Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 279 Arriving at the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range

Chapter 279 Arriving at the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range
"Why, I'm afraid I'm not used to it. I won't. I don't mind your husband. In fact, I really appreciate your generosity. You can't live like a human being, especially when you treat the people around you. Seeing that you have learned well, this way Just let me rest assured, you must be very curious about my identity, now you just need to practice, I will travel in this world for a while, don't worry."

It's just that when she heard this, her face turned pale for a while. In this way, wouldn't she still have to leave, and what about this world, isn't he a person of this world, is he a god?The sudden appearance of thoughts made her even more pale, which was very pitiful.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you with me when I leave. I can't refuse it. Of course, your idea is not wrong. I am indeed not from this world. To be precise, I am not from this world of heaven. I come from Another heavenly world, through the vast chaotic and isolated space, and at the same time looking for a world where life exists in countless time and space, I came here."

"Although you don't know what the world of heaven is for you now, but I believe you will know it in the future. Knowing these now is useless. You will understand when your strength reaches you. Well, don't think too much now, just practice hard. It's right."

Chen Xin's comfort and explanation made her understand that the person in front of her is not a simple god. If she said that she traveled through the chaotic time and space to come here, then there would be no less space for him to travel. He guessed that he was so weak that he was very afraid that he would be abandoned. After all, to him, he might not be as straightforward as a plaything.

"Don't think about it, how could I do this, don't worry, although I am selfish, I will definitely not abandon you, even if it is a plaything, I will hold you firmly in my hand and will not let you go, you It will be mine forever, you know?"

Mo Siqi listened to the words from the bottom of her heart, her heart was sweet, even if it was a plaything, it could only be regarded as his plaything, she would never change this point, it is unimaginable to encounter such a thing in a lifetime, let alone this What about the marriage?There is only joy in her heart, and there is no rejection at all. At the same time, she also vaguely feels that he will have many women, as can be seen from his proficiency last night.

After eating, the body recovered a bit, but the serious injury of the lower body will not be able to recover in a short time. This is the most important transformation of a woman. How can it be simple? In the end, he was carried out of the tent by him and walked to his horse .

Everyone was already ready, and when they saw them coming out, they immediately led the horses over. Chen Xin was not polite, and jumped onto the horses with her in her arms. Afterwards, everyone packed up their tents and set off, but many people still waited. Talking quietly to them.

"Big head, you said that the big boss has really been surrendered by him, it's really amazing, our big boss is definitely a sharp thorn."

"That's right, our master, whether it's sharp or light, is definitely the tigress among the tigress, maybe it's just a hag. Thinking about the previous training, we have suffered a lot. Imagine that This experience made me want to cry."

"Brother, why are we not like this? Now that we are all right, the head of the family has been surrendered, and our good days will come soon."

Obviously those people looked happy, obviously because they didn't have to suffer that kind of blow anymore, and they were very happy in their hearts, pointing out that Chen Xin heard all this, and then whispered to the woman in his arms, presumably she had already figured out a countermeasure .

This is true, she is very strict, although she is now someone else's wife, but the thoughts in her heart have not changed much, and now these are just when she is upset, so naturally she has to teach them a good lesson.After all, I was actually conquered by him, but others are not as powerful as him. She is stronger than them, so just vent your anger on them.

These people were thinking about being happy, but there seemed to be a chill on their backs, a coldness from the heart, what's going on, it's morning, and the sun is rising quite high, and it's warm again, how could it be It was very strange to have a cold air attacking my body, but I couldn't find the reason no matter how hard I searched, I could only press down my thoughts, stopped talking, and hurried on my way carefully.

It is absolutely correct that a dead friend is not a poor Taoist. Chen Xin can only express the depression in her heart to these people, so that her heart will be more determined. This is also the best result, anyway, they are not always If you train in this way, you can just add a little bit and you will be fine. When you think about it, stop thinking about it. The woman in your arms is much more important, so hold her tightly.

After the strong woman found her support again, the exhaustion from last night struck again, and then she fell asleep in her arms with peace of mind. She obviously regarded him as her only support, and her support was him, so what else could she do? Rest assured.

Chen Xin also noticed it, and felt even more in her heart. Now that such a charming girl has completely fallen into his arms, it is impossible to get rid of his temptation in her heart, and she can only follow him step by step.Although the horse was not running slowly, it did not fluctuate at all. In order to let her rest better, she could only use some small tricks to let her rest more peacefully, as stable as a brocade bed.

After driving for a day, we are getting closer to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, but now we have to be more careful, because there are already many corps or strong men, and they may attack recklessly for their own benefit. Be careful.

After arranging everyone, they had a hasty dinner, and everyone entered a state of alert. There were obviously more vigils, in order to prevent outsiders from sneaking in. Now is an extraordinary period, so naturally more good guards are needed, otherwise it will be considered They don't know how to die, they don't want to die in vain, it's not worth it, life is still beautiful.

Chen Xin and Mo Siqi naturally entered into a fiery contest, but she was still defeated, but he didn't feel satisfied at all. Imagining his fighting power, Mo Siqi had to admit that she was not an opponent, even if it was the first time, Far from it.Now, although she has the strength of the bone refining period, her endurance has also increased a lot, but he will also increase, making her helplessly defeated.

Lying in his arms with a flushed face, she couldn't even move her fingers, let alone move her delicate body. She could only let his magic hand stimulate her delicate body, making her unable to make any resistance. Misty is even more real, she can no longer control everything about herself, and everything about her is obviously in his hands, and she can only be replaced by groans from her small mouth.

"Husband, you are amazing. I really don't know how you did it. You are the greatest gift you have given me, and I will be your plaything. Please have fun. Your plaything can bear it, as long as you don't mess with it." Bad is good."

It is obviously extremely attractive, so that he may be deeply stimulated, which may lead to further passion.

"Okay, my husband knows you are attractive, don't talk about it, isn't my husband doing this? Sleep well, don't worry about me, don't you have to go on the road tomorrow, take a rest, just have a good sleep, we Don't be in a hurry."

Hearing this, she couldn't stand the temptation of sleep, and fell into a deep sleep. As for what he wanted to do, she was already in his hands, and what to do was his own business, and she didn't want to worry about it. I can feel the love for her, and I won't make myself uncomfortable, otherwise, she would have passed out long ago, so I can bear it.

After driving for a few days, I finally arrived at the outskirts of the Tianshou Mountain Range. Looking at the dense forests in the distance, I could also see the towering peaks. It was enough to see how powerful the Tianshou Mountain Range was, and there were so many strange beasts in it. , If you are not careful, you will be killed.

When they arrived, it was obvious that many corps had already arrived, and they saw quite a few well-known corps, of course, there were some good ones, as well as notorious ones, for example, the Tianhui corps had a relatively good reputation, and the evil dragon corps sounded very bad The corps, in fact, is the same, they plunder and the like are even more numerous, but they are too powerful to beat them.

These corps are obviously hierarchical. In order to better divide their own regions, they are fighting each other. Everything depends on the interests. The quality of reputation will tend to be the same. Eliminating them is the position of both sides, but there are many neutral ones, after all, it will be troublesome to join one of them.

It's hard to say whether there is a guarantee, after all, everyone has selfish desires, and everyone wants to hide good things for themselves, so how can they give it to others, so among these people, if they want to seek refuge, they must pay a price, even the price of their lives. A gift for no reason, the Tianlu Corps naturally chose to be neutral. This is because after Mo Siqi knew how powerful his man was, she would naturally not rely on any side. It won't be a disadvantage, now, there is no need, although the other regiment members don't know, but they trust and unconditionally support their regiment commander.

The neutral corps is also often seen. Next to the Tianlu corps, there is a relatively well-known Xiaoyi corps. They came earlier than them, and they have already watched from a distance. Obviously they do not intend to enter either side of the two sides. Self-reliance is also very courageous. Presumably, they also think that they have the ability to deal with all this. As for going deep, they don't need it. Self-knowledge is the best.

With the arrival of other corps one after another, many corps in front have already entered the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. After all, they will lose a lot of opportunities if they are late. As the powerful side, they naturally don't want to lose, so they can only bite the bullet and break in. Go, if you can get it, even if you can't get it, it can be regarded as an experience.

(End of this chapter)

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