Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 283 Love Through Infinite Time and Space

Chapter 283 Love Through Infinite Time and Space
There are many deep meanings of love, among which blending is one kind, waiting is one kind, anticipation is also one kind, and so on, no matter which one of the meanings of love is, it will not reduce the existence of both sides of love, this is love the power of.

Only after Chen Xin comprehended the way of great love, he once again experienced such a deep feeling, especially during the long journey in the alien space, even more so, although he also vaguely felt it in the world of Rostami last time. It's here, but at that time there was still promotion, and he was all thinking about the promotion, and subconsciously forgot. Now he finally knows the multiple meanings of love, too much.

The existence of love has transcended the boundaries of time and space. As long as both parties have eternal love, they can perceive each other's heart, even if the physical body cannot reach it, they can still feel endless love.

Chen Xin's heart has released endless love, love traveled through infinite time and space, came to the prehistoric world, and brought the depth of love to Penglai Island.On this familiar island, with the emergence of love, all kinds of spiritual creatures bloomed or cried happily, interweaving all these in the deep meaning of his love, and soon overwhelmed the barrier of the hall, bringing the power of love into the world. In the hearts of the girls who are practicing.

Nuwa, the most powerful member, was the first to enjoy the familiarity of love, and then Tianyao and the others also woke up one after another. They were a little confused about what was going on, but there was one thing that was true, Then it is the breath of their husbands, the power of the deepest love, which keeps them surging in their hearts, stirring the existence of their inner world.

The meaning of love is expressed in their consciousness, expressing his longing for them, and this love is the power that travels through infinite time and space, making them feel endless care at the same time, just like they are in her arms right now. In the middle of the day, laughing and playing to their heart's content, they enjoyed themselves by his side, and the atmosphere of safety emerged even more.

After all the girls looked at each other, the love that had sunk into the depths of their hearts was tightly integrated.This is the power of a lover. The love sent across countless time and space is so majestic, which makes them admire it even more.The joyful heart has already dispelled the long distance between them, only waiting for the day when he returns, the love that is waiting and expecting, still wakes up.

"Sisters, you all feel the love that my husband sent from a distant time and space, right? We have never given up, and now we know his love even more, and now my husband must be getting stronger and stronger. Want us To not be left behind, we can only practice further, then we can better accompany him, follow him, even if it is hard work."

"Yes, sister Nuwa, although my sister took the lead, don't worry, my sister will not stop there, and will definitely work hard to cultivate. Now I have reached the sub-sage stage, although this stage is just what my husband said casually, but Presumably everyone knows that only when you enter the sub-sage stage can you better step into the ranks of saints, and then you can be fully prepared, sisters, come on."

The rest of the girls also nodded, except for Houtu, who was already a sage with a physical body and soul, and he was only a little short of the realm. As long as he made up for this, he believed that he would become a real saint in the near future. .

With the love deep in their hearts, the girls entered the practice again, but this time they obviously worked harder and had goals.

Of course, although Chen Xin's main goal is the girls, there will always be times when he rushes along the way, or his love is too vast, and the scattered love is scattered on the vast wild land. Where the meaning is scattered, the lovers will eventually get married, and they will live a happy life and live a healthy life. This is the realm of mortals.

And if the cultivators are scattered, as long as they comprehend a little bit of it, they will be able to improve their realm in seconds. After all, it is something for a strong person like Chen Xin. , if they can comprehend the deepest level, this life will be of endless benefit to them, as long as they live, the quasi-sage realm is certain.

This is the energy of the strong, even if it is just a little bit, it is enough for many creatures to be inexhaustible, let alone mortals.

Of course, Honghuang Dao didn’t feel the comprehension from Chen Xin. Although it is more powerful than Chen Xin, everything has a concentrated side. In the middle of Dao Dao Yihua Dao, it also benefits a lot, among which love is the best example, and the evolution will also be colorful.

Although Honghuang Tiandao is only a little later than Honghuang Dao, you can still feel the strong breath of love. It is obviously making up for its shortcomings, making the evolution of the world more branched and colorful, and witnessing more Miracle.

As the spokesperson of the prehistoric way of heaven, Taoist Hongjun can also get a share from it, and the powerful people in the prehistoric world have felt that majestic love one after another. There are too many meanings in it, mainly including love for lovers He wanted to convey his deep thoughts, not to make them feel lonely, to keep his love with them all the time, to watch them and think of them all the time.

This majestic love shocked many powerful people. Finally, they knew that the final destination was Penglai Island. Without thinking, they knew that it was the power of that adult who passed it on. However, after seeing some scattered love, They didn't dare to intercept all of them, otherwise, if they angered him, the consequences would be unimaginable. Even if he was far away in a different dimension, he believed that he could know it, just look at the situation.

Everyone learned very well, only took a little bit, and felt the love in it.For the ruthless monks, the feelings are already very small. It is only when they get this precious gift again that they realize that it is because of their lack of cultivation. This love is the best example.

You must know that this love has traveled through infinite time and space. There is no doubt about the difficulty of it. It is amazing. The power of love is so powerful that even time and space cannot block it. The ones are very, very at least, and almost all of them can be put on Penglai Island. As for the unintentional spills, they can be regarded as opportunities for other creatures.

Chen Xin doesn't mind this. After all, love lies in all living beings, and the love of all living beings is the existence that condenses infinite power. Only their more united love can overcome difficulties and hardships.

Love is infinite, love is eternal, and love is in my heart. This is his greatest intention, clearly expressed.

It is also the first recitation in the world that embodies the true meaning of love. It is recited deep in the souls of these creatures, so that people will not forget the existence of this love, and let them know that love is so great, and monks do not need to imprison love. As long as they grasp the measure of love is the best measure, then their realm will also be improved, and there is no need to worry about blocking.

This gift is a great gift for many living beings. Of course, just getting a living being can be regarded as their chance.

Sanqing is a brother, but the family relationship in the past was stagnant because of various face problems, and the appearance of this love at this time made them feel the remorse in their hearts, especially Yuanshi Tianzun, who loves face the most. It also contributed to the separation of the three of them, so he was naturally the most responsible, but it cannot be denied that it was God's will.

As their boss, Lao Tzu has experienced ups and downs in his life. Not only are the three brothers separated from each other, but in the end he himself was deposed as the leader of human religion. If Tiandao did not rush to make up for it and let him become the leader of Taoism, maybe his realm would fall. .All this is because of his own reasons, thinking that he does not need the existence of love, and has lost all love, but in fact he still has love.

But now this love has been lured out in such a way. If you want to escape, you can't escape. At the same time, you can only pay attention to it and slowly comprehend the deep meaning. There are deeper meanings.

After all, these three people are not from Chen Xin's school, and naturally they have not practiced the Chaos Heart Sutra, but Jieyin and Zhunti really felt the most sincere love from the master, not only for their lover, but also for their love. It is the love for everyone, but it is hidden too well, and it is really difficult to deduce the unresponsive exercises. As for the most inner things, it needs careful comprehension.

As for other prehistoric and powerful people, they have more or less comprehended a lot, the most outstanding of which is Zhen Yuanzi. He once received Chen Xin as a gift of the way of nature, and he also interspersed with this chaotic Heart Sutra. Not much, but it is also his fate. As soon as he got it, he practiced in seclusion under the ginseng fruit tree, quietly comprehending the way of great love in nature.

Nature does not give anything back to the living beings, and does not need them to give back, as long as they survive well, silently and infinitely dedicate themselves, and dedicate everything to the sentient beings in need.Similarly, nature also has emotions. Once it gets angry, it will impose punishment on all beings, let them know that survival is not easy, and don't waste resources and abuse and destroy returns.

All of this exists in the way of nature, even if it is superficial and deep, in short, all of this is constantly being renovated, and there will never be a day when it will stop. Maybe it will become quiet when it comes to the real return period. .

Chen Xin doesn't know all this, he has already ignored it, and concentrates on himself, that is his main meaning, but even if he knows, it's nothing, love, a lot, know a lot, the most important thing is whether he can use it The love in it makes oneself more perfect, knowing the existence of love, maybe killing is also a kind of love.

(End of this chapter)

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