allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 531 I am going too

Chapter 531 I am going too
As soon as he said this, Yun Yan was a little dumbfounded. Did he mean to ask her not to mind too much?Because she always felt that it was her own incompetence that caused Dongfang Boyu to be tied up.

Although Xu Qingyou also persuaded her, she still thought this way.

Now that Dongfang Yun said this in front of everyone, is he hoping to clear up everyone's misunderstanding?
Yun Yan couldn't understand a word of the strategic arrangement mentioned next, what kind of mafia, what kind of white way... It sounded like a movie, but she knew what they were talking about when she saw everyone's expressions. It's true, not wishful thinking.

She couldn't understand it because she hadn't really integrated into this family yet.

After the home meeting, Yun Yan was still in the middle, why didn't she seem to understand at all... When she was doubting her IQ, she suddenly heard Dongfang Yun say, "When this matter is over, everyone, don't leave the United States in a hurry. , eat your nephew's wedding wine before going back."

Xu Qingyou finally had a chance to speak at this meeting, "Yes, Yunyan and Bo Yu's wedding date has been fixed, and it is already being arranged."

Then it was time for Yunyan to recognize her relatives, she was in a daze, why did she talk about the issue of marriage, just now she clearly talked about how to save Dongfang Boyu back unscathed, didn't she?
But seeing how confident everyone was, Yun Yan couldn't help thinking deeply, did she think too much?Maybe things weren't as dangerous as she thought?
After the time for family recognition was over, all the people dispersed, according to their strategic arrangements, they all rushed to their relatives, and the Dongfang family mansion became quiet all of a sudden.

Yun Yan still looked at Xu Qingyou in a daze, "Auntie..."

"It's almost time to call mom." Shihua pushed her and teased, "Ann, don't worry, our family is like this, there are kidnappings almost every year, just get used to it."

Xu Qingyou glared at her daughter, "Be careful to scare Yunyan."

"..." Kidnapped every year?Yun Yan held her son's hand tightly, to be honest, she was indeed frightened.

Xu Qingyou hugged his grandson, "You're not used to it yet, you'll understand when you stay longer. The Dongfang family..." Xu Qingyou thought for a while before saying, "They don't let the female relatives worry about anything."

"My daughter wants to be pampered." Dongfang Shihua answered, and then smiled mischievously at them, "I'll go find Brother Bo Lin."

Before Dongfang Bolin's car drove away, Dongfang Shihua got into the back seat of the car very neatly, and then rubbed up with a smiley face and said, "Brother Bolin, you are going, fuck me."

Dongfang Bolin just gave her a cold look, "Get out of the car."

"No, no." Dongfang Shihua grabbed his hand, wanting to play tricks to the end, "You guys must be going to do something important, and I will go too. I promise I won't hold you back."

"..." Dongfang Bolin sneered, "I won't hold you back, you are a three-legged cat..."

"The secret door caused me to fall into the sea back then, and I haven't settled with them yet." Dongfang Shihua let go, and the smile on his face faded, "Brother Bo Lin, I know you all dote on me, but I also want to participate. "

Dongfang Bolin fell silent, "At least I'm better than Cheng Yinuo, right?" Dongfang Shihua glanced at her lips, "You're biased, you take her everywhere, and you don't take me."

"When did I take her with me?" Did she see Cheng Yinuo's shadow?
(End of this chapter)

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