allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 573 A Unique House

Chapter 573 A Unique House
Yoshida Xingnai took off her sunglasses. Last night's miss and the previous miss had taught her a lesson. She smiled slightly and said in Chinese, "Dongfang Bolin, we... will meet later."

Then he watched her walk inside.

He wanted to rush through the security line, but he also knew it was not possible. He looked at Anna Yoshida who was going away with a cold face, and he reacted, "Tianlong, go buy a plane ticket."

Her plane couldn't take off immediately, and he still had a chance to catch her.

However, when he passed the security check area and watched her walk in at the boarding gate again, as if seeing his sight, the corners of Yoshida Anna's mouth slightly raised, "You, you are still a step behind."

In public, he couldn't do it.Can't do it either.

Walking into the boarding passage, Yoshida Anna's figure was getting farther and farther away, Dongfang Bolin watched from a distance, and when Tianlong arrived, Yoshida Anna was no longer visible.


"Tianlong, I will catch this woman myself."

Tianlong didn't dare to answer the words, the young master was really pissed off, but this matter is no longer a matter of personal grievances, the boss held an X-level meeting yesterday.

Think about the meeting level of the organization, ABXY four levels, Tianlong X level meetings are not qualified to participate.Not even qualified to attend.

The Yamamoto group, that was the past, the glory of the Kyoto gang, but it is said that the BOSS was almost killed by the Yamamoto group at that time, and it was the clan leader who came forward to solve the largest gang.

Dongfang Yun is now the patriarch of the Dongfang family.

What kind of storm will the Yamamoto group set off this time?


City A, China

The plane landed in this seaside city, and Yoshida Xingnai walked out of the passageway, still recalling Dongfang Bolin's angry expression not long ago, compared with his cold expression, this kind of him made her more willing to take revenge.

And one more thing, did she miss him last night?

"I'm sorry." Suddenly a person stepped back and bumped into him, and the sound of apology sounded at the same time as he raised his head.

Because of too much force and too sudden, Yoshida Anna's sunglasses were knocked to the ground, she frowned, how could this person walk so bumpily.

Maruyama Yota stepped forward to find trouble, but Yoshida Anna signaled him to step back, bent down to pick up the sunglasses that fell on the ground, and looked at the person who bumped into her, "Be careful when walking next time." He said politely with a smile.

The man seemed to be only 22 or three years old. When he saw Anna Yoshida, he was slightly taken aback, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Putting back on her sunglasses, Anna Yoshida walked out of the airport, but she didn't notice that the man had been staring at her back for a long time.

"Why are you in a daze? Master Cheng." The friend found him and patted him on the shoulder, "Why, did you see a beautiful woman?"

"Tonight's beauty banquet is the highlight." The man gave his friend a sideways glance, and walked out of the airport together.

Y city

As a well-known local family, the Cheng family lived in a mansion built against the mountain, and there was a gate at the foot of the mountain. To reach the mansion, one had to drive through the gate and then take a detour.

The mansion retains the architectural characteristics of the Republic of China era, and the exterior still has the characteristics of the Republic of China period. There is a creeper planted on the other side of the wall. This dense plant has been carefully pruned and will not be blocked by the thick leaves. Living in the sun, on the contrary, in summer, the room in that direction also has a shady effect.

(End of this chapter)

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