Chapter 102
For a moment, Lan Fengyi's head was about to explode!Warcraft, how could she have that thing!There is a thunderbolt unicorn beside the monster, but the unicorn is not aggressive at all, even if it is released, it will not help.Needless to say, on the other end, the delicious mouse has no other purpose except to eat.

"It's over!" Clutching her forehead, Lan Fengyi looked helplessly at Zhan Feng beside her, wishing to punch the person in front of her to death with one fist, all the preparations she had made were useless, if there were no monsters, she would have been eliminated immediately!

Zhan Feng shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, your strength is stronger than them. When the time comes, you can go up with that stinky mouse. You can also fool around and say it is a monster. Then pour soy sauce and relax. If you win the game, it’s okay.”

"That's right." Hearing what Zhanfeng said, Lan Fengyi realized it.

The two above are considered to be beauties, and their clothes fluttered, making people stunned. In addition, when the six-star monsters surrounded them, one green and one blue released two kinds of vindictiveness, gorgeous Incomparable!

It's really fascinating to watch.

In the end, under the attack of the blue-level beauty, the green-level girl was defeated. During the whole process, she didn't even shed any blood, it was just a superficial battle.It's really ridiculous to bring such ignorant fighting to the table.

Peeling the bananas, Lan Fengyi's heart trembled when she saw the next two people going up. The masked man had already stepped onto the stage, and opposite him was another blue-level Dou Qi master student. This is clearly an egg hitting a rock!
"Dongming Kingdom is cold, Qingyu Guoxianglin." The instructor stood on the top and looked at the two, waved his hand casually, and signaled the two to start.After all, it was just an assessment, and it wasn't that formal.

The one named Leng Ran was the masked man, but when he stretched out his right hand, a black poisonous snake appeared in his hand.Xianglin on the other side didn't even frown, just tapped his right hand, only heard a loud "roar", and the big eagle with several heads appeared on the competition stage.

Warcraft is the opposite of the snake and the eagle, but the man is the opposite.Zhan Feng smiled secretly, this match is really nothing to watch.

Lan Fengyi didn't think so, she possessed a sensory ability that even a battle qi master didn't have. The black poisonous snake was just an ordinary animal, and it didn't even have a class.Against the backdrop of his right hand, it looks like a fighting spirit beast, in fact...

Is it just perfunctory?After all, facing a blue-level battle qi master, there is no need for him to show his true strength.Any animal can be regarded as worthy of the Xianglin in front of him.

"Start!" The cold voice only echoed after the teacher walked down.

Fast, too fast!The moment the teacher finished speaking, the black figure moved!That speed has already surpassed Lan Fengyi, and even Lan Fengyi's eyes couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

But seeing Leng Ran as if he was strolling, he had already walked in front of Xianglin in just a second, and he didn't want to waste too much time, so he slammed his right hand forward fiercely.Xiang Lin, who was originally standing on the martial arts platform, couldn't reflect it at all.When he felt that he was injured, he realized that he flew out together with the big eagle beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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