Chapter 495
Hearing Dongfang Minghao's words, she had no choice but to push the door impulsively, but Ximen held her hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go? I must eunuch that pervert today. If I let him talk nonsense, if I don't knock out all his teeth, I won't be called Dongfang Shihua." Dongfang Shihua wanted to shake off angrily. Ximen held her hand, but Ximen just looked at her coldly, "Dongfang Boyu will take care of it."


"Shihua." Dongfang Bolin said in a deep voice, "Don't meddle in this matter."

"Brother Bo Lin." Dongfang Shihua sniffed, "But that bastard..."

"Sit down." Dongfang Bolin was still very dignified. He looked at Brother Dongfangxuan, "How are the other matters handled?"

Dongfang Xuange pushed his glasses, and said calmly, "It will take ten days at the earliest to take over, but all the business related to him is absolutely riddled with holes."

In the room, Yun Yan's tears were streaming down desperately, clutching the quilt, she couldn't forget everything about that humiliation.there is no way to forget...

However, tears can only be like this.

She looked around the room, there was nothing sharp, but there was not even a knife to vent her anger.

She didn't know if Dongfang Boyu cared about what happened to her, but she couldn't let go of it.


She got out of bed, went to the bathroom, washed her face, made herself look normal, tied her hair, put on a new dress and coat hanging on the side, opened the door, and walked out of the room.

always have to face...

The people who were still talking saw Ximen looking up at the upstairs, and everyone's eyes were looking there. Yunyan looked calmly at the door where the miserable sound came out, and then walked down.

"Yunyan." Ximen was the first to greet her.

Yun Yan looked at Ximen gratefully. He was the person she saw before she fainted. She pulled the corner of her mouth slightly, showing an unnatural smile, "Ximen, long time no see."

Ximen looked at her worriedly, "Yeah." It's been a long time.

"Where's the baby?"

Just as she was talking, an aunt came in with a crying baby in her arms. Seeing Yunyan, she cried for Mommy.

Yunyan stepped forward to hug him, resisting the urge to cry, and looked back at everyone.She had seen most of the people present, except for the mature man wearing glasses, Dongfang Xuange who looked very gentle and refined, she had never seen before.

But she had already guessed the other party's identity, he should be the oldest Dongfang Xuange, the son of Uncle Dongfang Boyu.People in the Middle East.

"Thank you everyone." Yun Yan hugged the baby and looked at everyone gratefully, wanting to laugh but also crying.

"Yunyan." Dongfang Shihua stepped forward, "It's all over."

That's right, it's all over... But the hurt in her heart probably won't be over forever.

She hugged the child to Dongfang Shihua, with a pleading expression on her face, "Shihua, can you help me arrange a flight back to City I? I want to go back."


"The baby is still young, although he will yell for his mother at first, but he will get used to it after a while." She said with the corners of her mouth twitching. After thinking about it, the child should follow Dongfang Boyu.

She really has no way to protect the baby, even if she thinks that the baby belongs to her alone.But as long as you know that the child's father is Dongfang Boyu, those people will not care about your adult affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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