allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 498 The whole person is sad

Chapter 498 The whole person is sad
Dongfang Boyu stood up, "I'll take you back to City I."

He walked up to her and looked at her crying, but he knelt down on his knees with a plop.

Yun Yan was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

Dongfang Boyu pursed his lips, and said bitterly, "In this life, I have only kneeled on my ancestors. My father taught me from an early age that as the eldest son of the Dongfang family, I should always be straight on my knees, but..."

His eyes were filled with guilt, "I am the one who is sorry for you, Yunyan."

Yun Yan burst into tears, "Get up."

"I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just want you to know that no matter how noble my Dongfang Boyu's knees are, even if I kneel down, there is no way to make up for the pain I caused you."

He stood up slowly. He once knelt down on one knee to propose to her, but now he knelt down on both knees, just wanting to tell him that he hated it too, and hated himself for being so slow.

Turning around, he left slowly, and the figure behind him no longer showed any willpower.The whole person is sad.

Dongfang Shihua, who was hiding in the corner, burst into tears. Seeing Dongfang Boyu kneeling in front of Yunyan, she felt the same sadness.


The plane landed in City I, and it was clear that it was imminent, Yun Yan was holding her son in her arms and was reluctant to let go, but it seemed that she had no other choice but this.

Dongfang Boyu next to him was silent, probably because of blood relationship, the baby is much closer to him now, which also made Yunyan feel relieved.At least in the future when she is not around the baby, he can still cling to his father.

Dongfang Boyu didn't enter Yun's house, he just stood outside for a while, looked at Yun Yan and said, "I'll come to pick up the baby at night."

Their flight back to the United States was at midnight, and they had to fly to BJ from I City and then transfer to the United States. . .

Yun Yan nodded.There was no intention of inviting her to sit in.

At this moment, the door of the Yun family was opened, and Mrs. Yun wept with joy when she saw Yun Yan, "I'm finally home."

Dongfang Boyu watched the baby being carried in by Mrs. Yun. Although the two looked at each other for a second, Mrs. Yun didn't intend to welcome Dongfang Boyu in.

On the contrary, seeing the expression on Dongfang Boyu's face, she was still a little scared, and then closed the door with a bang.

A door panel cut off everyone's sight, Dongfang Boyu twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt that he really seemed to be disgusted by the Yun family.

Seeing this scene, Tianyu on the side was really speechless, how could he treat his young master like this.It's simply trampling the dignity and pride of others to pieces.

"Mom..." Yun Yan also noticed that her mother was closing the door too fast, so she yelled helplessly.

Mrs. Yun held her baby grandson and looked at Yun Yan nervously, "Yun Yan, tell me the truth, why is he there?"

"Mom..." Yun Yan didn't know how much she knew, but since she had been missing for so long, she probably knew a little bit.

There is no point in hiding some things, she said helplessly, "Mom, I think the baby is raised by him."

"...What?" Mrs. Yun screamed slightly, hugged her grandson tightly, and took a step back, "I don't agree, this is my precious son."

Seeing her like this, Yun Yan sighed inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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