Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 194 The Repressed Chapter

Chapter 194 The Depressed Rhythm

The tide ebbs and flows, the ups and downs, the music is bright and refreshing, and the atmosphere is attractive.

Chen Xin at this time is the best portrayal of this, there is no other comparison, especially the three women are now almost at the top level of power in the mortal world, but they are enjoying themselves under Chen Xin, such a scene is captured by those Ordinary people know that they are either envious or jealous, what kind of thoughts do they have.

After the fun, Chen Xin followed with her three daughters in her arms: "I'm a little troublesome this time, young master. It wasn't really troublesome at first, but those nobles really hate them. They like to rob them by force. They have to be bought at the lowest price." Buy, you said that the nobles would be short of money, would they be short of this little money, so the young master and I confronted him, I was really overwhelmed, and dared to endanger the young master, I am really tired of work."

Chen Xin's tone was very casual, even if he was a bit domineering, he was very casual. He didn't give excuses to others at all, and didn't need their understanding. The three women listened to it as a matter of course, and made it clear whether Chen Xin was right or wrong. Chen Xin is right.

As for the simple reason, the women in my family still look outside, and the hearts of women who have been conquered by Chen Xin can no longer be conquered. Under such circumstances, the three women whipped the nobleman one after another, and even wanted to tear him into pieces. , can't spare him at all.The woman who protects the calf is unreasonable, and she fully complied with this sentence.

"What happened to him in the end, this question is a bit nonsense, Xiao Ai, what is the end of offending the young master now?"

Xiao Ai looked at Chen Xin with some doubts, and finally could only suppress it, looking a little uncertain: "The young master must have killed him, at least the young master will not let him go for nothing."

Chen Xin patted Xiao Ai's plump body, causing a burst of waves, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ai is Xiao Ai, you guessed right, these humble creatures dare to have trouble with this young master, they are simply impatient, young master I left him with only a complete head, as long as someone touches his body, it will be torn apart and instantly turned into pieces, which is not a bad result."

"Is my husband a little cruel? Even if it's just a knife to kill, there's no need to do that." Luo Misi held it hesitantly, and she was still a little kind in her heart. Although she didn't reject killing, she seemed to be inclined to be gentle in her bones. kill.

Really, Chen Xin doesn't bother to pay so much attention to killing people, and he has to control his strength. What a troublesome thing, Chen Xin never thought about it. In his eyes, these are illusory existences, no matter how real they are. The same is illusory, killing and dismembering corpses is also killing, dead things care about so many things, leaving a complete head is already very good.

Chen Xin immediately punched Luo Misi heavily in a punitive manner, and immediately left Luo Misi speechless. Now she is obviously exhausted, and at the same time, she can't stand Chen Xin's conquest, so she can only beg for mercy. Guaranteed that she would never be merciful when killing people, and that the corpse should be broken into pieces. With such a guarantee, Chen Xin let her go.

It's not that Chen Xin was really cruel, but that he didn't care about these things at all. Whether he died or lived, how he died or lived was not within Chen Xin's expectations. It can also be regarded as giving hope for survival. Of course, these souls have been severely weakened and need countless reincarnations to make up. At that time, they will already be a new soul.

Of course, some souls will inevitably be wiped out, and the disrespectful souls will not be forgiven. The final end will be that the body will be destroyed without any room for turning around. Only in this way can Chen Xin's hostility be eliminated and Xin Xin feel at ease.

The three girls are now more and more deeply influenced by Chen Xin. They understand that what they have to do now is to strengthen themselves for Chen Xin and their man. You will let yourself get hurt, and it will be too late to regret it at that time, you must deeply realize this.

"Master, will those people come again? If so, wouldn't Jasmine cause trouble for you? Jasmine knows that the master hates troubles the most. Jasmine will get rid of them with her own hands, and won't let them disturb the master's refreshment."

Jasmine was a little panicked now, as if she was afraid that it would disturb her master's mood. After all, her master did this for her own sake. If she really wanted to let those people disturb her master's rest, it would be an unforgivable crime, and she would be even more guilty.

Chen Xin raised Jasmine's chin, and stared deeply: "My little Jasmine, the master will be afraid of them, although it will bring a little trouble, but it's just a little trouble, the master is not in a hurry, my little one Master is very happy that Jasmine is able to solve problems for Master, but you have just advanced to the next level and you need to make adjustments. As for these things, Master will take care of them. You should serve Master well, and if Master is happy, Master will be even happier."

After hearing this, Jasmine directly lowered her head, opened her small mouth, and took the majesty into it deeply, straight to her throat, which made Chen Xin feel very refreshed. At the same time, she was also surprised by Jasmine's training. Unexpectedly, That's fine.

These are the tasks that Xiao Ai is responsible for. Although they have accepted each other, Jasmine still hopes that Xiao Ai can tell her how to serve her master. After all, Jasmine was the princess of the Sea Clan before, and she is still relatively ignorant about various things. It was only after Wanqiu that these skills were given to Jasmine, and it was also something that Xiao Ai had experienced.

Jasmine has already acted, and Xiao Ai will not lag behind. Both of them are working hard to serve Chen Xin. Of course, Luo Misi is used to watching it. Sometimes she will do it shyly. Although it is a bit difficult to say, but Seeing that her man was very satisfied, she put down her body and asked Xiao Ai to teach her, and finally realized her dream of serving her man well.

After feeling refreshed, Chen Xin asked the three girls to prepare. This time, they were going to the cloud poisonous forest. There might be such a spiritual fruit there. Since it was here, they couldn’t miss it. Prepare your heart, if you pass by, you don't miss it.

These regular powers hidden in spiritual fruits or other spiritual objects are the 'excess' parts overflowing from the origin of the world. Of course, there are very few, and there is only a little bit of it each time. Use a little less to stabilize the world. After that, there has been no overflow, these all appeared when it was first formed, otherwise, there would be no such opportunities to follow.

The three girls got ready very quickly. After finally dressing Chen Xin, they left the Yunwu Restaurant. The carriage was already ready. After the three girls and Chen Xin sat on it, the kitten also became a coachman.Now the kitten is not so repulsed by this task, and seems to like it quite a bit. With a swipe of the thin whip in his hand, the horse knows where to run and where to run.

Along the way, many people watched, of course not passers-by, but people who came prepared, or those noble people, they watched Chen Xin and the others leave the restaurant, and then went straight to the city gate, feeling very sad. It is anxious, this is the order of Luo Fei's family, they have to obey, let alone let people run away, otherwise their consequences will be troublesome.

Many people immediately issued a signal to close the city gate. As long as they blocked it, they could wait until the Luo Fei family arrived. At that time, their mission would be completed, and they could retire completely. Of course, there was nothing else to do. Okay, if you are a member of Luo Fei's family, you must stay, and you will leave if you are not. It has little to do with them, and it has nothing to do with life or death.

For these things, Chen Xin doesn't care at all, even if she knows, it's nothing, it's just a small city gate, if it is abolished, it will be abolished, such a big empire is not bad for this small city gate, Chen Xin is very happy about this Disapproval.

The members of Luo Fei’s family are already on the way now, and the order was issued yesterday, but it takes time to gather the manpower, and now most of them are on the teleportation array in the middle, and a small part has already arrived, and after receiving the information, hurry up To the gate of the city, their task is to block Chen Xin's travel and let their backup force come up to him.

The task is obviously a bit heavy. Not to mention Chen Xin's level, just the means alone are shocking. Luo Feilie is not an ordinary person. The nobles have a solid backing, and they still have the ability to open the fifth orifice point. Such a character is so casually killed, and the death is so miserable, it will be the means of ordinary people, think about it, it is not so possible.

The risk is great, and the benefits are also great. This is the temptation of Luo Fei's family's conditions. Otherwise, if you don't have anything to do, you will definitely die.Everyone is afraid of death, and only when they can't stand the temptation, will they desperately pursue this value, find a stable place for self-cultivation, and seek this day for the rest of their lives.

Chen Xin and the others are such a road of temptation. Everyone is trying to get in touch, and then get rewarded. Now that the opportunity comes, how can they not seize it? I never thought that Chen Xin and others would be able to resist Luo. Otherwise, the Fei family wouldn't be in such a hurry to get out of the city now, subconsciously thinking that they just wanted to escape, how could they not seize such an opportunity?
Opportunities are rare and even more difficult, and they all headed for the gate of the city. There were people running in the houses on the street, and some even rushed to the gate of the city through a shortcut, secretly revealed their information, and then waited to receive the reward. Such a simple matter, why should I think about it, this point is unnecessary, I believe the Luo Fei family will not give up such an opportunity.

The battle is about to start, the city gates are slowly closing, and the surrounding people can feel the different atmosphere. Those who leave the city gates leave immediately, and those who do not leave the city will be dispersed by the city guards. There is nothing to do scattered around, waiting for the door to open.

(End of this chapter)

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