Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 397 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 397 The Opportunity Comes
Slotara has lost the energy to talk to these people who don't know the so-called. What he wants most now is to get his understanding, otherwise there will be big troubles, and many things will become abnormal. Unexpected things will appear, so there will be no seconds, no matter which one it is, it cannot be changed because of it.

It's really that this person's reputation is so great that even he is hard to reach. How can they check and balance each other? I don't know how many misfortunes will appear. He is merciful, maybe it is a corpse now, it is a very appropriate metaphor, these things cannot be connected with each other.

One world and one earth, every aspect is an extreme, how can we have the opportunity to speak openly, these are all because of mutual interests, there will be better opportunities to exist, their fate is to play side-by-side, Once you play too much, it is a dead end, there will be no other roads to go, you need many roads to reach, and more need strength.

Only eternal strength can be the most perfect. Without strength, it is absolutely impossible to possess these strengths, and it is also impossible to become a desired existence, and any kind of existence needs to be experienced.What these nobles lack is insight. They don’t know how big the outside world is. They always think that they are number one in the world, and that their family power has spread all over the country, but in reality it is just a small country. They have no understanding at all. How big is your country? Is it the biggest?

This is the case in his opinion. Although the Lamy Academy is the most powerful academy in the Lamy Kingdom, it is just the Lamy Kingdom, not an empire, and there is still a long way to go with the empire. This gap is the only way to know the classification between empires and kingdoms, and to appreciate the difference between the strength of the empire and the strength of the kingdom, which is very different.

It takes continuous understanding to better understand that all the power required is not so simple, and now he is also resented by these stupid noble children, very dissatisfied, does he really think that he is an extremely powerful character, In fact, in the eyes of others, he is just a greasy-faced guy, and it is useless to constantly show off with the little advantage of the family.

Once it comes to practical use, it is definitely a luxury, but death has become an eternal destiny. If they want to live forever, unless they have stronger power, they will either learn to be human, and don't want to take everything from others all day long. , Occupy it by all means, these are the boredom in the boring, if you want to change the fact, you need a lot of it, and you hope to have a certain amount of experience.

Hope is the best kind of existence, not only the need for strength, but also the pursuit of destiny. Their purpose is the same, but they cannot be blindly arrogant because of this.Looking at the disbelief on the faces of these nobles, and more dissatisfaction among them, Slotara felt that he was really talking to a group of cows, and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, you all go down, don't bother him, or even your father may not be able to solve it, and maybe you will get involved with your family. I hope you can take care of yourself and don't think that you are number one in the world. , There are many people who are stronger than you, even if they are stronger than me, do you think you can solve everything by yourself?"

"I hope your good luck will last forever, but follow you, it's really good luck for you to escape this time. Go back and ask your father if it's a good thing, don't hurry up, if it's late, the consequences will be embarrassing, I will go too Let’s pay a visit, hoping to get his advice, maybe there is still some hope, you idiots can’t talk, if you die, you will die.”

Listening to the dean's words, everyone felt incredible, but they just couldn't express it. Is this their dean?This is really unpredictable, not only the other party but also the face-to-face conversation, everything is very certain, then the other party is definitely a difficult guy, what should I do, I really can only go home first. up.

And Slotara no longer cares about these people, and he immediately left the office and went to the library, thinking that this is everything worthy of affirmation, and it is also an extremely powerful character trait, no matter where he is On the one hand, she was thinking of going to pay a visit, silently hoping to get his advice, and it would be best if she could break through to the god level by luck.

Hope is always good, but reality is also cruel. He also knows that this road is difficult to walk, and it will be unimaginably difficult. After all, these characters are easy to provoke. Once they are accidentally offended, they will definitely die. For these powerful people, killing people is the same as killing animals, there is no difference, it's just that they are pleasing to the eye, because this matter is already very bad.

Hope has been greatly reduced, but for the continuation of life, he has to do things hard, otherwise he will have no chance at all, and this is even more inseparable from their fate, and they must not fail once.

He rushed to the library not far away, and saw a group of students gathered around, seeming to be discussing some issues, but this made him very angry, these people really don't know what they mean, don't they Do you know how serious the consequences are.

In order to better solve this matter, he immediately asked the instructors of the academy to evacuate these students, and at the same time forbid them to come here. I don't want to be killed before the end of life, at least I can live for some time, if there is a chance to break through, isn't it the best thing, that is also possible.

Although this kind of expectation is very small, it is still a possibility. Don’t think that it will not happen. Many times, such an opportunity will appear. At the end of the day, of course, the vitality must be abundant. Only in this way can we better understand everything in it.

It is not difficult to deny the existence of these reasons, and it is even more difficult to imagine the causal connection of the possibility of these purposes. It is more because they are acting at this moment, in order to let them understand where the desired purpose is, more or less During the changes, it is hard to imagine what the future changes will be like, but it is the best result to minimize conflicts, and I hope it can be done well.

He didn't come to the door of the library until everything was sorted out, because he already knew that the door had been closed by a force, and no one could get in. He didn't know if he could go in, but he still hoped to give it a try. It's okay to try, even if you fail, if you succeed, it means that you have the opportunity to meet him, or that he is willing to meet you.

Stretching his hands towards the gate nervously, he was still waiting for the opening of fate, and his heart couldn't understand the mood at the moment. The unprecedented tension was the arrival of fate in boredom, and it was more because of At this moment, the fate is beginning to move, and all of these are moving in the midst of changes. I hope that I can have the opportunity to meet that person, and I must succeed.

His hand was already stretched out at the gate, but an invisible force blocked his progress. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't succeed. Could this be the power he laid down? Could it be that his life was over like this? I'm not reconciled, really not Resigned, the old man now really feels disheartened, being rejected is also a kind of extravagant hope, he will not see himself.

The invisible pressure is constantly oppressing him and obliterating his soul. The feeling of dead silence is always accompanied by it. I can't imagine how big the feeling is, but it is definitely an unspeakable power track. This is the difference between hope and dream. , Very much, the place of hope is already absolutely dependent, and the shattering of hope will naturally be accompanied by spiritual damage.

He himself really didn't notice the change in himself at all. He didn't have such a mentality before. No matter how disappointed and disappointed, at most he just went home and waited to die, but now he was magnified many times invisibly. I kept asking myself whether it was worth it, whether I wanted to go on the road of death, or thought I still had a chance, and the two were constantly colliding.

This is already an absolute fact, and the torrent of fate between the two already exists. Don’t worry too much about where the trajectory is, but what to do in the future. There is only a little time left. Is there any hope of success? ?This point is the biggest foothold in his heart, and it is also an indispensable point of contradiction for him. It needs continuous continuation to understand everything.

Hope is good, but it is also difficult to cooperate. The breath of death is already surrounding him. As long as you don't understand this, there is no possibility of leaving. Maybe today is his last day.This is also a kind of opportunity, don't think it's just dead silence, you must know that the opposite of dead silence is vitality, as long as he can see through this point, he can hope to live.

This is also what he doesn't know. He just didn't think about these things deeply before, but now he helps him recall them more deeply, allowing him to understand where his heart is and why there is such a situation. It's something that has been silently settled in his heart all this time, but he just doesn't want to show it on the bright side, and he doesn't want anyone to see it, he just wants to bear it by himself.

The choice is at this moment, life and death are at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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