Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 274 Luo Bingcheng

Chapter 274 Luo Bingcheng

Different numbers, variables, both are different types of heaven and earth, but they are also definite numbers. If there is no such thing, everything is like a definite number. Wouldn’t it become monotonous and inelastic, which will be extremely unfavorable for the interpretation of heaven and earth in the long run , very unfavorable.

Chen Xin has found his own way, through different variables, to make his own way more distant and profound, and at the same time feel the mystery of different points, this is what he wants.Realm is not only about reality, but more about the whole aspect. Only when the whole aspect has so many meanings can we better choose how much we own.

In fact, among the people he saved or killed, almost all of them have become odd numbers, or variables, just because he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and now he thinks about it carefully, all these things have already begun to change, and they didn't exist before. Things become existence, this is not what the variables are, more definitely he is the maker of them, the initiator of these variables.

Strength is the best guarantee. His strength is gradually changing the fate of different people, whether they die or survive. It has been unconsciously arranged during his walking.Those who offend others are dead, and those who obey others live are very clear divisions of species and groups. These are the best examples, and it is just a fact that cannot be denied.

After leaving Lizhang Horrified Forest, he walked aimlessly. Now the pattern of this world will change again. Countless creatures will be silent on the edge of their own life and death. The living will naturally be happy, and the dead will be sad. The evolution is wonderful, and only in this way can we better interpret the world and make people understand the value of the world.

Luo Bingcheng is a city in the north of Lizhang Jinglin. It has been built for a long time, and it can be seen that the city wall has a dark color. If it is not cleaned by people every year, it may be even darker.Of course, at this time they are more satisfied with their city, which is ancient and distinctive, what a good ranking, many nobles just like ancient buildings.

The famous restaurant in the city, Lello Restaurant, is also well-known far and near, especially the dishes it makes and the unique wine, these are the most unforgettable things, people are nostalgic for it, and it also makes people very happy and like it very much Such a feeling.The aristocrats chat here all the year round, and there are romantic events. These are entertainment events for the aristocrats.

Sitting in the restaurant, Chen Xin tasted fine wine and ate delicious food. It was also a unique enjoyment, very comforting.After a long journey, it is time to take a good rest. The remote place here is also a good place to rest, and the humanities and culture are also full. He is very satisfied with this, and naturally chooses to relax here for a while. It has been a while since he came from here.

These days, I am either wandering around, or tasting delicious wine in this restaurant. There is nothing better in the world than this.Of course, when he was wandering around in his heart, he also hoped that he would be lucky and meet some good things, but he took it for granted. He hasn't seen any of them these days. It's just not eye-catching.

After all, there are very few things that can be good in his eyes, let alone things in the world.In order not to let himself go a few times in vain, he would also buy some things. For these things, he naturally chooses the best ones. Rubbish ones never catch his eyes, which is probably due to his personality and arrogance. It is the direction he chose, high-end is the essence.

Facing Chen Xin, these hidden high-end things cannot escape his discernment, and it is even more impossible to miss them.Many of them are items that have been damaged for some reason, and these are also rare and good products, as long as they are repaired, they can be regarded as one piece.

As for him who has become a Taobao figure now, many people who do this kind of business know him. After all, he has been here not long ago, and he is often in a trance here. It is strange not to know. Basically, he will go to After taking a walk around, today he also felt that he had almost eaten enough, thinking that he would just go there to see how his luck is today, thinking about planning to set off.

"Have you heard? It is said that in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, there are rumors that the divine soldier was born, and there are many supernatural cultivation methods, and even more can make people awaken their own supernatural powers. Do you think this is true? real?"

"Of course this is true. I don't know how many times such news has been spread, and there are more people who have left the Tianshou Mountains. We don't need to fight. They are not supernatural powers or body refiners. It’s useless to go, you must know that there are a lot of strange beasts in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, if we go, we will become their food for nothing, we must be self-aware.”

"Yes, yes, we ordinary people have no strength, and we have been like this for a lifetime. Even if we have the heart, we don't have the strength. Besides, even if we get it, you can keep it. Those nobles or powerful people have countless People, when the time comes, you will be cannon fodder for nothing, and what you get will be someone else's, unless it is those rare supernatural fruits, it would be great if you can get the stimulating ones."

As soon as Chen Xin heard about the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, he knew that it is also a famous place of adventure, and there are many benefits in it, the premise is to come out alive, otherwise even the big benefits are useless, and this is what people sincerely hope to get .It's just how many people can get their wish. This kind of benefit doesn't just come when you want it. You can have it if you want it. Opportunities are indispensable.

The Heavenly Beast Mountain Range is located at the junction of the Slay Empire and the Yin Luo Empire in the north, and it is also thousands of miles away. The mountain range is very vast, and there are many strange beasts in it. Many rare and strange beasts can be found here, especially A lot of unknown strange beasts can be found, these are the most critical rare species, and there are not a few supernatural fruits among them.

There are also several kinds of supernatural fruits, among which the most valuable and important one is the Enabling Fruit, which means that it is possible to activate supernatural powers and let people have the power of supernatural powers. There are not many people, even if there are few, you must know that after picking this kind of fruit, it is not only difficult to preserve, but also to prevent it from being stolen.

All in all, this Energizing Fruit is definitely expensive, and it is not affordable by ordinary people. Of course, the best way is to pick it off and eat it, so that no one will miss it, but whether it can escape from the jealousy of others is also a problem. of.

You must know that the temptation of Qi Neng Guo is very big. I don’t know how many people are willing to give their lives for it. In this world where strength is respected, people without strength can only live like pigs and dogs. There is no other way to go. Is it easy to be bullied, the best possibility is to be killed, so that you don't have to be tortured anymore, life is worse than death.

In this world of cannibalism, there is no possibility of the word benevolence, and only the word normal can be used.

In addition to Energizing Fruit, there are also some expensive fruits, such as Net Energy Fruit, Energizing Fruit, Strengthening Fruit and so on.Many of them are not only helpful to supernatural beings, but also extremely helpful to body refiners. This is also the reason for their competition. Strength is the most fundamental thing, and others have to stand aside. This is the reality.

I didn't expect it to be the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. It's okay, I've rested these days, and it's time to make a move. I don't know if I will encounter something this time, such as something like the alien body.Although the number of outliers can be saved, it can't be too much. If it fundamentally messes up the deductive process, it will also be detrimental to the evolution of the world. This needs to be properly grasped.

After drinking a glass of wine and asking Xiao Er to pay the bill, he walked out of the restaurant and headed for today's destination, so that he could be happy and leisurely.Walking quietly on the street, enjoying such fun for several days, made him very leisurely.

Taobao Street is also relatively famous. When it is not called Taobao Street, it is called Adventure Street, which means that it is just something made by adventurers. They can buy and sell freely here, without being cheated by those foxes, even if they don’t know they are losing money. My own affairs are similar to those of other places, which can be regarded as the characteristics of many places, a major commonality.

Chen Xin took it for granted, and followed his footsteps to look at the things of different adventurers. He didn't see any good things along the way. Forget it, prepare today, and set off for the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range tomorrow. After waiting a little longer, he returned to his residence immediately. This was also rented temporarily by him, and it was more cost-effective, so naturally he didn't need to bother.

After a night's rest, the morning was very refreshing, and he packed up his things immediately and was ready to go. As for the rent, he had already paid the one-month deadline. When the time came, the owner would come to collect the house. The horse quickly passed through the street, and then passed through the city gate. Even if it encountered anything on the road, it would not take him seriously, and its strength was proof.

Those who are able to ride horses are naturally not ordinary people. You must know that even horses are a very important material, and the price of dozens of silver shields is indispensable. The better ones need a gold shield, let alone a classy person like Chen Xin. The horse is gone, and you can't buy it without a few hundred gold shields. It can be seen from this that they dare to stop a person like him.

Money is also a very important appearance, an extension of strength, and it can be regarded as an alternative under the development of many aspects.Money is also indispensable to the strong, even if there is no shortage of money, it will be difficult, so money is indispensable.

It often happens that a penny beats a hero. If you don’t have such strength, how can you live better? After all, many things you want to enjoy require money. Don’t you think about your dignity at all? Or eat overlord meal?
(End of this chapter)

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