Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 129 Killing So Fast

Chapter 129 Killing So Fast

The road is rustling, the street is full of murderous aura, the cold air is blowing people, life and death are boundless, so sad.

Everything on the street has already shown that death does not turn back, Chen Xin sighed helplessly, life and death, death and life, which comes first and which comes after, who can tell the difference.

Although the two daughters of Luo Misi have some strength, but now their weak strength is not worth seeing at all, and it is useless at all. If you tell the power behind them, it may be useful, of course, this is the case when there is no will to die.Now, I'm afraid it's too late, everything is like life and death, no matter which one needs to be paid.

Spike looked at Chen Xin with dead eyes. In his eyes, no matter how powerful Chen Xin was, he couldn't resist the elite of thousands of riders. What's more, there were masters in command, and it was easy to destroy him.Speek didn't have any extra words, and directly represented everything with gestures. With a wave of the gesture, the shock waves of Qianqi suddenly came out collectively.

After Chen Xin saw it, she still drank a small drink calmly, without a trace of resistance in her eyes, as if she was waiting to be killed.Not only Chen Xin, but also those who are in the dark, especially those who protect Luo Misi, have shouted loudly. They regret it now, if only they had pulled their lady out earlier, how could it be possible now? Do it?

It's impossible to stop it, Qianqi's shock wave is not a joke, it is completely lethal, and I can only watch it happen, and I can't do anything.


Chen Xin sighed again, he was lamenting for the innocent creatures, lamenting that they didn't take good care of their lives.Life is not used to kill innocent people, but to be cherished. A precious life will be lost, and an innocent life will become the cause and effect of fate, and it will be difficult to escape.

Following Chen Xin's sigh, under the tiny sound wave vibration, Qianqi's shock wave really couldn't get within a step, just like just now, there was no power to enter Chen Xin's surroundings, and of course the safety of Luo Misi's two daughters was also included.

The appearance of this scene immediately reproduced the scene just now, which surprised many people who were secretly observing. What kind of strength is this? It is impossible for those who possess such power.

Spike's side was hit even harder, especially now that Spike was terrified in his heart, but it seemed that in order to drive away the fear, he immediately shouted frantically: "Come on, Lord Inspector, he may have arrived The limit is reached, if you do it again, you will definitely be able to defeat him, you will definitely win."

But the inspector ignored him. The current situation has already explained everything. He doesn't have such a strong strength. If he does it again, he might really be able to break through. Thinking carefully in his heart, he struggled even more.

The inspector ignored Speke, but the other cavalry obeyed, and immediately sent out a thousand cavalry shock wave again. The vast force concentrated the impact, and the houses on both sides were rolled up and thrown, and the street has become wider. , which doubled the distance, the only snack bar where Chen Xin was located could exist.

The misfortune of living beings happens in this way, and lamentation is irrelevant. Since we don't cherish life, there is nothing we can do about it.There is also a price to pay if you want to watch, even if it is a fluke in your heart, you cannot stop it.

Looking at all this, Chen Xin felt helpless in her heart. Everything is causing trouble to the upper body. This means that if she does not seek trouble, trouble will come to her door. It is almost impossible to escape the grievances and hatreds in the world. As long as she is here in the world, You can't escape, so you can only enjoy and share such a wonderful existence of life.

Fighting may be a kind of struggle in life, a kind of helpless self-struggle, but it is not a wonderful part of life. If there is no fighting, the world will become ordinary, and all the wonderful things will become mediocre.

Even if it was the shock wave that came again, it was still suppressed by the tiny vibration wave from Chen Xin's knock on the table, as if it couldn't be simpler, and it could show that different people have different strengths.

"People need self-knowledge, but they are always self-righteous. They just can't listen to other people's words. This is your choice. Hehehe, life is so wonderful, and you really want to end again. It has to be said that it is a tragedy in life. There are people out there. , There is a sky beyond the sky, don't think of yourself too strong, that is just an act of disdain by the strong, and an ant is always an ant."

Following Chen Xin's words, those imprisoned shock waves were the two shock waves that directly melted together, and finally formed a more powerful shock blade.These impact blades were visible to the naked eye. Countless extremely compressed impact blades stayed in the air, waiting for Chen Xin's order. As long as an order was given, countless lives would die.

Chen Xin stood up, looked at the group of people in front of her, there was no meaning in life, and she said plainly, "Go."

The countless shock blades suddenly became incomparably fast, and they existed for just a moment, passing through the barrier of space, reaching their target in an instant, and then shuttled past, so that all the shock waves finally disappeared under Chen Xin's thoughts At that time, the Qianqi became even more fragmented, without even a complete limb, it was completely destroyed.

Among these people, only the inspector survived, because he was clever enough not to launch an attack, otherwise his fate would be the same.At this time, the inspector was already stunned, and his heart was completely filled with fear. What a powerful existence this is.

He couldn't find the answer, and the others couldn't find the answer either, so they could only look at all this in their hearts with fear.

However, among them, there was a group of people who became very excited after being afraid. Naturally, this group of people were those who secretly protected Luo Misi. If he can do anything, if he can get his support, the strength of the family will increase countless times.

This group of people thought very well, even if it really came to that point, Chen Xin would not do that, let alone it is far from here now, at least Chen Xin doesn't know it.

Chen Xin shook her hand, and without looking at the last person, she put the gold on the table, got up and left.The second daughter of Luo Misi naturally followed closely behind. They are already worshiped and can no longer be worshiped. With such a powerful strength, no one can stop his existence. He can get what he wants in the world. When I think about it, I blush.

When Chen Xin and the others left, the inspector was already covered in sweat, and the horse under him was unable to move. Although there was not much blood on the street, pieces of debris still existed, and not all disappeared, because of this, It made him feel incomparably terrified. Even killing people is so simple and clean. With such strength, who can stop him.

It's not that Chen Xin can't eliminate them all, but he wants to give those people a warning. He doesn't want to be pestered all day long. He hates trouble, so let's use this as a warning. If they are still like this, then you can't blame him. means.

Not to mention how Chen Xin is doing now, just the people in the dark are already busy going around, when did such a powerful person appear, it was simply something out of nothing.This point is a somewhat explainable answer. After all, Chen Xin is not a creature in this, this world, or these countless planes. He comes from another world of heaven, an existence at the same level as Dao.

Everything became silent. At this time, the inspector came back to his senses. After looking at everything around him, he immediately urged his horse and galloped away. It was really the result of fear. Such a character, their family It is definitely not to be offended. Once they find trouble with their family, it will definitely be a disaster for the family, or even the end of destruction. They must be recognized clearly.

The night was pretty good, and the events of the day did not affect Chen Xin's happy mood, and she still enjoyed the exquisite dinner as usual.As for the second daughter of Luo Misi, they have become thick-skinned, and they have to treat guests with their hearts. Anyway, it is completely unreasonable to reason with women. It is better not to talk about how much food women can eat.

Because of this, Chen Xin has been entangled for the past few days. Whether it is eating or going out on the street, she is stalked by the second daughter. The head of my heart is about to grow bigger.Even though Chen Xin hinted several times, the two women didn't seem to care, they didn't care about Chen Xin's feelings at all, they were still pestering him.

In the end, Chen Xin had no choice but to let them pester them. Fortunately, tonight was the time for the auction, which was also the time for the auction at the Jifu store.They naturally knew about the incident caused by Chen Xin, and they were also in a cold sweat. If they hadn't been cautious at the beginning, they might not have made the deal and would have risked their lives. This is definitely a loss-making deal.

Fortunately, when they first got to know the current affairs, the relationship between them was not bad. Today, the invitation was sent immediately. Although I had the certificate before, I still can't neglect him. This way, I can show more respect. At least it can arouse a certain degree of goodwill. I believe he will like it. of.This point is quite to Chen Xin's appetite, it is true, although it is not big, but it still has face, how can you not like it.

Chen Xin didn't have anything to prepare for, he planned to go after dinner, but the second daughter followed all the time, of course they knew about the invitation, as for their identities, they still kept a secret and didn't reveal it, just hoped that Chen Xin wouldn't have any The psychology of contempt thinks that all nobles are like this.Even thinking like this, there is still a certain amount of uneasiness in my heart, and I am worried all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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