allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 484 Guess His Destination

Chapter 484 Guess His Destination

 Even if it was in the ancient tomb, even if it was abroad... She never thought of it like this.

The man came back after talking on the phone, looked at Yunyan, "Be good, we won't hurt you, otherwise..."

The words that were not finished were filled with a threatening tone, and Yun Yan dared not say anything.Just nod.

"Boss, the plane is coming." A loud voice came, Yun Yan only felt that there was a dazzling light in the sky, it was a helicopter...

She can be more sure that Dongfang Boyu's opponents kidnapped her, and they should be used as bargaining chips.

"Blindfold her eyes." The man ordered, and then directly picked up the baby, regardless of his crying, and got into the car directly.

Yunyan only felt that she was forcibly pulled onto the helicopter, she was tied up, and she couldn't see, and when she heard her son crying, at least she was sure that he was by her side.

Then the plane took off, and finally, she lost consciousness again. Before she lost consciousness, she was still thinking that if she knew which bastard used drugs to get her son, she would definitely fight him desperately.

Human scum, beasts, no, people who are worse than beasts.


In City I, there is no news, what is certain is that they did leave City I by boat.

Where there is a port, it is impossible for the problem of smuggling to exist, so Qin Bai and the others are still afraid...

Dongfang Boyu is currently in Dongfang Bolin's study, looking at the electronic distribution map he showed to himself.Regarding the affairs in Asia, Dongfang Boyu has almost never intervened, so he really doesn't know anything about it.

Because in their generation, the division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, so it is normal for him not to know these things, and this is also his weakness.He abides by the rules and does not touch black affairs, but his opponent is an expert in this field.

Dongfang Bolin pointed to several places in Japan, Thailand, and Cambodia, and objectively analyzed, "In terms of itinerary, these three countries are their closest destinations, but Japan and Dongfang Minghao should not be so courteous. come to my place. So..."

"Thailand and Cambodia? Brother Bolin, you still forgot one place." Dongfang Boyu's face darkened, "Myanmar."

These countries are not far from China. The most worrying thing is that these countries are very unstable, especially Myanmar, where arms smuggling and drugs are particularly rampant.

It is also the best hiding place for those people.

"Not in Myanmar." Dongfang Bolin said with certainty, "It's not peaceful at all recently. Dongfang Minghao has done very little activity there in the past year."

Dongfang Boyu frowned, he hated this powerless feeling to death.It turns out that being caught as a weakness is such a sense of powerlessness, "Then Thailand and Cambodia?"

Dongfang Bolin nodded and gave him an analysis, "Thailand is also less likely than Cambodia. You know that your mother used to..." Regarding Xu Qingyou's past in Thailand, Dongfang Boyu, his son, of course knew about it.

The forces there are more evenly distributed. Dongfang Minghao is a very cunning person. It is indeed impossible for him to set his destination in a place with the influence of the Dongfang family.

(End of this chapter)

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