allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 567 Why Should I Accept Your Help

Chapter 567 Why Should I Accept Your Help
Anna Yoshida held a gun in her hand and was backing away. The girl beside her was bewildering her and saying something.

Dongfang Bolin who rushed out saw her looking at him with a cold face, pointing a pistol at him.


The sound of the police car approached from far away, Yoshida Xingnai closed her eyes, and shot in the direction of Dongfang Bolin.

bingo?Still missed?She didn't know, she only knew that she fired the first shot in her life when the police cars were approaching and when everyone was panicking.

It was completely different from the feeling of shooting a target before. This time, she shot directly at the people in the crowd.

That person is her enemy, the enemy who ruined her family.

She didn't even have time to think too much, all she knew was that it was him, his father, and his family made her even have no chance to pay homage to her family's cemetery
His hands were numb, I don't know if it was because of the shooting, or because of the previous fracture.

She got into the car passively, and in the car, she saw Yota Maruyama, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

She shoots, shoots in front of so many people...

I don't know if anyone took a picture of her face. I don't know if she will be picked up by the police. So this is the killer's world?
She didn't think it was so real before, but now she feels that she is truly living in such a world.

"Miss." Seeing Yoshida Anna's dumbfounded look, Maruyama Yota looked at her, "How are you?"

"It's okay." She hid all her emotions in her heart, and Anna Yoshida faced the person in front of her with a cold expression.

She looked at the girl who had just picked her up, she looked only in her teens, whether she was in her teens or had a baby face.

"Your gun just missed." The girl said coolly, "You really lost your status as the eldest lady of the Yamamoto-gumi."

Yoshida Anna's face was not good-looking at all, she looked at Maruyama Yota, "Who is she?" Even if she didn't behave very well just now, it was not her turn to teach her a lesson.

"You don't need to know who I am, all you need to know is that I will help you with the assassination of Dongfang Bolin."

"I don't need your help." For no reason, Anna Yoshida hated this girl very much, "Stop the car, I want to get off."


"Did you hear me when I said stop?"

"Miss has a lot of temper, but is the current Yamamoto group the same as the Yamamoto group more than [-] years ago?" The girl snorted coldly, "Without my help, it's only because you can kill Dongfang Bolin and avenge you." ? It’s a joke to be able to revive the Yamamoto group.”

The girl looked at Yota Maruyama, "Still, your self-confidence is too high? You tremble even when you shoot a gun. Is such a person worthy to be the eldest lady of your Yamamoto group?"

A sharp voice sounded beside her ears, Yoshida Anna was beaten to pieces by the girl.


"When you get on this car, you won't be able to stop if you say it stops, Yoshida Anna, you should think about how to accept other people's help." The girl peeled off the lollipop, "With the distance just now, you can definitely hit Dongfang Bolin's."

Yoshida Anna looked at her coldly, took a deep breath, and suppressed her pressure, "Who are you? Why should I accept your help?"

 "Because, only our organization can resist the Wind Organization." The girl licked the lollipop, "The Secret Door is the only organization in this world that can fight the Dongfang family to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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