allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 559 You Are Still Not Going

Chapter 559 You Are Still Not Going
As if hearing some funny joke, the man turned his head and looked at her sarcastically, "Do you think I tear tomato juice on them?"

But...but, why kill?
They, they are innocent.Anna Yoshida looked at the western man, "You can knock them out..."

"As a killer, I never do such nonsense."

Kill...killer?real killer?
"If you don't leave, I believe that in a minute, the person lying on the ground will be yours." The Western man hooked his lips, "Because I am only responsible for opening your door."

Things have developed like this, and it doesn't make any sense to say anything more, but seeing the pool of blood on the ground, Anna Yoshida suppressed vomiting and left the apartment.

The Western man took her away from the neighborhood of the apartment and put her down in the downtown area, "You can go."

"Who are you? Why did you come to save me?" Yoshida Anna was not in a hurry to get out of the car, she had already calmed down, "How should I thank you?"

"You don't need to thank me, just remember that our common enemy is the Dongfang family."

The man forcibly pushed her out of the car, and then drove away. Yoshida Anna was still in a daze, looking at the night in the distance, there was no trace of the car.

Coincidentally, not far from the opposite side is the Yamamoto Cuisine that Yota Maruyama mentioned. Anna Yoshida walked over without thinking too much. Now, she needs a doctor to fix her bones.

When Anna Yoshida entered Yamamoto Restaurant, the boss who was coming down the stairs immediately recognized her and rushed over to greet her, "Please follow me."

Yoshida Anna didn't say anything, followed him upstairs, and just as he closed the door, the man who was still business-like before suddenly knelt down, "Miss."

Yoshida Anna also didn't ask him why she knew she was the eldest lady, but said, "Get a doctor, my hand is injured, and also, send someone to inform Maruyama Yota to come over."

Then, she was left alone in the room, and she needed to sort out her chaotic thoughts.

Perhaps from the moment she came out of the mountain, she had already started a bloody life with the gun of revenge, but... the bloody scene just now made her a little unacceptable.

It is one thing to receive the concept and training, but another thing to face it in reality.

At this time, Dongfang Bolin already knew, right?Do you think she killed him?Shaking her head, Anna Yoshida curled her lips ironically, so what if she thinks so?
He wouldn't call the police at all, and the police wouldn't deal with this kind of thing, it was a matter of morality.

The two of them had shocked her so much. She couldn't imagine the scene of her father, brother and the whole organization being washed in blood overnight. When she closed her eyes, she seemed to see a sea of ​​blood.

Perhaps, she understands why Maruyama Yota hates the Dongfang family so much.

Dongfangfeng, Dongfang Bolin... You all have to pay back your debts in blood!


After receiving the call from his subordinates, Tianlong went over to deal with the emergency in time, and when he returned to the mansion after inspecting the scene, Tianlong's face was rarely serious, "Master, it seems that the skill is not caused by Anna Yoshida, it's more like... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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