allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 593 Remind her

Chapter 593 Remind her

The car parked in front of the apartment, but Cheng Yinuo sat in the car and didn't get out of the car for a long time.

The car was turned off, and she sat in the driver's seat. She didn't know how long she sat there, but she needed time to calm down from her discomfort and excitement.

She was afraid that she would get agitated, so she drew her gun and faced Maruyama Yota.

And compared to being ruthless, she is not as good as Maruyama Yota, who was born in a gangster.

Cheng Yinuo... This is her name, Yoshida Xingnai, there is no such person in this world, but the sad thing is that she has no way to use her name back now.

Maruyama Yota, if it wasn't for him, she would be the eldest daughter of the Cheng family now, living a happy life with rich clothes and good food and relatives.

If it weren't for him, her outlook on life for 19 years would not have nothing but hatred and revenge.

These missions that do not belong to her are none of her business, but he just imposed them on her and deceived her. She wished she could kill him with a single shot, but her reason told her that she couldn't.

The enemy of the enemy is one's ally, this golden saying is very suitable for her now, Dongfang Bolin is the ally she must seize.

He must be allowed to cooperate with himself to the end.

Holding the steering wheel in his hand, Cheng Yinuo suppressed the excitement in his heart. Only when Yota Maruyama dies can she have a new life. That's the only way.

She got out of the car, took a deep breath, and walked back to the apartment with an expressionless face.Sure enough, Maruyama Yota was already there waiting for her.

Just this kind of behavior of breaking into her place without asking, it has already shown that he has never respected her at all.

And she was so stupid that she didn't even doubt her identity.

"Why are you here?" Her face turned cold, and she put the car keys aside, "I said, I didn't call you, you can't break in here at will."

"Where have you been?" Maruyama Yota stood up, with a question in his words.

She stopped, turned around and looked at him coldly, "When will I report my whereabouts to you? Maruyama Yota, have you forgotten my identity?"

Her eyes were cold, this damn Japanese, if he hadn't kidnapped her to Japan, her life wouldn't be so gloomy.

Now she can't wait to stab him to death with a dagger, but he still dares to control her so much?

"It's good to know that I'm the eldest lady. Revenge is also a matter of my Yamamoto family. As a loyal subordinate, you only need to obey my orders, don't you?" She curled her lips sarcastically, "Or, do you think I Should I listen to you?"

Maruyama Yota looked at her, only felt that today she was sharp-tongued and seemed to be very emotional, "Miss, what happened?"

"What happened and what does it have to do with you? Yang Taijun, I know the matter of revenge myself. I don't want to hear disrespectful words again."

Maruyama Yota lowered his eyes slightly, "Yes."

"Go back if you have nothing to do." She didn't want to face him for another second, because every second she saw him would make her suffer for a second, and she was afraid that she would really be unable to hide her inner thoughts.

"Little Red Riding Hood invites you to meet at noon tomorrow." Maruyama Yota gave her a deep look, "I will accompany you tomorrow."

"No." She still turned her back to him.

"Turning your back on others is the most dangerous behavior, miss, you have violated the biggest taboo of a killer." Maruyama Yota reminded her.

(End of this chapter)

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