before, now, and in the future."

Anger surged from the bottom of Dongfang Boyu's heart, but... he suppressed it deeply.She actually wanted to kill his child?
If it wasn't for physical reasons, would she have murdered his child?
Looking at her, he suddenly felt that he didn't know her.Didn't she love him?It's just because of his complicated identity that Yun Qi died innocently, she just couldn't figure it out, she just felt guilty, isn't it? 
He thought about the turning point for the two of them, thinking that they finally got together and didn't want to be separated, that's why he made such a trick, hoping that she would conceive and have a child, and they would never be able to separate again... In this way, it was he who wanted to Are you naive?
"Really." He looked at her, and finally said, "You can, but my son can't."

When Yun Yan heard this, her body trembled slightly. He was threatening, just like his acting style.She should have known.

"Yunyan, no matter what, you don't want to forgive me, do you? One year, two years, maybe ten years later, you still can't forgive me?" Dongfang Boyu chuckled bitterly, "I I'm sorry, I can't give you back a brother, but I also don't want to give you a son. Child, you can't protect me. You know how complicated my background is."

"..." She didn't speak, she knew it, but she didn't want to recognize the fact. After a long time, she said, "For the sake of my love, please don't rob me of the baby."

For the sake of I loved you...

She never said a word like I love you, I like you.Dongfang Boyu shook his head and smiled wryly, this woman... why was he eaten to death by her?
"Actually, there have been examples of children living outside in our family." He said suddenly, and sat on the side of the bed, keeping a close distance from her.

Yun Yan moved her hips awkwardly, "Then..."

"Later, my aunt and cousin came back together."

"..." Yun Yan was speechless.

Is he hinting at her?

Without waiting for her to speak, he said again, "My aunt is still a thief. Do you know how she met my uncle? The desert..." He met Shang Yunyan's surprised eyes, and he chuckled, "At that time, my uncle came out What happened, I jumped off the plane in the desert, and my aunt hesitated for a while before saving him who was shot..."

It really is an extremely complicated family, Yunyan once again affirmed this.

"Auntie is a very strange person. Well, how should I put it, she is the kind of woman who can carry a submachine gun and drive an off-road vehicle into the base." He smiled, and the smile clearly meant a threat.

Look, even a woman as strong as my aunt can't protect her child, and Yunyan is just a daughter in a city.

She doesn't have any skills. Of course, her world is very simple, and she doesn't need any skills.

However, the Dongfang family is not, and neither is his son.

He looked at Yun Yan solemnly, "Yun Yan, I told you, the boys in Dongfang's family have to be raised by wolves."

Yun Yan swallowed her saliva, "Dongfang Boyu, please..."

She never begged him for anything, but now she really begged him to be kind and not take the baby away.

Dongfang Boyu raised his hand and touched her face, "You are still blaming me, I know. But, child, I want to take it away, you can go back with me with the baby."

(End of this chapter)

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