allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 575 1 Stomach Fire

Chapter 575
The most beloved eldest son died in a car accident, and his daughter-in-law died in the car, leaving only Cheng Yinuo and his little granddaughter in the big house, but they got lost again by accident, and more than ten years passed in a blink of an eye.

Outside the window was a pruned creeper, Cheng Lao sighed, "Yinuo, my good granddaughter, when will Grandpa see you again."

City A

The house was built against the mountain, and it seemed that no one had lived in it for many years, and it was just cleaned casually. As soon as she entered the door, Yoshida Anna heard the sound of waves coming from the sea behind the mountain.

"Miss, you rest first." Maruyama Yota put away the luggage. After so many years, both of them are used to living together.

"Yang Taijun, have you made any agreement with the secret door group?" Although this house looks old, but with the current land price in City A, this place alone is worth a lot of money .

It is plausible that Japan’s Kyoto still has the former real estate of the Yamamoto group, but it is a bit doubtful if there is even a Chinese city A.

"No." Maruyama Yota shook his head in serious denial.

"I want to know something more about the secret door." Anna Yoshida sat on the bed, and it could be seen from the clean sheets that someone had already changed them before they arrived.

"What does Missy want to know?"

"Tell me everything you know." Anna Yoshida looked at Yota Maruyama. His loyalty to the Yamamoto group was different from his loyalty to her. She had already seen through all these years of training.

She now suspects that he has some kind of agreement with the secret door, thinking of the girl who looks like a doll, Yoshida Anna thinks of her contempt and contempt, and feels angry.

She will let her see her own strength.

"Actually, I don't know much." Maruyama Yota said honestly, "It's just that, more than [-] years ago, the reputation of the secret door was already well-known all over the world, especially in the killer world. , and few things are impossible, including the assassination of politicians."

"Such an organization has survived for so long because of the strong support behind it?"

"It was once rumored that the secret door is an organization with the powerful support behind the royal family."

"Royal family? There are not many royal families in existence today." Anna Yoshida looked at him, "The political power of the royal family has long been emptied, you mean, they put everything in the dark?"


"That's right, even though political power is evaded, the royal family's influence is still the greatest in the world." Anna Yoshida yawned, "I want to rest."

"Then I'll go out first."

"Wait a minute, isn't the sea not far behind us? Is there anyone living around here?" When she came by car just now, she didn't see anyone anyway.

"No, but there is a shooting range behind the mountain." Maruyama Yota looked at her, as if implying something.


After Maruyama Yota left, Yoshida Anna lay back on the bed. Was the shooting range prepared for her?Her skills are not the best, but there is no problem in self-defense, but she has always thought that she is qualified in skills. After facing Dongfang Bolin, she realized that she is so vulnerable.

She could knock down three or four grown men, but she couldn't knock down Dongfang Bolin.

 It can be seen that Dongfang Bolin received much stricter training than her. In terms of skill and strength, she couldn't beat him alone.

(End of this chapter)

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