allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 491 I'm Going to Find Her

Chapter 491 I'm Going to Find Her
 Can't be controlled by drugs, can't... She kept reminding herself in her heart, but the effect was minimal.

"Mommy, Mommy~~~" The baby's sudden cry made her wake up a little more, "Baby." She whispered, dragging her uncontrollable body towards the door.

This kind of thing that a normal person can do in just two or three seconds took her nearly two or three minutes.

The door was locked... She couldn't open it no matter what.

Sitting weakly on the door panel, she patted the door panel with her hand, "Baby, baby."

Where are they taking the baby?
Outside the house, several off-road vehicles were parked there, forming a circle around the flat building. Everyone had the latest weapons in their hands, and even things like rocket launchers were carried on their shoulders.

The two bangs just now were caused by the launch of the rocket launcher.

Dongfang Minghao stood outside, looking at the people who got off the off-road vehicle.

In order of number, they are Dongfang Lei's son Dongfang Xuange, who is currently in charge of the Middle East business.Beside him is Dongfang Shihua, and... Ximen.

The man carrying the bazooka is Simon.

Everyone has guns in their hands. Dongfang Xuange has a flat head, his usual glasses are also taken off, and he wears contact lenses. There is stubble on his chin, and his coat is blowing in the wind, making him look very MAN.

"Dongfang Minghao." He yelled coldly, "I've seen someone court death, but no one has ever courted death like you."

"Dongfang Xuange, I didn't expect you to be more useful than Dongfang Boyu, and you found this place so quickly." Dongfang Minghao looked at him confidently, with contempt in his eyes, "What do you want to do with so many scary things? Hmm ?”

Dongfang Shihua pointed a gun at him, "Dongfang Minghao, hand over Yunyan and the baby, and we will kindly spare your life." Only let you go to jail.

When the child's cry came, Dongfang Minghao's subordinates handed the baby to Dongfang Minghao, and he picked up the baby's clothes with one hand, like holding something, "Isn't this small?"

Seeing him treat the child like this, everyone was indignant. If the child was not on him and did not dare to act rashly, they would have shot him in the head at this time.

"It also saves me trouble. Since you are all together, I will let you be good brothers and sisters who will die on the same day today." Dongfang Minghao curled his lips coldly.

Then without waiting for the next instruction, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked forward in disbelief.

At the same time, the men around him were also instantly dealt with by Dongfang Xuange, Dongfang Shihua, and Ximen one by one.

Dongfang Xuange even rushed to Dongfang Minghao's footsteps in time, and used his back to cover the baby who almost fell to the ground because Dongfang Minghao let go.

Everything happened in an instant, Dongfang Minghao didn't even know what happened suddenly, his hand touched the stamina, there was a needle, an anesthetic needle...

I saw Dongfang Boying jumping up from a high place not far away with a gun in hand, kicked Dongfang Minghao, and said with a sneer of contempt, "No one told you that you will mess with my brother!" , is it to offend our family?"

At this time, Dongfang Minghao, who was lying on the ground, was completely unconscious. Dongfang Boying's anesthetic did not follow the medical regulations, and he wished to paralyze Dongfang Minghao into a cripple.

Dongfang Shihua suddenly realized that Ximen was missing, she looked at the baby who was already in Dongfang Xuange's arms, and said, "I'll go find Yunyan."

(End of this chapter)

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