Chapter 340
Countless hours passed, and Chen Xin woke up from his cultivation again. This time, he consolidated his inner cultivation, and his realm was equally strong. He was already very familiar with the realm of Yihua Dao. Very satisfied.The most satisfying thing in his heart is the persuasion of his women. If it weren't for their hard work, he wouldn't be so passionate about cultivation.

For this reason, I deeply feel my own insufficiency, and being too comfortable makes me forget. Cultivation is basically sailing against the current. Even though his strength is already extremely strong, he has not reached the real peak after all. Naturally, he does not want to fight without confidence. One chance made him feel the difficulty, and he made up his mind to practice as hard as possible so as not to let him fall behind.

This point has been deeply engraved in his mind, and there is no reason to care about it at all. Only in this way can he better resolve the hidden worries in his heart and not let his woman worry.If even this needs a woman's help or worry, he is really too helpless, and he is also the most pathetic man, not to mention that he is a strong, supremely strong existence.

With such a mind, it is better to rely on strength. Without the existence of strength, he is nothing, and he needs the support of strength. The strength of strength is his more dependence, and it is also the supreme existence of external power. The sharp weapon he hopes to have has been like this since ancient times, and it is also because of this that monks can better hope for their own existence.

After waking up from the practice, the other girls woke up correspondingly. This time they spent a lot of time practicing, and based on their strength, they were also happy for a long time, and their cultivation level had also improved a lot. The excitement is also much higher, I hope he can be more satisfied, can get more care, the existence of the soul is what they hope for.

"You have woken up. You have cultivated well. During this period of time, your strength has improved a lot. It is very good. This time it is also thanks to you. If it weren't for your care and concern, I don't know that it would really be like this Forge ahead, my husband thank you again this time, don't talk, I hope you can understand my heart, my heart is very grateful to you, sincerely."

"Husband, we only know that you are strong and that you are our mainstay. Yes, the root of our strength comes from you. We are nothing special. As long as your strength is the most important thing, husband, I hope you can make persistent efforts to let us We all have a peaceful environment, and this is what we care about the most in our hearts, and it should be us who said it.”

"How can this be so? It's my husband who is thanking you. There's no need to do that. My husband's realm has been stabilized a lot this time. This is your credit. You don't have to be humble. It's you who belong to you. I don't want to do this. There are a lot of debates, I hope you can understand this in your heart, we are one, and only with more unity can we live better."

"Well, we sisters all think this way. Husband, your wish is our wish. You didn't blame us for preaching. It is already a great kindness. Yes, we are very grateful to you for making us feel supreme. Existence, otherwise we females would not be oppressed by others and have no way to go, thank you husband, you are so kind, I am very grateful."

Chen Xin embraced them in her arms, and felt their hearts carefully. The warm feeling was so beautiful that he couldn't extricate himself. Thank them for their support, even if it was hope. Because of this, he will feel lonely in his heart. Yes, he can't bear the comfort in his heart, and the happiness in his heart is the highest enjoyment. He can feel this psychology very well.

After embracing each other for a while, everyone left slowly. After arranging each other's clothes, they walked out of the secret room together. Everyone hoped that their lovers would eventually get married.This is the psychological effect of their first time coming out, and it is also the psychological effect of comforting them. If there is no such factual basis, they don't know whether people in the world will do things like this.

The support of the soul does not need to be thought about to understand this point. The hearts of a group of them are deeply connected, and there will be no disconnection. Their hearts rely on each other and care about each other, so that they can be happy without bounds.Such is the silent joy.

In the Xinzun hall, Chen Xin was sitting on the high platform, and Pan Gu had already appeared below and was explaining to him what had happened over the years.

"Boss, these years have been relatively peaceful. It seems that it will be like this after every big war. It is almost ten thousand years ago that all kinds of creatures will become lively. This is also the result of cultivation. The battle will never stop. We also hope They can be more stable and not let the world become unstable, so that is the best result."

"It doesn't have to be like this, that's how living beings are. Don't think too much about it. The miracle of life is produced in the struggle, which is also the result of the evolution of heaven and earth. If there is no struggle, it is the biggest strange thing. In this way, their existence is also unavoidable happiness. It’s good for them to be happy, there is a future when there is struggle, and you don’t have to pay too much attention to it, well, it’s good to feel happy.”

"That's fine, then the boss's affairs are all these, and there are no major incidents. They are relatively peaceful."

Chen Xin nodded knowingly, so there is nothing to do, and then let Pangu practice by himself, anyway, he has nowhere to go recently, there are many chaotic worlds, and understanding can also deepen the realm of cultivation. But he still doesn't want to be separated from his women, so he wants to stay for a while, to have a good time and to have a good aftertaste.

As the days passed, even Mo Siqi, who had the lowest cultivation base, felt the feeling of separation. I don't know why it happened, but the other women didn't seem to care, so I asked them because of the reluctance in my heart. , hoping to relieve the strange psychology in my heart, it is really uncomfortable, it is rare to have time to comfort, but there is such a feeling?

Tianyao and the others listened to Mo Siqi's words and looked at them silently. Afterwards, Tianyao said: "My dear girl, this is the first time for you, but it has already happened for us." This is not the first time, we must know that our man will not only stay on our side, his pursuit is very broad, and at the same time he can better hone himself, which is the hope of all of us."

"Yes, sister Tianyao is right. Our man is an indomitable existence. He is already a great existence, but he is not a supreme existence. Even if there is no living thing that can compare, the fact is true. In his There is still the restriction of the great way above the head. Only by breaking through the invisible existence of the great way can we truly gain freedom and we can be interdependent for a longer period of time. Our future depends on his existence. Don't think too much, he will always be with you For us, you know?"

"Sisters, is it true that my husband is leaving again, and how long will it take to come back this time? Are these really not restrictive factors at all, or is it because everyone doesn't want to feel inexplicably depressed because of this, and doesn't want to oppress him? freedom."

"Sister Siqi is not wrong to say this. In fact, the main reason is that the time in each space is different, just like the space you were in before and the space you are in now. The time ratio is very different. Think about it when he It has only been more than ten years in your world, and tens of thousands of years have passed in our prehistoric world, how can this method be changed?"

"So, sister, we have no way to limit this aspect. Even he doesn't have the ability to change. From this, it can be seen whether his strength has reached its peak. Maybe after he breaks through the limit point, he will be able to travel freely. Taking into account the time limit, it may be the case. This is the case with cultivation. The unused chaotic world has different laws and powers, and it is also one of the ways to find power. We don’t need to worry about it. As long as we do our own things well and practice hard, even the best s return."

"Well, I see, it turns out to be like this, no wonder you don't care at all, sisters, don't you ever think about going with him, if so, there is no need to separate, so you can live happily together, right? Very good."

Tianyao and the other women felt helpless after hearing this. Although this is a way, his petty family spirit has not changed at all. Once they go out, there will definitely be a lot of restrictions on him. It's very powerful. They don't know that they are usually not allowed to show up. Even if they went out together last time, they can only stay in places that are inaccessible. They rarely go to the world. Even if they do, the consequences will be changed. Seriously, if you think about the previous time, you can understand it deeply.

"Okay, sister Siqi, haven't you felt the strength of your husband's possessiveness? He won't let us be seen by outsiders. Even Pangu rarely sees us. You should know what your husband's taboos are. Don't ask any more, if he wants to take us out, he will naturally say it, if he doesn't say it clearly, then he can't say a word, you know?"

Mo Siqi thinks about the same for a while. Over the years, he has gradually felt his desire, thinking that he was not like this at the beginning, and even the last clothes were changed abruptly. Even if his desire, someone in Mei can change it. , Only when the desire in the heart is strong can we better obtain the possession in the heart. He is this type of person, the most top type of person.

After they communicated with each other, they stopped talking, as long as they knew it in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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