allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 611 Good Genes

Chapter 611 Good Genes
"...Well, good." After taking the clothes brought in by the servant, Cheng Yinuo went back to the room to change, and found that the size was just right. These should be sent by grandpa, right?

After freshening up and going downstairs, the Cheng family's living habits are still quite strict, and everyone has already woken up for breakfast.

When Cheng Yinuo saw the big family, she was a little stunned, but she quickly realized, "Good morning, Grandpa." As for the person next to her, she didn't know which one was the uncle and which was the second uncle, so they were all general. He said, "Morning, everyone."

"Morning." Cheng Xianxian came out of the kitchen, "Nuo Nuo, you woke up so early? Dad told me not to disturb you just now."

Cheng Yinuo had an embarrassed smile on his face, "I usually wake up at this time too."

"Come on, Nuonuo, sit beside Grandpa." Mr. Cheng loved this returning granddaughter very much, and he didn't make any secrets of his love, it was just so obvious.

Both Cheng Xianhe and Cheng Xiantao glanced at their sons, could their grandsons be inferior to their granddaughters?Why don't you bastards hurry up and try to please Grandpa?

Cheng Lan and Cheng Zi received a reminder from their parents, so they quickly acted obediently and said, "Grandpa, I'll get you some porridge."

"I'll get you milk." The two were unwilling to lag behind, and tried their best to behave like filial grandsons.

Cheng Yinuo looked at them. They were the same age, and she really didn't know which was which.

"Nuo Nuo, sit down, do you prefer Chinese breakfast or Western breakfast?" Mr. Cheng asked lovingly, "It won't be Japanese style, right?"

"I'm not picky about food." Cheng Yinuo smiled slightly, and sat down beside Cheng Lao, "Chinese and Western styles are fine."

"Don't be picky eaters... Nuonuo, you have been suffering outside for so many years." Thinking of his two grandsons who are picky eaters and refuse to eat many things, Mr. Cheng felt distressed, "Then you eat this crystal dumpling, these are from the kitchen. The ones made here are not delivered from restaurants.”

"Thank you grandpa, you eat too, grandpa." Cheng Yinuo took a piece of crystal dumpling for Mr. Cheng, and looked at him with a smile.

"This child...Okay, grandpa eats, I eat." As he spoke, Mr. Cheng laughed, as if enjoying the scene of grandparents and grandchildren loving each other very much.

Others, however, were completely ignored.

It's not that Mr. Cheng doesn't love these sons and grandchildren, but what they have done these years has chilled his heart. Although he doesn't say he is divorced, he still allows them to fight to the death and live on their own.

"Dad." Cheng Xianhe coughed lightly, and took the initiative to find a topic by himself, "Nuo Nuo looks like a sister-in-law."

"The eyes are like big brother's." Cheng Xiantao said not to be outdone.

Mr. Cheng was in a good mood. Seeing that his two sons were kind to his granddaughter, he didn't care about them. He followed their topic and said, "Yes, when I first saw Nuonuo, I thought so. She looks like Her mother's eyes are very similar to her father's."

"But Dad, there are quite a few people who look alike in this world, and plastic surgery is so popular now..." Cheng Xianhe's wife Miao Qingli said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Cheng Yinuo looked up at her, with a well-maintained face and a well-maintained figure, average in appearance, but very noble.

"Yes. I have been looking for Nuonuo for so many years and there is no news. Suddenly...Dad, I think it's better to test the DNA."

(End of this chapter)

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