Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 160 Both advance to the 9th orifice point

Chapter 160 Both Advance to the Ninth Acupoint
A stalemate war is the most terrifying. It is difficult to know who will win and who will lose. Without an absolute advantage, it is too difficult to tell the winner.

"Are you a little worried and want to go down to help? Do you know why the current situation has become like this? This is different from one time to another. Don't take everything for granted, or you will fail sooner or later. In your hands, there must be absolutely no hesitation or a sense of security, there is no absolute safety in battle, and you need to be vigilant with all your heart."

"You still have a lot to learn now. Don't get excited about this little thing. You can never let go of the worries in your heart. Although you need to be extremely careful in battle, you can't have the slightest worry. That will only make you die faster. Now that you have Once you decide to fight, you must fight wholeheartedly, even if you die, there is no absolute existence in this world."

"Looking at you, I don't think so much in my heart. I won't make a move. These things have the meaning of the mortal world. Every living being has its own meaning. Killing it for no reason will make the balance Brokenness, for one world, must be very bad, and it is very difficult to adjust, you need to want a little more, and you need to see more."

Seeing that the second daughter still hadn't changed much, Chen Xin shook her head helplessly, "If you want to go, go, but remember, you must use your power when fighting, and I will take you with you if you fail." Get out of here, you know?"

The second daughter was so happy that she obviously didn't understand the meaning of it. She didn't know what it meant to leave, so she rushed out without even thinking about it. Maybe this was an infection of racial thoughts in this world.Chen Xin smiled helplessly, that's right, it can affect so profoundly, it seems that the human race on the main material plane is not simple.

After the second daughter rushed out, her strength was at full strength, showing the peak strength of the Eight Great Acupoints, flying straight to the seawall, and then automatically outputting energy, stabilizing the originally unstable energy shield again.

You must know that the second daughter is a strong person who has opened the eighth orifice point, and even a strong person who has stepped into the ninth orifice point. Her strength is definitely stronger than the combination of the power of these ordinary pulse masters, and she is even stronger. Does not include the energy in their original body.These energies were kept by the various fairy fruits and wines that Chen Xin gave them in the past.

The appearance of the second daughter shocked everyone, and the second daughter was obviously dressed as a woman, and she was even younger. She actually had the strength to open the eighth acupoint, but in the eyes of the strong man at the ninth acupoint, it was obvious It can be seen from Nengmai Shield that the taste of vague combination is the prerequisite for moving towards the ninth orifice point, otherwise no matter how peak you are, you will not be able to step into the realm of the ninth orifice point.

It can be seen from this that the appearance of these two women shocked the strong man who opened the ninth orifice point, and he did not understand how and why they came here. Could it be that they came for the title? If so It doesn't have to be.In the empire, once the strong man who opened the eighth acupoint, he will automatically be rewarded, and the title is definitely the minimum, so there is no need to work so hard.

Thinking about it, looking at it again, the strong man who opened the Ninth Acupoint suddenly understood that these two women wanted to take this opportunity to develop the power of the Ninth Acupoint, and develop their own strength desperately, for the purpose of To be able to have top-notch strength earlier.

Crazy is still too crazy. Even if it takes a little time to advance to the promotion with peace of mind, it doesn't take too long. The second daughter is so young, so I don't have to worry about it. How can I come here? Although I don't understand, now is not the time to talk, and you must not be distracted at this time. The most important thing right now is to hold on, since you are here, come now.

When the strength of the two women's whole body and mind is exerted, as time goes by, the two vein shields outside their bodies are more and more exhausted, and gradually converge to the location of the last vein shield above the head, which is where all the power is gathered. place.

If even the last pulse shield can disappear, then you will be able to experience the undeniable strength, and you will have the opportunity to achieve the opportunity to open the tenth orifice, that is the acupoint of Tianling, the image of the sky, and the complete fusion of itself The existence of all the powers in this way is the energy that can most thoroughly develop the full potential of a pulse practitioner, which is very reasonable.

The phenomenon of the second daughter is naturally seen by everyone. At the same time, they also understand that this is the appearance of promotion. Only when they are promoted, the pulse shield will change and move. Otherwise, it is impossible to move at ordinary times. Therefore, It can be seen how tempting it is for them to advance. The second daughter is now the best example. As long as they persist, they may be able to succeed.

Strength is also the purpose. After life is guaranteed, strength is the greatest guarantee to ensure the existence of life. This is a kind of interrelated meaning, which cannot be consumed because of it, nor should it lose due vigilance , which is absolutely not allowed.Everyone present understood this matter very well, so they worked hard one after another, thinking that they could do the same.

Such a rare phenomenon is very rare. Although it is not impossible to advance in battle, it is very rare to advance at such a peak. It is very likely that you have never seen it. No matter what it is, it is very enviable.

Promotion means the improvement of strength, and at the same time, it has many meanings. Status, wealth, and rights will all exist. Those are all based on strength. Without strength, even nobles will be looked down upon by others. He might still die in the hands of a killer. What's the point of such a nobleman? It's not as peaceful as a commoner.

The performance of the two girls is naturally presented in Chen Xin's eyes. Chen Xin has long known that this day will come. After all, the energy stored in their bodies is too rich. As long as they work hard, they can advance. This time, they need to use their strength constantly , and then skillfully use the power in their bodies, so as to better ensure the stability of promotion.

Promotion is not an easy matter. Once you are oppressed or unable to bear the pressure in your heart, then the promotion will fail. If you fail, you will lose all the possibility of promotion. In severe cases, you will drop several levels. In this case , How many people can successfully advance to the eighth and ninth orifices? How difficult is it to advance in battle?
These are the problems, don't doubt it, it's all real, not illusory.

Those present, in fact, many people still don't want the second daughter to advance successfully. This kind of jealousy will make them feel unbalanced, without a stable mood, and it will be even more difficult to continue fighting. Because of this, the teachers are full of jealousy, which makes them unable to concentrate, and finally they are overwhelmed by the pressure and fall down.

Although most of these are still low-level pulse masters, it can show that their psychology is developing in the future, and even such a point has to be jealous. Do they have a reason to be jealous, not to mention what time it is now, and they still think about it. To be jealous is not purely courting death. No one will feel ashamed because of this, they can only feel ashamed.

Many pulse masters have seen such a scene, and they are quite sad in their hearts. Originally, these pulse masters may have the opportunity to advance again, but now they are afraid that whether they can save their lives is still a problem. And lack of strength.

"What are you looking at, concentrate on dealing with it, do you all want to die in the hands of sea monsters? If so, you all retreat, you are really useless cowards, you can't even resist such a little thing, what is the use of you?"

A loud shout came from everyone, and everyone was clear about it. They immediately understood that now is the time to need strength, and there are two powerhouses at the eighth acupoint who want to step into the realm of the ninth acupoint. It will be easier to resist the sea monster's attack this time, and the strong who opened the ninth orifice will not come to snatch things from them, so I am relieved after thinking about it.

The heart can't be too bad, nor can it be too weak, the meaning of needing them is even more.Everyone who came back to their senses no longer paid attention to the situation of the second daughter. Only a few capable pulse masters watched. On the one hand, they wanted to make friends, and on the other hand, they wanted to ensure the perfect attack of the sea monster. Resistance, thus ensuring the absolute advantage of Linhai City.

From this first attack, even the strong man who opened the ninth orifice joined in ahead of time, it can be seen that it is extraordinary. If you really want to perfect this point, you need more strength and more concentration up.

Luo Misi and Xiao Ai are naturally aware of their own changes, and they are very happy in their hearts. Only in this way can they get one step closer to the gods and be worthy of their men. Even if they are maids, they can't be ashamed.The second girl immediately calmed down the excitement in her heart, and worked hard to adapt to the flow of power in her body, so as to control them as much as possible and use them for her own use, so as to better develop herself.

The two vein shields of the same color began to combine continuously. They seemed to be as one, and gradually concentrated on the top of the head. Now it is only a little bit close. As long as you work hard, you can become the real opening of the ninth orifice point top powerhouse.

At this moment, it seems to have become a lot quieter. Even the hard-working pulsators are quietly outputting energy, and they already understand that the second daughter is at the most critical moment. , the pulse shield has reached the final stage of evolution.

A silent muffled sound reverberated in everyone's hearts, and the invisible coercion radiated even more. The most dazzling vein shield appeared on the top of the two girls. It was very beautiful and attractive, and everyone fell in love with it.

(End of this chapter)

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