Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 113 The Illusion Deduces the World

Chapter 113 The Illusion Deduces the World (1)
The reception and quasi-mention are all exciting.The joy in my heart was even more difficult to control, and I immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness."

Chen Xin nodded in relief, and Pan Gu was also watching this scene happily.Pangu knew how difficult it was to become a disciple of the big brother Chen Xin, not only his aptitude and understanding, but more importantly, his love.Having the last point can be regarded as the biggest barrier to entry, and the previous point is at most a kind of deletion.

Afterwards, Chen Xin specially talked about the Dao for the two of them. Although I just talked about it, what I'm talking about now is the existence above the way of saints, and they need to experience it themselves to go further.

After Chen Xin finished speaking, a mysterious and hazy scene appeared in his eyes, and then shot out from his eyes, appearing in front of them.

This is a world, where there are also all kinds of creatures, all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, as if they have not been discovered, and have existed for many years.If you look carefully, there are still some creatures nervously stationed in front of an incomparably mysterious gate. They guard the gate with dedication, and they don't seem to open and release at will.

A burst of unreal and real pictures flashed in everyone's eyes, and Chen Xin's voice passed through the endless illusion: "This is another world, that is, the other side of the sealed door, let's take a look."

This is the world of Rostami. They have the same incredible power. For the existence of the saint level, they call it the master of the sky, and for the person who opened the sky, they call it the god of creation.Under the Sky Master, there are endless races. Some races can stand before many races, such as the gods and demons among them. They have inherited the blood of the Sky Master and have endless power.

The power of this world: Creator God, Heaven Master, Controller, Law God, Unity God, Ancient God, God God, High God, Middle God, and Lower God.

These two races were created by the combined efforts of the Heaven Master of Yang and the Heaven Master of Yin, so they can be regarded as brothers.It was like this at the beginning, but with the development of the world, for example, these two races also became increasingly disputed, and finally fell apart.Brothers turned into enemies, and mutual beliefs began to change, and the yin and yang masters were also forced to separate their beliefs.

Not only the gods and demons, but also the earth warriors and the titans. These two races also possess the power of the earth and believe in the goddess of the earth, but it is because of their commonality that they have disputes. Not wanting to share one's favorites with others, or wanting Mother Earth to love a race herself, so the final battle took place.

Fortunately, there are countless planes in this world, and these races do not appear in one plane at the same time. Even if there are intersections, there are not too many, and there are not many disputes between them.But once the focus exists, it will be an endless situation. For these external enemies, the races of the same plane will temporarily put aside their grievances, and jointly deal with the invading enemies and repel them.This common sense still exists, and the survival of each other is even more connected, and they cannot escape even if they want to escape.

Of course, it's not that they haven't thought about the strategy of differentiation, but it's extremely difficult to implement, let alone the resistance between the planes, the pressure is so huge, even the law gods of various races will not be spared if they are not careful.

The pressure between the planes is too great, and it is not so easy to get along with each other. Xu De should be very careful.

The relationship between the races seems not so harmonious, and the human race naturally exists. Their race of creatures exists in the largest world. It is called the main material plane by the world of Rostami, and it is the main material plane of all planes. The foundation is also the weakest plane, and the lower gods alone cannot survive in it, otherwise the plane will fall apart.

It can be seen how important this main material plane is, so that once the creatures who have become gods are forced to leave, even the battle between them can only be limited to the human race or the races that live on the main material plane. It's hard to survive.This also guaranteed the safety of the human race, a weak race, to the greatest extent, and it was also the longest-lived race.

There are too many races destroyed. It is said that since the last time this space channel was opened, billions of years have passed. Many races have been submerged in history, and no one can verify it. Their existence was as if they had never appeared before. All of these were too strong and destroyed so thoroughly that even the remains were rarely left.

It can be seen that the battles in this world are extremely fierce. Even now, there are still battle scenes in many planes in this picture. As for how they attract and guide others now, they will not know, but this kind of information is extremely important of.

As the saying goes, only by mastering a certain amount of cognition can a perfect plan be formulated and the least casualties be achieved. This is the result they want.Now that a preliminary cognition has emerged, then waiting is for them to adjust their own fighting plans. As for how to fight, it is their own business, and Chen Xin can be regarded as giving them a kind of guidance.

The advantage already exists, as to whether they can grasp it, it depends on their own wisdom.

The screen changed rapidly, and soon they came to the main material plane. The human race is what they want to recognize, and only the human race can gain their approval.

Among the human race, there are battle scenes, among which the belief war is the most important. They are attracted or confused by the power of those powerful races, and they will believe in these powerful races, but in the end, such a war happened inside themselves.The horror of the war of faith is reflected in this. They are fanatical and abnormally sick. Their hearts no longer exist, and only the gods in their hearts replace them. They are almost just puppets. Such a human race makes them very disappointed.

The screen turned again, and there was a force among the human race who dared to resist the belief, but almost all of this force was suppressed in the end, and even if it existed, it was very weak.This is all because the main material plane is so huge that even the gods can't fully understand its mysteries, let alone those races who call themselves gods, or the human races who believe in these races, or other races on the main material plane.

Gods exist, but this kind of gods are born, not conceived, so they can be regarded as real gods. As for the acquired birth, they can only be regarded as stronger creatures, not real gods.On the contrary, the weak creatures regard the creatures of these powerful races as gods and enshrine them in their hearts, in order to give themselves a little guarantee.

The creatures are ignorant and don't know the classification of races. Even if they are enlightened, they are only a few strong ones.

It's not that there are no strong men in the human race, it's just that there are too few of them. Most of these strong men hide themselves, and they won't show up until the critical moment. They are also working hard to cultivate, in order to make the human race stand tall among all races. Lin, no longer be vassalized by other races, no longer ignorantly worship other races, for this step they do their best and do their best.

But in the end, it was still defeated by the ignorant people of the human race, or because the strength of those belief races was too strong, they still couldn't solve this problem perfectly.The human race has always been in an extremely passive situation. If they want to regain their lives, they must go through a huge change. Without a major change in the world, it is impossible to change everything about the human race.

The opening of the seal door this time is a kind of expectation for the strong people of the human race. They hope that such a war will distract the attention of those races, so that the race itself or its huge development can realize the dream of self-reliance. Although It's a bit far away, but it's not impossible. In this way, the strong people of the human race are looking forward to this alien space war even more.

It is certain that war will kill people. As for which side will win, it is unknown. What will happen to the future of the human race will also be an important proposition. Whether the human race can seize this opportunity depends on whether they have the ability to break free.

Thought is the most invisible existence, and it is also the place that hinders the progress of the process. It is also the key to open a new era. The existence of thought is already an inevitable contradiction, and at the same time, it provides corresponding opportunities for the two to deal with the relationship between each other. .

The human race is struggling with faith. Whether the ignorant thoughts can be overcome and turned into their own strength depends on whether the spear is strong or the shield is strong.As long as the sharp spear penetrates all obstacles, no matter how strong the shield is, it will be broken, and the new life of the human race will come. The expectation of this day is the greatest ideal for the strong human race.

The screen changed at the same time, but what appeared were sleeping creatures one by one. At this time, the sleeping gods seemed to be induced by some kind of sensation, and they opened their sharp eyes one after another, and their eyes pierced through the endless starry sky.Even the guide and Zhunti who were watching at the scene felt a bit big-headed. Fortunately, it was just big-headed, and they were not afraid, which showed that they did not take it seriously.

In the depths, in the depths, several sleeping creatures appeared, they slowly opened their eyes, revealing the endless void, and all kinds of starry sky flowed in it, allowing the guidance and Zhunti to start Pay attention to it.This is where they are worth paying attention to. The level of saint existence, it really is not so easy to die, it turns out that they are all asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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