Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 442 The World of High Technology

Chapter 442 The World of High Technology

Finally, after a long wait, the spaceship entered the giant tree world. As the spaceship landed, the crowd slowly came out. As for what will happen to these spaceships, it depends on whether anyone will take them. If there is no one in the car, they will go back at any time, but the time is a bit long, for more members to go back and forth between Camille and Calais, and communicate with each other.

This is a nice way of saying it, but it is actually a means of attachment. Otherwise, these blank sighs would not appear. It is really unexpected. Many cognitions have a feeling of separation and separation at the same time. I think my future is full of hope and confusion, and how to avoid it is what I want the most, but in fact it is impossible. That kind of waiting is already the most infatuated.

As the crowd walked, all the people on the spaceship came down. The space here is larger than that of Kami’s spaceship. There are dozens of spaceships around, and they are not considered invisible spaceships. You can know how many spaceships there will be if you think about it, but you can’t change your mind. The number of spaceships is too large. This is very true.

Chen Xin took Long Rong out of the spaceship. When she saw the golden ring around her neck, those passers-by were no strangers to it. No matter how civilized and advanced the age is, there are still many hidden things. Don't think it's impossible. , In fact, there are many, many of these things, and most of them are just hidden from ordinary people.

If you want to change through a certain way, it requires strength. Most people will have someone to pay attention to it. It is impossible. This point is very clear. In fact, it has been explained very well. One of them has been expressed very thoroughly. Right and wrong is a certain degree of relief, it is already such a common existence, more often it is more obvious, too much.

The current question and answer is a very factual existence. I want them to expose it to see if they have the strength. Of course, many high-level figures think it is a kind of decoration. If you have the ability, you can also spend money to Buy it, say that you have no money, this is also a fact, the indisputable fact is already very dependent, and the fact of recognition is different from the past.

The little bundles are clearly explained, but passers-by are just looking at them, and they will not think that their abilities are very strong to interfere with the other party, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious, provoking a strong person or extremely respected character, then the price to pay will be very high, more because the character who can get on the spaceship will not know the meaning of it, it is impossible.

After understanding the meaning of it, I don’t need to think about it anymore, let it be, there is no need to offend these characters, and I still think that under the belief that different is different, and that little bit of collection of the same role Or, the swirling colors are already extremely strong, and I hope that there will be more excitement in the future, and the existence of hope cannot be changed, let them understand that moment.

Turning a blind eye is also common sense at the noble level. Unless one party has already threatened the belief of the other party, generally speaking, they will not care about the problems among these nobles. It is also to ensure the collection of interests. If one of them is broken If you follow the rules, then the consequences will be blocked by other nobles, and you will know the power of it at that time, unless you have the ability to break it.

Otherwise, stay here well. Apart from these things, they are already the most basic facts, and there are no regrets. Don’t worry about those doubts, because the importance of strength is even stronger, no matter how you explain it. There is not much use, but there are many differences and changes. As long as there is interest, it will change, and interest is accompanied by the beginning of everything.

Walking out of the lobby of the spaceship, it is also the automatic forward path, which leads to the outside world. The other passengers naturally took this path. Of course, many nobles still secretly looked around. As for why, there is What to do, I don’t know. Of course, many of them are actually looking at their goals, just to see if they are suitable and whether they can get it.

Fortunately, Chen Xin and the others didn't have anyone who was not open-eyed to make trouble, and they walked out of this passage smoothly. Even if they came with them, they didn't care, chose a path, and walked out.The other passengers naturally followed their own paths. They would not walk around indiscriminately. They obviously had a purpose, and they were also ordered by the family. Many families have temporary residences.

Chen Xin doesn't care whether these nobles have temporary residences or not. For him, his biggest wish is to travel constantly, fill his thoughts, let him know more, and also understand the support points better, and always maintain the This film is more or less like this, and what happens in the future has nothing to do with him, so what can I say differently, it depends on myself.

Need is a kind of potential, more depends on your own efforts, only in this way can you get everything you want, thinking that with more or less attachment, you can get everything you want, that is a dream, then people will give in vain You, that is absolutely impossible. Only by knowing the power in it can you understand more basis, and understand the existence of a suitable place.

Walking a long way is also a way. Walking, talking, more or less is a kind of experience, don't think this is a kind of nonsense, in fact, this is already the greatest ability to exist, only knowing this unintentional power , can get more, let yourself grow more knowledge, and many clear routes will be concentrated, and what you want is still as much as possible, very rich.

Don't think that setbacks will make people lose the motivation to move forward. In many cases, setbacks are the motivation to move forward. Only in this way can we know that there are differences in many times. Don't think that it is certain. In fact, there are still many things that are changing. Don't think that it is established. , There are still changes in many cases. Only by relying on yourself hard can you know the root of these facts and keep grasping them.

Walking to the street, the sound of 'huhuhu' passed, and many people knew the reason. There are mechanical vehicles here, and they seem to be very high-tech. These vehicles have no exhaust gas, and the speed is quite fast. More is still not close to the ground, it is a vehicle that is completely suspended in the air, Long Rong seems to be very surprised, her small mouth is wide open.

"Master, what are these things? How could they be like this? They can move even off the ground, and they're so fast?"

"Don't be surprised, there are still many of these things. Most of the time, what you need is to see with your eyes and observe with your heart. Don't ask too many questions. The master will explain to you. These are the development of a civilization in the world of Calais giant trees. A culture, of course, has the same civilization as yours, but the development of many giant trees is different, but the nature of power is similar."

In fact, it is power or leaf vein power, but the development is different. Some develop completely according to the cultivation mode. This is like the development of this world. As for the development of other giant tree worlds, I don’t know. , These are almost a process, a model, in order to make the evolution of the giant tree more diverse, and not too monotonous and boring.

"Oh, that's it, then master, how do we go now? Do we ride these things together? It's really strange."

"Hehe, well, it will be there in a while, we will start with these things, but we should buy an introduction to this world first, so as not to be confused about where this place is, then wouldn't it be embarrassing, come on ,here."

Chen Xin buried a piece of information about the Calais giant tree world. This world is an extremely high-tech world. This kind of technology is often used in many places, and the same is true in many places. This high-tech has already existed in this world. Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, many outsiders will be shocked by everything in front of them. Naturally, they are the object of their happiness, and they also know the location of many places.

This world is also very huge, at least not less than five times the world of the Kami giant tree. It can be seen that the existence of this world is too huge, and it is not difficult to imagine the general idea. Many times these things are for The use of the interests of the majority is the same now, but the laws here still apply to outsiders, but some will be exempted.

After all, there are some people who do not adapt for a period of time, but after this period of time, it is tantamount to violating the law and will be sanctioned by the laws of this world. This is very true, and there is nothing to say.Giving an exemption period is already a great favor, what else can I say, these are obviously very correct facts, there is no need to try to escape, it is unrealistic.

As for the few countries, there are still many. There are many small and big countries, and there are also their own alliances. Don’t underestimate these alliances. Once you meet them, the consequences will be very serious. The strength of the alliance is definitely Being able to destroy a big country in an instant shows that there is a joint force, and it is also a kind of demonstration, and it is more about showing the main points of interest.

Paranoia is not good, but if you can get a little bit of benefits, it is also a lucky thing. Once you get the affirmation of the alliance, you will strongly support it, not to mention resources.Of course, if there is an alliance, there will be a hostile side, called the Star Alliance, to fight against the forces that exist in the alliance. However, it is hard to say what kind of power it is. It can only be said that it has the strength to resist. I just understand this.

With so many conflicts of interest, the basis of the facts can never be refuted, and it is very clear which one of the starting points can be met without guessing.

(End of this chapter)

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