Chapter 349
Hilo carefully observes every move of the crowd, hoping to find the right person to attack. This requires patience. Without patience, it is impossible to obtain realistic returns. He calmly observes these crowds, and more is still watching Looking at the plants and trees in the surrounding eyes, conceal these, and at the same time try to avoid any strange expressions, as if they are normal.

I want to turn myself into a drop of water in the sea, blending into it without being noticed, this is the highest state of theft, but few people can do it, we must know that the state of the sea is uncertain, and various emergencies occur from time to time , under the behavior like a tsunami and a strong wind, it became even more turbulent, nothing was more unbearable than this, and it became even more moody.

Stealing is to constantly change your state and behavior, so that you can better use mutuality, let yourself blend in, or make yourself a little more ordinary, without any waves, moving with the wind, so more It is the strongest force to be able to experience letting nature take its course. There is no more adaptive degree than this, and it is more or less the same, and the delusion has become a reality.

To move without wind, to act without wind, to move at the beginning is to be in the midst of change, change is impermanent, and people have to follow impermanence so that people don't know it or not. Only in this state can we better use our own abilities If you can't complete this change, you will never be able to be promoted better. That's how strength comes from, so pay more attention.

Hilo waited for a long time, and he finally found a target. He saw him come out of the bank just now, and after his eyes rolled around his waist, he found a bag. It was very special. Anyone who cared would know it. This is the unique space bag of the giant tree world, which can store a lot of things, and the space in it is not certain, more or less more than others.

Although many wealthy businessmen also have space bags, they will be protected by a certain number of people around them. It is impossible for him to get close. If one is not good, it may be considered a gang of thieves and will be killed alive. Death is useless, I still have a lot of life to spend, how can I waste it at will, no, I hope I can live longer.

After seeing the target person, I tracked a lot of distance again and found that he seemed to have no other companions. I was certain in my heart. I immediately knew that he was walking alone, so I was relieved. Even nobles are also downcast nobles. If other nobles It is impossible to wear such a simple dress, which does not conform to their etiquette concept, and his temperament does not seem to have the temperament of aristocrats.

In this way, he is a big fat sheep in his eyes, as long as he eats him, he can get a lot of money, at least a thousand leaf gold in a space, and there will be even more leaf gold in the bag, In this way, isn't it just a big deal, which makes people very happy, and the joy in it is even more limitless. This time, it may be able to survive for a long time.

Once the wooden plaque is determined, it will be implemented immediately to quickly identify his next step. This is the certain vision he has, and it is also the point of being a thief. Without such points, it is difficult to steal. For certain things, if you take a step ahead, you will get more opportunities, and it is not easy to cause others to speculate. When others respond, he has already left, and naturally no one will catch up with him. There is no point between actions. Traces, that's what a master should do.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't think of the other party. He had seen many strong people before, at least stronger than him, and the person in front of him clearly couldn't feel the existence of Ye Maili, so he was a useless person. Why not, he doesn't think that he has gathered his strength to a certain point, and he hasn't leaked it at all, it's more or less miraculous.

Affirming his decision little by little, when he came out of the restaurant, he pretended to walk in the door, very stealthily stealing the bags around other people's waists, as long as he could catch them, it was his own , Seeing this little approach, the excitement in my heart seems to become stronger and stronger, and my means have also become much stronger, faster and faster.

Chen Xin was in a good mood today, got a lot of money, and then ate a big meal in this restaurant to satisfy his greed. After solving this point, he originally planned to go to other places for a stroll , but when he was about to walk out of the restaurant, he found that someone noticed him, and soon discovered that his target was the space bag on his waist, which was obviously a thief.

He seemed to like this kind of person so much in his heart, he frowned, flashed his hand, and said in his ear: "Little guy, don't waste your youth, you have to be sure. If you are really short of money, why don't you go to the bank yourself?" To make money, you have to use this kind of means, the good times are not practical, I hope you can take care of yourself, well, forget it this time, little guy."

The words in Hilo's ears immediately impacted his brain like a curse. The other party has already seen him clearly, so it's not that he has no strength, and the other party simply disdains it. Obviously, he was wrong this time. .Fortunately, this strong man doesn't seem to want to have much trouble with him, so letting him go this time is considered a blessing, how rare it is.

Hilo was thinking, but his hands were not slow, so he quickly withdrew his hand, and when he was about to look for it, he realized that the other party had already blended into the crowd, and it was difficult to find him if he wanted to. He is really a powerful person. It's not something he can understand, it's really too strong.Only such a character can be worthy of the wind of a strong man. Although he has infinite yearning in his heart, it will soon be eclipsed.

After losing his target, he also left the door immediately. If he stood for a long time and was found out by interested people, he would be even more unlucky. It is better to leave early.It's just that the man's words have always been stored in his mind, but he never forgets them. He firmly remembers them. Although stealing comes quickly, it is not easy. Once he misses it, he will have a very bad end, which makes people shudder.

Although I left, I still feel a little bit at a loss. It seems that it is very troublesome to know one of the facts. I cannot deny this. Whether it is on my side or the other side, it is better to fight for life. There is no need to worry too much about living under the reason of existence, but he really wants to live like this for a lifetime, and there are waves in his heart.

After Chen Xin left, her divine sense saw the cleverness of this person. Although she froze for a moment, she was able to react quickly. This is a very rare character. If she is cultivated, she might be able to become even better. It is also possible to develop locally, but he doesn't seem to have such a route, maybe he is one of the majority of civilians, even if he is talented, he has no money.

If you don't have money, you can't enter the academy to study, so naturally you can't make better use of the world's energy.Leaf vein power is the foundation of cultivation given to them by the giant trees in the giant forest world. As long as they work hard, they can become stronger. Because it is the foundation of the ability given by the giant tree, the veins of all creatures exist just like the leaves of the leaves. There are only a few changes, just more links.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Maili needs better Ye Jing to be able to change and give them a stronger foundation. It can be seen that Ye Jing is so valuable and has no market, it is too rare, even those who have reached a certain level The creatures in the strong stage are not willing to give up this opportunity, it is very likely that they will be promoted to another level, what a rare opportunity.

The preciousness of Ye Jing lies in this. Many people just want to get it and fight endlessly. The most certain strong people in the bottleneck period need the power of Ye Jing to protect their veins and strengthen the foundation of their veins. In order to better improve their cultivation realm, the longing for strength is unlimited, even for ants, and they cannot become harmonious and peaceful because of this.

Ants still survive stealthily, and the best guarantee for stealthy survival is their strength. Only with strong strength can they have better capital to survive and have a more attractive way of making money. These are the most important and crucial parts , is also an indispensable compositional condition, and every bit of it cannot be missed, so that more hope can be obtained in return.

The survival of living beings cannot be ignored. Stealing is also a way of survival, but the danger is not worse than hunting, and sometimes it is even more dangerous.In this world, whether stealing is a crime or not, Chen Xin doesn't know, but even if he knows, it doesn't matter to him, as long as he lives happily is the best fact, if he really lived a life of stealing, then I can only hope that there will be a day when I will not be caught, otherwise the end will be futile even if I am sighing. I hope that he can change his life. When he returns to his den, Chen Xin will put a thousand leaf gold into him In the quilt, I hope he can live a good life and stop stealing. Even if he doesn't have a bloody disaster now, there will be times when he misses. At that time, it is enough for him to bear it, and it is better to prepare early.

Xi Luo returned to his nest very depressed, and felt heartbroken when he saw it. It was still like this all these years, dilapidated. Obviously, he was very incompetent. Too weak, no possibility of comparison with other people, no chance of winning at all, more or less very troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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