Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 309 Hope in Despair

Chapter 309 Hope in Despair
Although they admitted it, everyone still wanted to know more, and then asked: "The human race is really so powerful now, and it can resist without the help of our alien race at all. Please make it clear and describe what you see Say it all."

"Yes leader, I was on the way, and the patrol team of the human race saved me. If it weren't for them, I would have died in the hands of the devil. Those patrol teams of the human race are very powerful. Not only are they large in number, but they are also powerful The believers are strong, each of them can have the strength of a leader, although I don’t know how many, but this is the basis of the facts.”

"When the villain I was rescued, I hurriedly revealed my identity. They seemed a little unbelievable, but most of them were still laughing. Later, I went to the human city and saw their church. The believers inside were even stronger. Walking into the church will have an extremely strong sense of depression, and it is almost impossible to walk through the gate, but fortunately they know that I am an emissary of a foreign race."

"Although I can't enter the church, I still met the leader of their church and expressed his intention to come, but he didn't seem to feel much meaning and didn't answer me. He let me stay for a few days, and these days I was in the city. After walking around for a few times, I found that this church is really too strong, as long as the people in the city hear about the people in the church, their expressions will immediately become extremely respectful."

"Gradually, the villain knows his great achievements, and at the same time, he also knows that their god is called the king of the gods. He is the king of all gods. As long as they are gods, they are classified under him. The church existed, but later the other churches inexplicably lost the power of gods and became low-level churches, and now no one believes in them, only the gate of the gods remains."

After passing the envoy's description, many leaders understood the power of the Gate of the Gods better. They did not expect that their believers are so powerful, and they are almost the same as their leaders. This is still patrolling. If it is a high-level person, wouldn't it be more powerful? , and there are so many believers, it is no wonder that the human race can stop it, and finally understand that these cities are under the protection of the church, which shows their strength.

"Then, will they agree to the request of our foreign race, and whether they have received their approval, you can tell."

"Well, leader, they said they don't need our alien races. Even if they are human races plus monsters, they can resist. Once we join in, we have to share the danger of demons. They don't think it's worthwhile, so they don't need our help. If I stand in my way, what other conditions do I want? This must be a dream, but fortunately they sent me out, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back."

This time the alien race became heavy, and clearly told them that the human race has the final say now, their alien race has no ability, and it has little to do with them whether they die or not, and they still have strength left, so why not do it, Abnormal human races are all thinking about attacking alien races. Now that they have time left, they will be very happy. Maybe they can still pick up the bargain at that time, it must be like this.

"Damn it, damn it, these bastards, believers who return to God, are not merciful at all."

Other people, listen, how strange, they are not believers of human gods, what does it have to do with them, it is not up to you whether you should die or not, just talk about it, do you really think you can be real? Fighting with the human race with guns, it would be strange if they didn't seek death at that time. For a while, the alien race has become worthless, and they have been regarded as abandoned waste.

"Hey, are our foreign races really going to end here? There is no way out at all, and we want to perish like a hundred races."

The Hundred Clans used to be hundreds of races with supernatural powers. Due to their respective conquests and the unusually strong orcs, many were wiped out. Later, many were also wiped out in the struggle. The remaining races were abandoned by the human race. , A lot has been lost, and the remaining alien races, that is, members of the original hundred races, may now follow those disappeared races.

A sad breath flowed in the hearts of the leaders of the foreign races, and they never imagined that such a day would come.

"Boss, boss, it's not good, it's not good, a large number of intermediate demons have appeared, all the elders have been injured to varying degrees, and now they need help, if you go late, the elders will be finished, all leaders, hurry up and leave."

Seeing a flustered foreign race rush in and say something, the leaders of many foreign races can no longer calm down. Now they can only look at it first, at least put this matter down first, and the future Things can only be resigned to fate, they have no other choice, and at the same time they dare not neglect, they immediately feel the place of the battle, and they can't lose if they go to support the elders in the battle.

If this battle line retreats, then they are almost at the end of the game, and such a situation must not happen.

"Hurry up, everyone, now is not the time to be depressed. If you can't get over it now, maybe there will be no future. Come on everyone, you must hold on. This time, you must hold on, even if you die. Otherwise, there is really no hope for our foreign race." The elder over there shouted very loudly, even if it was bloodshed.

Hearing this voice, many leaders knew that they couldn't delay any longer, and immediately rushed up to kill those demons together, even if they were desperate for the consequences of death, they had to kill as much as possible.The other clansmen naturally came up to help. Although they lost a lot, they were able to suppress it as much as possible. However, everyone is injured now. I don't know what will happen next time?
For a while, a more desperate breath spread, and many foreigners had lost their spirits in their eyes, only pessimistic despair. All they saw was death, and there was no room for survival.Fortunately, after many battles, many masters appeared in the clan, that is, they were promoted by killing demons. Now they still hope to find a way out. There is no foreigner who does not think so.

"Patriarch, how is the situation of the human race, do they agree?" Those elders looked at their leaders nervously.

These leaders listened, their faces still unchanged, but their eyes revealed an indelible despair. This was the best notification for them. The human race did not agree, or the human race would make up their minds to take this opportunity to get rid of the alien race.

"How come, the human race is not allied with Warcraft, they should need more help, why don't you agree?"

"Elders, the current human race is no longer the previous human race, do you know? How many powerhouses there are in the human race's church, only the powerhouses like us are used for patrolling, and the rest are in the church Cultivation, what’s more, they have surpassed us and reached the god level, maybe even the god level exists, they are enough to protect themselves, if we add it, it will only become a burden.”

"Moreover, the relationship between the human race and Warcraft is different from our alien race. They rarely compete for anything, and they have a very good mutual aid for them. However, our alien race does not seem to have many strong people, and the population has lost a lot. Conditions It is impossible to have it, and if you need the help of the human race so much, you can only become their vassal, otherwise you will be exterminated if you wait."

After listening to these elders, they were deeply amazed by the strength of the human race. It turns out that they are already so powerful, especially the believers in the church are really so powerful, wouldn't it be raining like rain.

"Elders, you don't have to look at us like this. These believers are very powerful, but they will not help the human race to oppress our alien race. Don't worry about this. If this is the case, they will be excommunicated and withdraw all power , the laws of the Gate of the Gods are very strict, if the faith is not pure, there will not be so many strong people, it should be fortunate."

"Then what should we do now? Is there really no other way, and in the end we can only wait to die?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was silent again. There are other ways, so what else can be said, and where is the way.

"Patriarchs, elders, can you say a few words to me?"

When everyone saw that it was the messenger who had been sent out, they immediately raised their hearts, thinking that he had found a way to save them, and immediately looked at Wang without blinking, causing his pressure to escalate infinitely, and finally his face froze. down.

"Okay, everyone, let him finish first, otherwise we will make him very nervous if we look at him like this."

"Well, that's right, that's right, we're too nervous, tell me, little guy, don't worry about anything bad, just say it."

"The thing is like this. When I observed in the city of the human race, I found that it is not necessary to be recognized by the church to become a believer. As long as a believer with a pure faith can become a believer in God, I wonder if we aliens can also believe in it. If that’s the case, maybe God won’t watch us exterminate the entire family, I believe He will guide those believers to help us, what do you think?”

This question made them a little embarrassed. After all, no race has its own beliefs. If they change their beliefs, it would be disrespectful to the gods in their hearts. Everyone hesitated a lot, and some colors returned to their eyes.

"Of course, the Gate of the Gods doesn't require people who have believed in them before. As long as they don't believe in them, they can become believers with the approval of their gods, so this is also very difficult. After believing in, you must not violate the rules. , otherwise you will receive the most severe punishment, I don’t know if our foreign race will have it, but if you can’t even do this, there is nothing to do.”

With more knowledge, there are more methods. This method is indeed good, but now there are very few aliens who do not believe in God, and it is difficult to find out. This is a big problem. They sincerely feel headache again.

(End of this chapter)

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