Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 296 God Realm Gate

Chapter 296 God Realm Gate
Under the threat of the invasion of demons and increasingly powerful forces, the gods finally began to unite. It is not that they have never thought about returning to the God Realm, but returning to the God Realm requires strength, and what they lack now is strength. They have just recovered, and they are indeed lacking. Power, every god will feel weak, they need more power, but there are very few places to invest in it.

The United Gods finally started their battle, but they found out in the contest with the devil.Once the demons are eliminated, they seem to feel less oppressed and become more at ease. What is going on, they are not very clear, but there is such a way to go, and naturally no god will give up , As long as enough demons are killed, the power can be restored.

There seemed to be a force changing the rules, giving them a chance to fight, even if it was just beginning.This plan, which is similar to fighting monsters and upgrading, was actually created by Chen Xin through the design of online games, but he did not create ordinary games, but real world games, with real gods and demons, There are other games in which living beings participate, and once they die, they will not be resurrected. Death is death, life is life, and there will be no other results.

This is also the wonder in the hearts of the gods. After all, they had the experience of killing demons before, and they didn't feel this way, but now they do. Could it be that the laws in the dark have been changed, and they are the characters in it. It's the best outcome for them.Joy is silent in the killing, the more demons are killed, the more power they recover and the stronger their strength.

Of course, it's not that God never thought of killing his own creatures, it's only after enjoying such treatment that he realizes how terrible it is.Regardless of whether it was a manslaughter or intentional killing, their power would be compressed, or seriously suppressed, so that their previous power would be reduced by half. What a terrible restriction. After knowing such a restriction, no one dared to try again. Only killing The devil is the right way.

This point is regarded as the main point by any kind of god, and any of the violation regulations cannot be broken, otherwise they will be severely sanctioned.You must know that the current demons are getting stronger and stronger. Once they lose their power, they are likely to be killed by the demons in the struggle with the demons. The result is terrible. It is definitely not the result they want. There is only one death. .

Unity has become extremely important, and with the participation of the gods, the demons under the space interlacing for the first time were finally eliminated, but when they saw the ghosts behind them, they understood that this was just a prelude, and there were still more dangers ahead. Only continuous killing can eliminate the danger. The existence of demons seriously endangers the existence of sentient beings. These demons who only know how to kill must be eliminated.

With the participation of gods, the human race and some other races also began to communicate, knowing that now is the crisis of all races, and there is no possibility of escape, so they can only fight, otherwise they will wait to be wiped out by the demons, and at the same time make all living beings more Knowing the existence of the gods, their power is also envied by living beings, and many living beings are willing to devote themselves to them and become believers.

For this, the gate of the gods has no obstacles at all. The king of the gods in their hearts is the ruler of all gods. Now it is just to share their beliefs with them. At the same time, they are also a type of people who are not strong-willed. believers.For the king of the gods, the purity of belief is the most important thing, mixed beliefs will not be accepted, this is fate.

Those believers who are not empowered by the king of the gods will naturally transfer to other gods, but none of those gods dare to make irresponsible remarks, and they naturally understand in their hearts that this so-called god For the existence of the king, he only needs the purest belief, and he will not take a look at believers with mixed interests, these are just dross left for them.

Even so, the gods are very happy, as long as there are believers, it doesn't matter what is good or bad, faith always exists, as long as you try to distinguish it, they haven't changed much.This is the difference between them and Chen Xin, or the status and perspectives they get along with, the answers they get will be different, and their ideologies are also different.

The first time the demon's expeditionary force was wiped out, it made all the living beings cheer, and the ruling class was also extremely happy. Fortunately, those at the helm did not forget the subsequent battles, and they clearly understood that these were just the most low-level vanguard That's all, what's behind is where the real strength lies. After cheering again, they entered the intense training. A lot of troops were also deployed in the interlaced positions of each space, in order to prepare for it. The next time they come, they won't It's as easy as the first time.

Regarding this, even the gods expressed it in this way, which shows how powerful it is. As ordinary creatures, as long as they can survive to a certain extent, they are already lucky. It is impossible to repel these enemies without a trace. Just do your best.

The gods meet again, this time they plan to open the gate of the God Realm, they want to go back, take back everything they own, and at the same time call more gods to participate in this battle, they must not be succeeded by the demons, otherwise the faith they just gained will be destroyed again Lost clean.

"Sariel, are you ready? What about the other gods? I don't want any mistakes, you know?"

"Yes, respected His Majesty the God King, we are ready and can open the gate of the God Realm at any time. As for the whereabouts of His Majesty the God King Rafida, the subordinates do not know, and I hope His Majesty the God King will contact you. Be safe."

"Well, I know, let's make some arrangements, and prepare to open the gate of the God Realm. This time, it will definitely be something that used to be."

"Yes, Your Majesty the God King, you, the almighty, will surely get your wish, and the subordinates will do their best to open the way for you."

This god king is Tan Shuiyu. He used to be a god king, but he was betrayed and failed. Now that he is back, he naturally wants to regain his strength and status. It has recovered to a certain level, and I still have to thank Chen Xin for the gift at the beginning, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such good luck.

See if the other kings of the gods still look weak, even if they are buffered, they won't recover in a short while, so it can be seen that his luck is really good, to be able to be met by Chen Xin, it's just a matter of chance, Everything is a twist of fate.

The title of God King is the leader of a god system, not the real king of the gods, but the king of a god system, and it can be regarded as the overlord of one side. The former overlord has returned, and now they are looking for Where you are, ask for everything you own, and there must be no deviation, otherwise there will be unnecessary troubles.

Rafida and several other god kings also came over. Tan Shuiyu saw how the other god kings got down after getting acquainted with each other.Rafida was also unlucky because he accidentally touched the believers' beliefs while practicing, and then he came to this world. It wasn't long before he realized that it was the result of not caring much about the believers.

King Rotel and King Murphy were fought by two people, and they slowly recovered after countless years of fighting. They are simply fighting madmen. They don't deny this at all. Fighting is the ultimate like.

God King Glo and King Charlotte were also betrayed by traitors just like Tan Shuiyu. In the end, they ended up like this. After hearing this, the three of them immediately agreed with each other. Kill them all, leave no one left, absolutely no regrets, traitors are really abominable.

The Youming God King is the most unlucky one. He was not betrayed by a traitor, nor was he the result of fighting with other gods. Moreover, he was accidentally hit by the turbulence of time and space during the expedition. If he hadn't decisively abandoned an arm at that time In other words, maybe he no longer exists now, and then he fell into the human world inexplicably, just to restore his strength all these years.

The seven god kings finally talked about their backgrounds, and unanimously affirmed the purpose of this time, not only to get back all their own things, but also to draw the gods in, and they didn't care about anything in order to fight the devil , As long as you have power, the best result is. Once you lose your former power, it will be very troublesome to re-establish it. Now it is just getting it back.

They believed that there would still be God's support. Only the three forces betrayed by the traitors became a little suspicious. They still found some subordinates in the human world. After opening the God Realm, they will be able to contact those who are still loyal to them. God, as long as you have it, you will definitely be able to achieve a lot of achievements, and you are also very clear about this, and the best way is to unite with each other.

The Seven Gods naturally swore a divine oath to form an alliance. After they had a divine oath in the dark, they became more acquainted immediately. The divine oath is an extremely powerful contract. Once violated, they will pay hundreds of times. The price will even be matched with everything you have. The sanctity of the oath cannot be desecrated. It can be seen that the trust of the gods in the oath is still very sufficient.

Then the seven gods ordered together to open the gate of the God Realm, and all the gods stood in their positions, and a huge magic circle appeared in the sky thousands of miles high, or a space magic circle. In the oval magic circle, A huge door appeared, but the door was still tightly closed. There were extremely sacred pictures engraved on the door, and at the same time, there were constantly singing songs, which radiated from the door one after another, making people intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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