Chapter 607
Dongfang Xuange smiled slightly, "It's just a little effort."

Cheng Yinuo also wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked at Dongfang Xuange, "Thank you."

"I said, the person you should thank is Bo Lin." He looked at Dongfang Bo Lin, "The matter is over, have you gone back?"

Dongfang Bolin nodded and looked at Cheng Yinuo, "Miss Cheng and Mr. Cheng know each other, go back and enjoy the family happiness."

"Miss Cheng, goodbye." Dongfang Xuange waved to her, then left with a smile.

It wasn't until he got in the car that Dongfang Bolin asked his own question, "Didn't you realize that you are a little abnormally friendly to Cheng Yinuo?"

"Is there?" Dongfang Xuange didn't mean to admit it at all, "It's just a little effort."

"You have something to hide from me." Dongfang Bolin said with certainty.

Dongfang Xuange smiled slightly, "You think too much, brother."

"Hey, you're showing such a smile again, Xuan Ge, you must be planning something." Dongfang Bolin knew at a glance that he must have some conspiracy brewing.

"Although the old subordinates of the Yamamoto group have been dealt with, the matter with Little Red Riding Hood is still pending. What are you going to do next?" Dongfang Xuange avoided his question, "I'm going back to the Middle East for a week."


"There's something wrong with the Middle East, and I'm going back to deal with it."

"What's the problem?" He still needs to go back in person.

"Someone is smuggling arms under our noses." Dongfang Xuange raised the corner of his mouth, "Go back and have a look."

"Someone dares to smuggle arms under our territory?" Although several neighboring countries in the Middle East are really chaotic, and there have always been frictions over the years, but ordinary organizations cannot take over things like arms.

"Little Red Riding Hood's goal is the necklace. I will check the importance of that necklace by the way, so I will fly back to the United States first to ask."

"You haven't answered me why you are so special to Cheng Yinuo."

"..." Dongfang Xuange just laughed but didn't answer, which mysteriously made Dongfang Bolin's heart itch even more.


"This is your aunt." After the grandfather and grandson recognized each other, Cheng Lao remembered the daughter next to him, "It's called aunt."

"Aunt." Cheng Yinuo looked at the woman, she was well maintained, she looked only in her early thirties, but at her grandfather's age, she guessed that her aunt should be at least forty.

The last time I saw her on the road was also supporting her grandfather. It seems that the relationship between the father and daughter is very good.

"Hey." Cheng Xianxian's eyes were also red, "It really looks like a sister-in-law. Nuonuo, my aunt and grandpa have been looking for you for 15 years..."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red again.

15 years... Cheng Yinuo nodded, "I finally see you."

"If Mr. Dongfang hadn't told us, we would never have thought that you were in Japan. When I saw you on the road last time, I recognized you as my granddaughter at a glance." Mr. Cheng said with a smile and emotion, "Just find it and find it. Let's go back to City Y overnight."

"Go back to City Y overnight?" Cheng Yinuo was startled by such an urgent arrangement.

"Do you have anything else to do in Tokyo?" Seeing her reaction, Mr. Cheng said, "If you have something to deal with, Grandpa is waiting for you."

"No..." What else does she have to deal with in Tokyo?

(End of this chapter)

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