allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 564 The contacts left behind

Chapter 564 The contacts left behind

She felt herself backing down a bit, but she didn't have the right to back down.So, she still clenched the pistol tightly, and just looked at Maruyama Xuta puzzled, "Will there be no security check when the banquet enters?"

"This is specially made to avoid the security check tonight." Maruyama Yota looked at Yoshida Anna, he gave her the best education, and made her have no worries about food and clothing. She had to live under the halo of Miss Yamamoto , This is also the bargaining chip to condense the strength of the final Yamamoto group.

"You can't fail anymore, Miss." He looked at her seriously, "However, your own safety is the top priority. If you really can't, then retreat."

His first sentence was still very inhuman, but the second half moved Yoshida Anna a little bit. He still has some humanity, although not much.

"I know how to do it."

Apply heavy makeup, absolutely make Dongfang Bolin unable to recognize her makeup, in this era where ugly women can become beautiful with just makeup, this is not difficult, just ask a professional makeup artist.

When everything was ready, Anna Yoshida got into the car and attended the banquet as the female companion of a certain celebrity, but she still didn't know why Maruyama Yota had a relationship with this celebrity.

She only thinks that this is the network resource left by the former Yamamoto group.

There was a mini pistol on the inner thigh, and the tight evening dress fully showed her figure, but no one could see the mini pistol on her inner thigh.

After putting on makeup, it is true that people do not recognize her, but she forgot that some people can tell at a glance about her figure.

When she walked into the mansion arm in arm with the celebrity, Dongfang Bolin also got off his black car. Feng Shao has seldom attended receptions and banquets in recent years, even if it is very necessary, Dongfang Bolin Lin went instead.

People who understand have long had a tacit understanding. The car that the boss of the wind organization rides in is always black. As for the special order method, this is not known to outsiders.

"Master." Tianlong looked at the figure not far ahead, and whispered in Dongfang Bolin's ear, "She's here."

Hearing this, Dongfang Bolin only slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and then looked forward naturally, teasing Tianlong in a rather good mood, "You always see women with such precise eyes." To be honest, his first He didn't recognize her for a while.

Today her makeup is really... heavy, it doesn't match this banquet.

Tianlong's face did not change, "Master, let's go back." He had already guessed that someone might be ready to make a move tonight, but he still used himself as bait. If Master Feng knew about such a thing, Master would probably be severely punished, Send him to America for vacation or something.

Dongfang Bolin raised his eyebrows, "Go back? Of course not, are you all ready?"

"Someone has been sent to stand by."

"Very good, tonight I will find out who is behind this scene." Dongfang Bolin sneered.

"But young's too dangerous." Tianlong still wanted to dissuade, "What if..."

"You talk too much, Tianlong." Dongfang Bolin glanced at him, and then walked at the front desk. It is very strange to have such a banquet without a female companion, but Dongfang Bolin still did not bring a female companion to attend tonight.

 When Dongfang Bolin got out of the car, Yoshida Xingnai saw it, smiled and nodded to the celebrity who brought her in, and then let go to leave the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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