Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 178 Lota

Chapter 178 Lota
After a night of rest, the next day the carriage slowly left the small island near Lota, and soon embarked on the road to the sea.

Everything that happened yesterday has been turned into dust, the sea is calm, and there is no movement at all. Even the bloody smell has been cleaned by the power of the sea. Even if someone is standing here, they can't distinguish everything.

The sound of 'ta ta ta ta' sounded again on the surface of the sea, but it was completely out of thin air without any waves appearing.

The three girls have also woken up now, of course they are dressed neatly, they don't want to be seen by people they don't know, otherwise they will be sorry for their man, and he is still a stingy man.This can be seen from their veils, even the maids have to wear veils, and it can be seen that Chen Xin is stingy.

Of course, women don’t think so, they only think that this is the best man for themselves, the man who really likes themselves, and it’s worth paying for such a man, being stingy has its benefits, if you really meet That kind of man who doesn't care at all is likely to be a tragedy to your woman.

Lota is also a huge land, but there is no huge vertical mountain range on Luosi, and there are endless monster forests, which are connected to each other. Although they can communicate, the distance is too far away, so that communication is very difficult. On the other hand, even the teleportation array can only be used for short distances, and in some places you can only walk on your legs.

If the long-distance teleportation array is really popularized, wouldn't there be a little danger to worry about.Not to mention the danger, the materials of the teleportation array are extremely precious, and the price of opening it is also huge, which is beyond what ordinary people can pay. Even ordinary nobles are powerless, and they can only be used by the top rich families. family or power.

It can be seen that even if the long-distance transmission array can get technical support, it will not be popularized.Although there are fewer extremist domains with a huge range, there are many small extremist domains, and these extremist domains are also very terrifying. For small extremist domains such as the desert of death, the poisonous swamp, and the abyss hell, they are also not small , but the range is not as large as the vertical cut mountain range.

These small absolute domains are also comparable. If only in terms of range, each place is almost no less than ten thousand miles. This is still the smallest. , in ten-fold increments.Looking at these data, we can know that Juyu is extraordinary, and it is said to be thousands of miles, but if you want to cross it, there is also danger.

If you don’t have the strength to cross the Absolute Territory, this is not looking for death. In addition to the Absolute Territory, there are many dangerous places, such as Wanlin Snake Cave, Dilong Valley and other dangerous places. These dangerous places also have the taste of the Absolute Territory. Relatively speaking, it is a little smaller, but once you underestimate it, you will also pay the price in blood, and you must underestimate it for the difference.

There is definitely nothing wrong with being cautious about one thing. Even if it is wrong, it will not cause much harm. It will only increase your level of experience. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Everything needs to be cautious to survive.

There are also many human empires in Lota, which are more chaotic than the ones from Luosi. After all, without natural barriers, it is simply a path leading to chaos.Intelligent creatures have their own desires, and the seven emotions and six desires are indispensable. Naturally, there will be careerists, which also determines that wars are inevitable.

In addition to the human race, there is also a family of elves on Lota. They have the most sacrificed land in the huge forest in the southwest. Although they occupy an area of ​​millions of miles, they are still not worth mentioning compared to the whole. After all Other large-scale Jedi are not less than this number, and the occupied area of ​​the human race occupies half of the entire area, which can be imagined.

In the elf forest, there are not only elves, but also other races living. Dwarves are one kind, and there are also many monsters living in the elf forest. As for other races, they are relatively rare, and there are very few opportunities to appear. It was hard to see, and their traces slowly disappeared on the Internet, and even the elves would not be able to remember them.

Many of the former hundreds of clans have disappeared, such as the goblin clan, which was definitely a powerful race in ancient times, with various weapons occupying an absolute advantage. Unfortunately, the goblins themselves are weak in physique, so that they still lost in the final war. As for It's hard to say why it disappeared completely, who knows where it will survive, no one knows.

Get rid of the goblins, and they are the Winged Humans. They are also a powerful race, but unfortunately their own reproductive ability is too poor. It might be extinct, who knows.There are many races in this way, the same is true for the stone clan, wood clan and other races, and the hundred clans are too far away.

Although it is a little more complicated, it is not without similarities. Among them, the human race is one. Even if the three parts are separated, the human race still occupies a huge advantage and dominant position, which shows that the human race is undoubtedly powerful.

The cowardly race in the past turned into a powerful and dominant race, and vice versa. No race is prosperous. It is not an extremely difficult thing to keep its status, and the current human race is also experiencing In such a test, separation is only one of the strengths, and it is more difficult in the latter part. The power of gods and demons is the terrifying power.

The advantage of the human race lies in creation. They can create their own power model based on the strength of other races, develop slowly, and form the current human race. As for whether the human race will have such an opportunity in the future, we can say a lot , interests gradually replaced the previous persistent mind among the human race, and many of them have fallen to the side of gods and demons, becoming the scourge of the human race.

On Lota, there is such a thing. Among them, the Church of Light and the Church of Darkness are the main attack points, and there are some other churches of gods, but they are not as strong as these two churches, and they can only be regarded as eating leftovers. .

The human race is not self-reliant and tries to rely on foreign races to survive. This will be wiped out sooner or later. Foreign races are always foreign races, and it is impossible to compare with their own race. In front of these gods and demons, how can the human race be compared with them? That's pretty good, but if you still want to dream of becoming a high-ranking figure, you're not deceiving yourself.

Lota is obviously much more complicated than Luosi, and there are also many potential dangers. No one knows if there is something hidden in these churches. The power of gods is still unpredictable in the human race. Established under the power of the gods, it is naturally inseparable from the help of the gods, so there must be a lot of hidden power.

On a beach at the southernmost tip, a carriage stepped onto the sand. It didn't seem to be a big surprise. It didn't stop, and it moved forward slowly. After a long time, the carriage disappeared on the sand and remained behind. Imprints of horseshoes and wheels.

The southern neighboring city is a well-known big city in the south of Lota. It was also formed by gathering a lot of commercial and political forces, but it is not contained by an empire. It is a city in a country called the Business Alliance. It is still very popular in the southern Lota. Well-known, as for other empires, there are also many, divided into the Cisco Empire in the southeast, the Qingsi Empire in the east, the Wild Empire in the northeast, the Buji Empire in the northwest, and the Maroon Empire in the west.

As for the central region, it is even more chaotic, and the scope is also vast. The establishment of the empire ended quickly, and it is very difficult to make it last longer. The central region not only has to face the attacks of the surrounding human empires, but also faces its own internal struggles. , coupled with the existence of many dangerous places and absolute domains, the chaos in the central part can no longer be chaotic, and there is no legal system here.

Big fist is the noun of truth, and it is the best synonym for the central part, and the central part is collectively referred to as the chaotic field, which is the largest area on the lotta and the area with the least legal system. Everything can only be spoken by strength.

The southern neighboring city is very prosperous. Even though it is only a commercial alliance city, on the other hand, it is a great guarantee. This is the power of mercenaries, which is also the most important formation system of commercial alliances, ensuring the safety of many caravans. arrived at the destination, and the mercenary group relied on these caravans to maintain their livelihoods. To be honest, they were interdependent.

There is no completely independent side in the world, and there will always be a certain connection that maximizes value and benefits.As the existence of the top intelligent creatures, the human race will naturally not be ignorant of the law of interdependence, especially not everyone has the aptitude for cultivation, so if they want to gain a sense of security, they can only obtain it through other forms.

Horse-drawn carriages are very common in the neighboring cities to the south, and there are many people coming in and out. Among them, there are many luxurious carriages, and there is no need to worry about how much sensation it will cause. This is the biggest advantage of a commercial city, as long as people know that they are rich.

Businessmen have rules for businessmen. Interests can make people dizzy, but the premise is that there is no chance of failure, or there is a great possibility of success. Otherwise, no matter how talented a businessman is, he will not take risks. It is a very certain thing that a businessman will take risks regardless of everything. There is no need to be confused. The businessman's pursuit of profit is the most basic.

Chen Xin's luxurious carriage also slowly entered the southern neighboring city, and it seems that the city gate officials still have to pay the city tax. It seems that these city gate officials still have to look at people, and ordinary people still need to pay. is the most appropriate explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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