Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 375 Star Brilliance Sword

Chapter 375 Star Brilliance Sword

The auction is still going on, and things will get better the longer they go. As for whoever has money, whoever can get it, but whether they can take it home is a problem. Many people are thinking about it. After each auction, , A fight is indispensable, for more resources, they can do anything, death is nothing, not being able to advance is a terrible existence.

Of course, hands are not allowed in the auction house. This is a common agreement of all auction houses. Of course, it needs to be recognized by all auction houses. Only with this qualification to become an auction house can they be protected by them.Once you become one of them, protection is a matter of course, and you still care more about their safety. If anyone can interfere, why use an auction?
This point has been recognized by many auction houses, and an alliance organization of auction houses has been established. As long as you join it and maintain its rules and regulations, you will be able to obtain its protection. Of course, you will pay a certain amount of money every year, also known as The membership fee needs to be paid every year, and the method is simple, as long as the money is paid in the bank.

It can be seen that Guihua Auction House is such an auction house, otherwise, it will not be able to hold these powerful people. Although the highest is the emperor level, in the kingdom, it is the overlord of one party. You must know the difference between the kingdom and the empire. Among the holy ranks, it is taken for granted that there will be a lot more emperor ranks than them. This is absolutely certain. I think all this is caused by the trajectory of fate.

There are a lot of items in the auction, and the last three items have been released. This time, it means that it is coming to an end. It is almost ten o'clock in the evening. It seems that there are still a lot of items, and there is also a lot of competition, and it is extremely fierce. It is the best proof, otherwise, it would have dragged on for such a long time. Compared to before, it was because there were fewer items, and it was still not unusual and could not be extended.

If it wasn't for Chen Xin's appearance tonight, I believe it would be the same. It's a pity that he didn't export any of these things. It's very frustrating to let Red Star manage things. If he knew that he didn't have any money, would he vomit blood and die? Ah, such things will happen. In his consciousness, it is absolutely impossible for such a strong person to have no money. He has never thought about it.

I met him tonight, you can tell by just looking, but it’s more because he thinks that he doesn’t like these things, so naturally he won’t open his mouth to bid, never thought about such a thing, hey, inertial thinking , let him fall into a dead end, did not send out, I really don't know whether to cry or laugh, it's crazy, it's very confusing, more of it is like this.

"Tonight's penultimate item is the treasure of our auction house, and it is a weapon made by the Protoss. Everyone knows that the weapons made by the Protoss are very magical, and they are rarely leaked. And tonight's one is the weapon given to Master Feilin by the Star Spirit Clan, the Xinghui Sword. This sword has a unique blessing effect on Ye Maili. I believe everyone understands it. So, I won't say more , the bidding price is 1000 million leaf gold, and each increase is no less than [-] leaf gold, and the auction begins."

Immediately there were bursts of hissing. I didn't expect such a treasure. If other strong men knew about it, they would definitely try to get it. It's just that this weapon really needs 1000 million leaf gold, not to mention the strong men present. Well, even the nobles don't have so much money, and it suddenly became cold. It seems that no one can bid for it, no matter how precious it is.

You must know that this Xinghui sword was made by the Xingling tribe from the stars, adding various and precious materials, and finally gave it to Master Feilin to help the wood eaters. The merits of the sword are enough to shock, and there are many functions in it. It is said that there is a bit of experience of the film master hidden in this sword, how can it not be surprising.

It's a pity that no one can buy it. It's too expensive. Of course, if it's the people of the empire, it might be. You must know that the party's Master Film is a powerful person, and it is beyond ordinary people's imagination. To be able to own this sword So what does it mean? You can know it without thinking too much. There are many benefits, and there are indescribable benefits, whether it is in the dark or in the light.

After a period of indifference, even under the repeated calls of the host, there was still no bid. As time passed, the auction was finally passed.In fact, everyone present knows that even if you have the ability to obtain it, you still need to be able to protect it. Otherwise, you will definitely not end well. You must know that such a treasure will be envied even by a respectable person. Can you stop it?
After seeing this scene, Steward Red Star was even more puzzled. Why didn't he bid? Just add one point is enough. I believe no one will compete with him. If there is a competition, it is because they are impatient. , until I die, I will not know what kind of person I have offended, how can I survive, and treasures also need strength to hold them, otherwise they will be a kind of disaster.

Wondering, wondering, he is not worried about the news being leaked out. Other auction houses have similar treasure houses, but they seldom sell them. I bought it.

After all, this is still a world where the strong are respected, a world where you don’t have to think about it, only with strength can you have more benefits, and only then can you have a supreme weapon. Unfortunately, except for him, no one present can buy it. But he didn't buy it, so he could only pass the auction and wait for the next time. This is a method, a strange way to win over, otherwise how could it be like this?

This Xinghui sword is at least worth hundreds of millions of Ye Jing, 1000 million is completely for delivery, unfortunately, facing Chen Xin who has no money, it is also useless, no money to be fat, really I don't know the so-called, he doesn't bother to do it like this, what is there is what is there, what is not is what is not, how can there be another kind of business, these are the results of fate, there is no need to think too much, and there is no need to do it deliberately.

Although one piece was unsold, it is not unusual for the host to seem to be offended. Thinking about it, how could such a treasure be preserved without the strength. "Ladies and gentlemen, next is the penultimate item. For this item, many appraisers don't know where it was used or where it was produced. Of course, they can't destroy it, even if it is an honorable one. .”

"Everyone, please look, this is this item." After the cover disappeared, a white thing that could no longer be white appeared, but it seemed to have no brilliance, it was just white, what was it, reverberated in the hearts of everyone , such a white thing is really rare, it seems to be very strong, even the rank can't be destroyed, it seems worth it, it's just that.

Of course, many people are speculating whether this is a treasure, and they can protect it. Of course, more people still think it is not worth it. Even if the rank cannot be destroyed, they don't know its use. Where there is no need to move, just use it as an ornamental object, or use it as a stepping stone. In short, many things flashed in their minds, and they denied them one by one.

At this time, Chen Xin's eyes narrowed. This thing is really rare, and it still exists. You must know that such treasures are rare, even in the prehistoric world, and here I believe that only the most Only the top-level powerhouses can know what this thing is and what it is used for. It is definitely a good thing. It is a pity to be living in the mortal world.

"Although this item is very precious, it doesn't seem to be very useful. Dangdang is also a good stepping stone. If you like it, you can buy it back and use it as a stepping stone. Of course, I'm here to say that many people have tried various methods for this item, such as dripping Methods such as blood recognition are useless. Even in a hot place, it won't melt even a little. Buy it again if you think it's suitable. The bidding price this time is a leaf of gold, and there is no upper limit. If you like it, you can buy it back Well, it doesn’t need much money, start bidding.”

A Ye Jin, how much does it cost, but I won’t buy it no matter how hard I fight with you, I know that it’s a waste of money to buy it back, maybe once I set the price, other nobles will follow suit in order to compete Asking the price, this is the most important thing. When the price is high, it will make people feel uncomfortable. Isn't this just to make people spend money indiscriminately, it is definitely like this.

"One Ye Jin." Chen Xin pressed it without even thinking about it. Anyway, no one will start filming, so he will just start it. Anyway, he is determined to get it. It is of no use to others, but it is another treasure to him. Well, it's pretty good as a gift, especially my own women, they like this kind of thing, and it's hard to find such things, and it's hard for him to find them after all his hard work.

When the supporter heard this, he knew who it was from. The person in this room was ordered by the steward of Red Star. As long as he made a bid, he would set the price immediately. If you don't want to, you will arrive: "Once, twice, three times, congratulations to this distinguished guest, you took this treasure, and we will send the treasure later, please wait a moment."

Immediately, someone took this thing and appeared in front of Steward Hongxing, but Steward Hongxing was sure of peace of mind. As long as he could catch his eyes, he would definitely give it away immediately, and he would not be sloppy at all. Now is the time. Thinking of going to the VIP room of the non-stop Wang Chenxin, I must be very grateful this time, but it is really difficult to win over.

The other bidders were stunned, they didn't expect such a thing, it was so fast, as if they had to give it away.

(End of this chapter)

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