Chapter 489

It's not like she hasn't been forced to kiss her before. Dongfang Boyu used to like to kiss her forcefully like this, or kiss her suddenly.But she had never felt such nausea.

When Dongfang Boyu forced her to kiss her, although she was very angry, she didn't feel disgusted at all.

She waited for him to finish the kiss before letting go of her lips.

However, the damn pervert pushed her teeth away with his tongue, as if he wanted to give her a long French kiss.

That disgusting tongue was extremely flexible, he seemed to be trying to tease her, but unfortunately, she didn't feel anything other than nausea.

The same is kissing, why is he so disgusting.She was so wronged that she wanted to cry, but she didn't dare.

If a person is perverted, the best way to deal with it is to do nothing, otherwise you don't know if it is some action that makes the pervert even more abnormal.

His hands started to rest on her waist, and then slowly moved up.

He seemed to be quite absorbed in this kiss, but Yun Yan wanted to end it quickly. When his hand was on her chest, she visibly trembled.

Even though it was through the cloth, but he suddenly squeezed her hard, which made it hard for her to accept it.

She couldn't hold back and pushed him away fiercely.

After pushing away, seeing his stern face, Yun Yan felt a little regretful, fearing that he would suddenly make fun of her son, she hurriedly explained, "Sorry, I, I haven't..."

Dongfang Minghao seemed to accept her explanation, and his gloomy face faded a lot, but he was still unhappy.

He hooked his hand towards her, "Come here."

Don't pass, don't pass.There was a voice in her heart desperately telling her, but seeing his face getting worse and worse because of waiting, Yun Yan finally moved over.

Two steps away from him, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, pressed her lips down forcefully, and put his hand on her chest, "It's more plump than I imagined, here...he Have you tried it?"

He drew circles on her chest with his hand, and lightly licked her red lips with his tongue, "It's delicious, no wonder Dongfang Boyu is so attached to you, it's just... what will happen to him if you become my woman?" ?”

He raised his hand and easily opened the zipper on her body, and his rough hands penetrated into the skin of her body.

Yun Yan pushed away, "Don't..."

Dongfang Minghao frowned, "No? Heh, Mozi." He shouted to the outside.

A man called Mozi opened the door and came in, "Mr. Dongfang."

"Take that kid..."

"I'll listen to you." Yunyan had never been so humiliated before, but when he said that she wanted to deal with her son, she could only compromise, nothing but compromise.

"Watch carefully." Dongfang Minghao changed his words, let Mozi go out, and the door closed again.

He picked his eyes, "Yunyan, this is the last time, you know, if things like this are interrupted for a man, his temper will become even more irritable."

Yunyan bit her lip, tears were forced back into her eyes, she looked at Dongfang Minghao, and smiled very ugly, "I have given birth to a child, and I have had other men, and I have stretch marks on my body, which are ugly."

She wanted to say some excuses that made him feel useless, but all she saw was that he picked his eyes indifferently and said, "It's okay, I need to liberate myself now, not to mention your face and the skin on your body. It tastes good to me."

(End of this chapter)

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