Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 356 Zhongde City

Chapter 356 Zhongde City

After dealing with these horse thieves, Chen Xin did not let go of their savings. These were all robbed from others, and they were all ill-gotten gains. He would not feel that something was wrong, for him , These money are the best supplies, only in this way can we squander these things better, what I want more is to help some people, of course, many of them depend on chance.

Collected a lot of money and there are tens of thousands of Yejin, and some other treasures, which are still quite rich. Of course, many of them have been used by them, otherwise, I believe it will be even worse. A lot, he doesn't care about it, just take as much as you have, and he doesn't care about things that he can do to the best of his ability, more or less is a fixed number.

The small valley is still full of flames, and the ground in the small valley is scorched hot. It is really very capable. The final function of these horse thieves is to use them as fertilizer, so that their last bit of contribution must be used. You're not welcome at all, use up everything, it's not good to waste it, I hope they can water the land better, it's a credit.

Chen Xin took the things and left, leaving behind a piece of coke, but these things were not on his mind at all, as if they should be like this.The night is very beautiful, but not many people appreciate it. Most of them are doing things that shouldn't be done. The night is also the best crime cover point. You don't need to think about it to know the existence of all this.

Money is a kind of temptation, but how many temptations can be resisted, power and money are almost fatal existences, as long as there is this psychological pursuit, it cannot be avoided, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to contribute at all .Death may be the most knowledgeable level, but it is also the final liberation. Even if there is knowledge, if it is too late, everything will be over.

Knowing that letting go is an opportunity to ease, letting go does not mean giving up, it is just letting go temporarily, and you can take it back when the right time comes.This is not only a common explanation for horse thieves but also other wise men. Only by understanding this truth can one be able to have a long-term relationship with the family. Otherwise, no matter how strong one is, one day one will die, and it will be too late to regret.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he didn't stay any longer, and quickly disappeared in place. He continued to move forward, found a suitable foothold and rested again, and left until tomorrow.After thinking about it, he put the things away, then got into his tent, and slowly began to rest, not caring at all about how many accidents would happen to him, only accidents would be more exciting and more fun.

After the two moons meet, they separate again, and then each walks their own route, but they are already walking on the other's road, which is even more charming, especially at the moment of meeting, the sky and the earth are more glorious, that kind of pink and blue meeting. Shencai is even more worthy of commemoration, it only happens once a day, and not many people will pay attention to it, and the change is the biggest at this time.

Shuangyue sank into the ground again, and the sun slowly rose from below the ground level. There was no surprise at all because of Shuangyue's disappearance, as if it had been known for a long time.After a brief pause, the morning sun had already set, but some places were still very calm and dark, and these places could only be illuminated by this bright light at noon.

After a casual breakfast, he was ready to go on the road. There was no place to stay here. It would be better to arrive at the inner area earlier, where there would be food and drink, and the enjoyment would be extraordinary.After packing up his things, he stepped on his feet and set off. The speed was very fast, and he quickly disappeared in place without leaving any traces. It was very floating.

The Milai Great Plain is still the same dark green, there is no change, but it is more about expressing your own happiness.The beauty of nature is what draws the heart, even in a world like this, and there is an undeniable sense of purpose in that.

Appreciation is appreciation, but you will not forget your destination. There are several cities on his map. The one in the east is called East Germany City, the one in the middle is called Zhongde City, and the one in the west is called West Germany. City, it seems that the names of these three groups of cities are very close, and they are more indicative of the relationship between them. They mean horns to prevent foreign enemies from invading. Except for the three big cities, the others are all small cities attached to the banner.

There is not much to say about this. Every strategic point has a different role, which is quite true. In the end, he chose Zhongde City, hoping to satisfy him.Once the target was determined, he immediately started to act, and quickly headed towards Zhongde City. Even if there were horse thieves along the way, he would treat it as if he hadn't seen it, as long as he didn't come to provoke him.

These horse thieves are also quite interesting. Seeing him wandering alone on the Milai Great Plains, but he was safe and sound, he knew that he was not simple, and he did not dare to stop him in the slightest. Even when he was looting, he would stop and wait for him. After leaving, continue to act, obviously hate is inexplicable taboo, for fear of offending the other party and causing death, but there are also some uninterested horse thieves.

Naturally, these horse thieves will not have a good end. If you provoke him, it will be more uncomfortable than the god of death. Sometimes the god of death will show mercy, but in his hands, it is really difficult to show mercy. Death is death. There is no other idea, and no People can get what they have, and there is nothing outsiders can do about it except for themselves. The sins need to be paid for.

After hearing this, quite a few horse thieves gathered their subordinates and started to run towards their own territory. As long as they didn't fall into his hands, it would be the best result, and such a situation must not happen.As soon as the killing god was heard among the horse thieves, it immediately aroused different reactions, especially those horse thieves were shocked and frightened, and even more annoyed.

But they have no other good way, the other party is an enemy, how could they let them go at will, and they went to find their own death, who can be blamed.Who told them that it was not good to provoke them, but they chose to provoke this killing god, and those horse bandits who did not provoke them felt relieved that this was the best choice, and there is no more suitable and wise than this.

Ever since, all the merchants along the way didn't look like they were being robbed at all, and the horse thieves seemed to disappear together without any movement. It wasn't until later that they knew that there was a killing god wandering on the Milai Great Plain. , seems to be constantly moving towards Zhongde City, of course, it is only heard of, and not many people have seen it, after all, his whereabouts are erratic.

But one thing is worth mentioning, those merchants sincerely hope to eliminate these horse thieves, so that their road will be smooth and boundless, but the caravans they met later really know, so those horse thieves will not provoke him, He doesn't care about their lives, but once they provoke him, they will just wait for the god of death to come, and they will lose their lives soon.

Where there is praise, there is derogation, especially for those caravans that cannot be rescued. They greatly derogate him, and the two sides have become calm.It's just that all of this is nothing great to him. Humans have mouths to speak, so what's the point of sealing their mouths, so he won't live again Just care.

After all, people's words are terrible, and I don't know what will happen. Fortunately, they are obviously in the majority now, and those horse thieves are unruly. It is not so easy to calm them down, so how many of them will be calm. So many of these horse thieves were dealt with by him. Naturally, he had the absolute upper hand in a positive way, and there was no surprise at all.

Zhongde City is also a huge city, not smaller than Zhili City. Although Zhili City is relatively far away, if you have been riding a horse, it will take two or three days to get there, and you can get there quickly. The specific situation of the hostile forces is very conducive to the deployment in this area, and it also has a certain preemptive effect on the final outcome.

Zhili City is almost a vanguard station. It was built for the enemy's exploration, and it is also an isolated city. It should not have been built at first, but it is too far away. This Zhili City had to be built for the purpose of preventing and detecting the enemy. There are tens of thousands of troops stationed all year round, and there is enough food and grass to supply it.

You don't need to think about it, Zhili City is acting to delay the enemy's footsteps as much as possible, and also provide clues for the enemy behind. This city has experienced a lot of ups and downs over the years, and it has gradually broken through. Famous.

After arriving in Zhongde City, he walked towards the gate of the city, and found that there is a city entry tax here. It seems that it is not required everywhere, but it depends on the situation.Now it is almost inside the Kingdom of Mira, and naturally some arrangements are needed. The city entry tax is one of them. If this kind of money is not earned, it will be for nothing. It is because of this that the upper-level people are so concerned about this matter.

For these, Chen Xin didn't care too much, it was just a few leaf coins, not much, and it was still affordable for ordinary people.After paying the city entry tax, he went to the famous restaurants in the city, hoping to find something he likes to eat, so that he can reward his stomach and comfort him.

Zhongde City is still quite big. I walked a lot and asked some people. I knew all the famous restaurants in the city. As I walked around, I found that the Xinyue Restaurant was also famous, so I no longer picky.

(End of this chapter)

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