Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 286 Witnessing the Existence of God

Chapter 286 Witnessing the Existence of God
"Move faster, go, hurry up." Mo Siqi was obviously following Chen Xin's thoughts very hard.

The members of the Tianlu Corps also kept running out. On the way, they soon saw a lot of strange beasts also running out. Now that they saw them, they no longer care about it. They kept going out without stopping at all. generally.

This question mark remained in everyone's mind. I don't know why these strange beasts ran away. Could it be that something they thought was dangerous was about to happen, and it was still very scary, prompting their instincts to direct them to flee for their lives. Isn't this unbelievable? I haven't had such an experience for many years. There are many powerful beasts in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

Everything that happened now has changed their minds.A few days after the innermost layer came out, their regiment commander hastily urged them to run quickly, and they must not fall behind, otherwise their lives would be in danger.Subconsciously, they believed that the order was issued by Chen Xin, so they could naturally carry out the order better and run away desperately.

This is not a matter of dignity or disrespect, but a real life-threatening matter. No one is willing to take their lives as a joke. They have just received the mighty power of power, and they don't want to lose it just like that. Facing an enemy that is difficult to fight, they are the last It's better to choose to escape. In the future, the strength will increase, and it is not a mistake to fight. This should be considered wise.

Those who know that they are invincible but want to resist are fools, only fools would be willing to do that, only enough patience will have a certain limit, can they have the ability of wisdom, know when to do something, and it is the most appropriate Only in this way can we survive better, gain more important power, and let ourselves have the potential and opportunity to pursue.

After running for several days, they finally arrived at the periphery. Everyone was very tired. Mo Siqi finally let them rest, but seeing the serious expression on her face, could it be that something serious happened? There will be such an expression, it is beyond their expectation, is it really difficult to know the authenticity of all this.

"Captain, what is going on, why do you run so fast, can you tell us, we really want to know, even if it is a little bit, let us understand, save We ran in vain."

Mo Siqi looked at these team members, and turned to Chen Xin again, hoping that he could give some answers, that he could clarify everything in it more clearly, and let her know the meaning of it, hoping that he could understand it.

"Forget it, you go to rest now, let's talk about it, you probably don't know the world of gods, there is another world, that is the world comparable to gods, this is the world of demons, now gods The power of his body has dropped to freezing point, but the world of demons is extremely powerful. Now these two spaces are beginning to intersect. A few days ago, in the depths is the place where the world of demons intersects with this world, and more demons will appear there. With your strength is too weak, it is not enough to resist."

"Let's run for your life now, and wait until your strength becomes stronger before you act. The power of gods and demons is beyond your imagination. Even the lowest-level demon soldiers are stronger than you. Will the gods at that time be stronger than you?" Appearance depends on fate."

Chen Xin sighed deeply, it's not that he doesn't want to help, but that this is the law of the world's evolution, this heavenly world is not just a world here, it contains many spaces, and these spaces will Gradually evolve into the existence of the world, give birth to all kinds of creatures, change with the changes of the heavens, and better evolve the trajectory of the heavens.

"How is this possible? If this is the case, how can we live? Moreover, the legend of the gods has passed for countless years, and we have no news at all. How can we resist this? Could it be that our human race is about to end. "

For a moment, a sad breath filled their hearts. After all, what a terrible power this is. Countless condensed forces are crying out, making them hope for a hope. This is indeed the hope they want most in their hearts, but all this came too soon late.

After Mo Siqi finished listening, she looked at Chen Xin. Needless to say, the pleading in her eyes, she just hoped that he could give her some support. She knew that he was the only one in this world who had this ability, but she couldn't be sure if he would help .

Chen Xin couldn't bear it, but she still shook her head, which made her sad for a while, after all, these things are like this. "Don't look at me, I don't care about it. It still requires your own strength to resist. God, properly speaking, comes from spiritual cultivation, but their innate growth time is much better than yours, so There is the power and legend of gods."

"However, as long as you cultivate properly, you also have the opportunity to become a god. Of course, although I can't help you, you can delay it for a while, and it won't be long. At that time, the god may have a chance to reappear. Don't worry, the god will see you again." passed."

What, I heard that I have seen God, which is not bad. The astonishment on the faces of the people has turned into shock. They really did not expect the result to be like this. It is really incredible. God is such a distant term. The memory is already illusory.

"Yes, god, it's just that this god is very weak, and it will take time to recover. Although I helped, it still takes time. The order of heaven and earth will change again, and the contest between gods and demons will be arranged. This is their The fate between them will come sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to come already, it’s almost there, but you can rest assured that it will take time for the space to intersect.”

"My lord, you have helped a god, so are you a god?"

This question has been lingering in everyone's minds for a long time, but they just don't know how to put it well. After all, the power of God is so precious, and it is so mysterious. They really can't imagine what God is like. Listening to him say this, naturally In order to better verify, what the face of God is, and what kind of shape it looks like, are very suspicious.

"God, hehehe, if this is the case, then it is, but the power of gods is also obtained through cultivation. As long as you persevere, you may also get the power of gods. All living beings have the opportunity to become gods, they just need themselves To pursue it, you need to rely on your own perseverance to pursue it, there is no shortcut at all for the others, and of course you don’t need to rely on me.”

As a result, everyone's hearts immediately stopped, God, he is really a god in front of him, the power of a god is really hard to guess, think about it, everything they encountered along the way was not because of his help If you think about it carefully, you will understand that it is not a simple reason, but that he exists in reality, otherwise everything will be like this.

Now when I look at him, I have already become admiration and awe, and more of that deep admiration. God will help them, let them make breakthroughs again and again, let them ascend to unimaginable existence, All of this is so incredible, but it has become so close, it is unimaginably noble psychology.

Seeing their demeanor, Chen Xin felt helpless. The legend of the god was too far away for them. Now that he appeared in such a form, how could he not shock them. It was a bit difficult for him to leave safely. They obviously don't want him to go, which is quite normal. With the existence of great gods, these demons will not be able to harm them, and their lives are naturally guaranteed.

The most important thing is that they have more chances to become the existence of gods. That is the most important thing. Their strength is also the most concentrated point. It is unavoidable. Looking at the majesty of gods, they all feel a different kind of harmony, which makes their hearts Raising a peaceful atmosphere is what they need most and the most intimate psychology. Everything needs peace.

Just when everyone was about to say something, they found that the gods in their hearts frowned, and then looked into the depths of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. Obviously, the existence of those demons had already begun to step out of their space and come here.This made everyone a little scared, but after discovering the existence of God, the fear became smaller, and more people still quietly waited for God's order.

After Chen Xin discovered the spatial changes in the depths, she knew that the space had already begun to intersect. The first batch of demons would appear sooner than later. The cruelty of those demons was enough to make any living being tremble.After thinking for a while, with ten fingers clasped and pushed deep, an invisible barrier is formed, and it can only go in and out. As for the other creatures in it, it depends on their luck. Naturally, it is just a tight defense against demons.

After doing this, he said to everyone: "Okay, let's go, I have set up an enchantment, which can best restrict their appearance, but if there is not only such a place on this piece, I can't help it." , It depends on your own luck, let's go, let's go, God is not omnipotent, I hope you can remember, what is the meaning of God's existence?"

Everyone knew that everything was fine, at least not now. After resting, they ran out in a hurry. They didn't want to die in vain. Since even God couldn't completely stop them, what's the point of remaining them.Perhaps only Mo Siqi knew that it wasn't that he didn't want to stop it, but that he couldn't stop it. The most fundamental reason was that he was not from this world.

She will always keep this secret in her heart, she doesn't want to say it out, and she doesn't want to make it difficult for him. After all, every living thing has its own destiny, and forced interference will not have good results. It's better to take it slowly and get used to it. Enough.

(End of this chapter)

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