allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 525 Proposal

Chapter 525 Proposal
Dongfang Boyu didn't speak, but unbuttoned it himself, revealing the pendant he was wearing, which was exactly the ring he proposed to her at the beginning.

He took it off, held it in his hand, and looked at her.

 Yun Yan stretched out her hand to him. This time, there was no romantic preparation for the proposal, but she felt heartwarming. She looked at him with a smile, and waited for him to put on this happy belated ring for her.

 "I love you." He hugged her and whispered contentedly.

He really didn't expect that the two of them would go on so smoothly all of a sudden.

Yun Yan also hugged him back, and whispered softly in his ear, "I love you too." This was the first time she said such a confession to him, and Dongfang Boyu even thought she had heard it wrong.

"What did you say?" Did he hear it wrong?
Yunyan hugged him tightly, "I love you, Dongfang Boyu." The years of separation have allowed her to figure out whether she loves someone or not.

She was so glad that he had been waiting with her instead of giving up.

Dongfang Boyu smiled very happily, extremely happy.


A sudden bang, bang, and bang interrupted this happiness for an instant.

Dongfang Boyu instinctively protected her in his arms, his face was cold, the window, several cars had already blocked the car's driving.

Someone in the car was shooting this way with a gun there.

A scene like shooting a movie suddenly happened in front of my eyes.

Yun Yan's face was pale, and she swallowed...

"Master." Tianyu's face was also very serious, "The road is blocked by them."

Even if the car has been specially treated, it can't stand up to other people's shooting.

It only takes Dongfang Boyu a second to know that it was Dongfang Minghao who gave others a clear indication of his whereabouts. These people have been waiting here for a long time, right?In a complex place like a prison, people from Dongfang's family can enter, as can others.

He said decisively, "Tianyu, Madam Hu, leave."

"What about you?" Yun Yan heard that he wanted to protect her to leave, she tensed his arm, "Aren't you going?"

Dongfang Boyu kissed her on the forehead, "Good boy, I'll be fine."

Yun Yan shook her head, "I don't..."

"Be obedient." Dongfang Boyu grabbed her hand and stroked the ring, "We are not married yet, and we have not given our son a complete family. I will not let myself have trouble."

Yunyan's eyes were red, and she also knew that the incident happened suddenly, she didn't understand anything, and she couldn't help at all.

Dongfang Boyu ordered Tianyu to escort her to leave safely, and he had to attract the other party's attention before they left safely.

The target of these people is nothing more than him.If it was as Dongfang Minghao said, these people should be people from the secret door.

 He pressed a certain button in the car, and then a hidden compartment of the car was suddenly opened, which contained the latest weapons.Yun Yan had already forgotten how to react, she just watched Dongfang Boyu holding those weapons and reloading them, and then gave her an affectionate look, "Protect yourself."

Then, without giving her a chance to say goodbye, she opened the door and got out of the car.

With the protection of the car, he guarded himself to the back of another car.

Yunyan heard a bang...

The exaggerated but real explosion sounded outside, and she suddenly heard the scene she encountered in Egypt many years ago.

His life is actually not that complicated, but it seems that she happens to be by his side every time he encounters such a 'black matter'.

(End of this chapter)

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