allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 477 You Are Now Popular

Chapter 477 You Are Now Popular
 The agent answered her one by one, she was lying in the hospital, no matter how urgent the partner was, it was useless, so whether it was commercials or play appointments, they were all suspended.

Cui Yuanhui nodded, "I want to take a year off after filming this."

"Yuanhui?" The manager couldn't believe what he heard, "You are becoming famous now..."

Moreover, she has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and it took two or three years before she became popular. Now is the time to consolidate her position and earn money.

Cui Yuanhui interrupted him, "I want to make money, but my life is more important. This car accident made me understand some things. Besides, I also want to go to further study."

She looked at her manager, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I will also think about what I want while I am studying."

Just to be popular and earn enough money, I still want to be a very influential actor...

Or, should she marry a man with a good fortune while she was young and beautiful?


Dongfang Boyu did arrive at night. In winter, the night came faster. Cui Yuanhui still had a wound on his face, which looked really ugly, but he still ignored it.

After telling everyone to leave the ward, he stood by the bed and looked at Cui Yuanhui, and said, "Are you okay?"

Cui Yuanhui's eyes were sore when she heard this, why is there such a big difference?This man can care so much about that woman, how can he be so cold-blooded towards himself?
However, thinking about her, she laughed again. Originally, she was Yunyan's substitute, because her eyes were like Yunyan, so he had nothing to do to praise her.

Because she looks like a cloud in some places, he made a high price and a deal, and came to a fake engagement.

Did she really think she was true love?Ah.

"Not good. Not good at all." She said leisurely. This was the first time she showed her attitude in front of Dongfang Boyu. She lay on the hospital bed and looked into his eyes, "Almost died, can you okay?"

"I almost died, and now I still have so many scars on my body, can it be healed?" She said one sentence after another, with excitement, showing that she was not so 'obedient'.

Yes, she is no longer as obedient as before, as obedient as a puppet, she can do whatever he asks her to do, and she can't say another word if he tells her to shut up.

"I can arrange a plastic surgeon for you." Dongfang Boyu said lightly.

Cui Yuanhui snorted coldly, "If it was her who was lying on the bed now, would you still be so indifferent?" If it was Yunyan who would be lying on the bed, the baby Yunyan in his heart, would he still be so calm and indifferent? Said, I can arrange a plastic surgeon for you? ! ! !
Dongfang Boyu's face darkened, he didn't like Cui Yuanhui talking about Yunyan very much.

"Mr. Dongfang, let's end our deal." Cui Yuanhui closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said, "I don't think I can be as smart as I used to be, so wanting nothing."

She changed and became greedy.

Although she didn't have much social interaction with him, the title of fiancée made her gradually less satisfied with the status quo.She even felt that as long as she could marry him and stay by his side, even if he wouldn't fall in love with her, he should slowly fall in love with her, right?

(End of this chapter)

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