allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 516 I Still Hate You

Chapter 516 I Still Hate You

 Just now, I was obviously talking about whether I was thirsty or not, but why did it end up being sex?A certain irregular hand was still on her hand, Dongfang Boyu embraced her and said, "Yunyan, can we get back together?"

Sometimes, what is missing together is such a formal sentence.

Yun Yan looked at him sideways, "Dongfang Boyu..."

"If you are worried about your family, in fact, I haven't done nothing in the past two or three years. Your mother still doesn't like me very much, but your father has agreed to us being together." He stroked Her hair, "You love me too, right?"

Yunyan remained silent.

"Should we continue to waste time like this?" He grabbed her hand, "I know about your brother, and what happened a year ago made you very disappointed in me, but..."

"Don't talk about it." Yunyan didn't want to remember that memory at all, she interrupted Dongfang Boyu and raised her eyes to look at him.

He has serious eyes and a solemn demeanor.

In fact, in the past two or three years of separation, she has also thought about it countless times, whether they will be together after having a child, or will they have nothing to do with each other.

"If my family can let go, we will be...together." She kissed his lips, then got out of bed and dressed, "Dongfang Boyu, you should know that family is very important to me." They only She has a daughter and she can't break their hearts anymore.

Therefore, if she is with him, she must obtain the consent of her family.

It's consent, not compromise, not half-heartedness.

What she needs is blessing, not compromise.

Dongfang Boyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay." As long as she let go, other people and things will not be difficult.


The car stopped in front of Yunyan's house, but she had no intention of leading him in, but directly closed the car door and said goodbye.

The lights in the hall of Yun's house were dimly on, and Yun Yan walked very lightly. At this time, Mom and Dad were already asleep.

But what she didn't expect was that Yun Yu came back.

At this moment, she was sitting in the living room, shaking a glass of red wine in her hand, sending it to her mouth one by one.

Yun Yan changed her shoes and looked at her, "Why are you drinking alone?"

Her relationship with Yunyu has become very good, and Yunyu sometimes comes back here for a night or dinner.

"Waiting for you." Yun Yan turned to look at her, and smiled, "Would you like to have a drink together?"

Yun Yan shrugged, "Okay."

She just wanted to have a glass of wine to clear herself up. Did she agree too impulsively just now? Judging by Dongfang Boyu's expression, he seems very confident?
Yunyu took the cup from the cabinet, poured a cup and handed it to her, "Come on, let's drink to our sisterhood."

 Yun Yan looked at her, Yun Yu looked normal when she got off work, why did she look sad?

Yunyan just took a sip, but Yunyu drank the whole cup, she looked at Yunyan, "Dongfang Boyu has come to City I?"

Yun Yan didn't hide anything, just nodded, "Yes."

"Were you together just now?" She asked again.

Yunyan looked at her suspiciously, not quite understanding what she wanted to say, "Yunyu..."

"Yunyan, actually, I think I still really hate you."

(End of this chapter)

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