allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 541 I Really Mind 1

Chapter 541 I Really Mind 1
Yoshida Anna glared at her, hating this kind of enthusiastic people for no reason.

The girl felt uncomfortable when she looked at her, but she still said kindly, "We are about the same size, and this skirt should be suitable for you. It's getting cold again today. If you don't change the skirt, you will catch a cold easily. .”

Yoshida Anna only felt that her ears were buzzing, she didn't want to use other people's things, but now the skirt stuck to her body was indeed more uncomfortable.

"I haven't worn any." Seeing her hesitation, the girl smiled and said, a typical gentle Japanese woman.

"How much?" Yoshida Anna finally compromised, "Sell it to me."

"...No, you don't need money, you can wear it first, and return it to me later." The girl suddenly thought of something, and stuffed the skirt into Anna Yoshida, "I'm going to start work first, Anna, come on."

Suddenly there was an extra dress in her hand, this was the first time for Anna Yoshida to accept help from others, she couldn't even express this weird feeling. . . .

What's her name?She searched for memories in her mind, but she never remembered people she had no relationship with, so she couldn't think of her name after thinking for a long time.

Put on the skirt, as she said, Yoshida Anna really fits it well, but this fresh-looking skirt doesn't match her heavy makeup and hairstyle at all.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Anna Yoshida loosened her hair and pulled it back into a simple hairstyle worthy of the dress. As for the makeup... She looked at it, patched it up, and ignored it.

The person she was waiting for hasn't come yet, so there's no need to be so anxious to reveal the truth, is there?

It's just that no matter how she looks at herself, she doesn't have the feeling of a Japanese woman. This weird feeling comes out every time she looks in the mirror.

She asked Maruyama Yota if her mother was Chinese, but Maruyama Yota made it very clear that she was purely Japanese.

But the eyebrows... Well, she can only say that maybe she is 'crooked'.


In the VIP private room of the club, several well-known second-generation black men were talking there, when the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and the people who were talking in the room stopped talking and looked out the door.

Someone was the first to react, "Young Master Lin? You are really a compliment." After speaking, he stood up and greeted him.You must know that Dongfang Bolin does not participate in every such organization gathering. . .

Dongfang Bolin walked in, and the bodyguard standing at the door was about to search him, but Dongfang Bolin's bodyguard Tianlong yelled at him, "What are you doing?"

The bodyguard just said in a businesslike manner, "This is the rule. Everyone who enters the private room has been searched."

Dongfang Bolin took the cigar and lit it up, looked towards the private room, and then at Zhong Chuanjun who came up to meet him, "So your party has such a gauge?" In fact, everyone has such a gauge, but Dongfang Bo Lin still said so.

Zhong Chuanjun said with a smile on his face, "Young Master Lin, don't mind."

"I mind very much." After speaking, Dongfang Bolin turned around and was about to leave. .

"Young Master Lin." Zhong Chuanjun called him to stop, and then glared coldly at the bodyguard, "Are you blind? Is Young Master Lin an ordinary person? Young Master Lin can instantly kill you trash without a weapon."

(End of this chapter)

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