Chapter 450
With such a result, it is not bad. To Chen Xin, the amount of money is not a big deal, it is just a small thing to adapt to this world, and it is not a big deal.Of course, the results obtained this time are also unexpected, very unimaginable, and some people don't understand the meaning of it.

He has arrogance, but he can't be self-confident, and at the same time, he can't lose his advantages because of this, otherwise a lot of meaning will disappear, just like now he has obtained incomparable money in the eyes of others, this is definitely a kind of embarrassment. People are envious, but what is needed more is rationality. If you don't have the strength, you will lose it as soon as you get it. This is a kind of benefit.

After the results of the auction, many people have already left. Perhaps they are still waiting for the next battle. Although they don't know who the final winner is, it's none of his business. Now they are naturally going to play in the world very coolly. Except for this point, there will be no more, and all kinds of troubles will go away from him, at least for now, and everything else has already been mastered.

He slept soundly that night, and the beautiful woman was naturally extremely happy in his arms, but the others were worried. Yes, this night, a big battle took place not far from the Larry Basin. There is a small mountain, and the battle is unfolding here. I don't know if it is because of the result of understanding that these mountains eventually turned into plains.

Slices of plains, boundless power spread out in this way, so that all people do not know when there will be such a purpose, so that all life in the world will be like this.All interests are different and different, and you will get a lot. With many interests intertwined, it is inevitable in battle. The same interest will pay more value for greater needs. There is nothing wrong with it.

This road is very long, which just proves one point, so that the world they own will change a lot, and there will be circles of different destinations. The power of the battle will spread widely. Including injuries, none of them are intact, which shows how strong the strength of this battle is, and the accumulation of use is nothing to say, it is very clear.

Under the circled proofs, people can't help but understand the mystery. The value of Ye Jing's temptation is beyond imagination. Even if you know the danger of death, you should go back and try it. For this goal, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it is worth it .A big family is a big family. For these things, the sacrifices made are absolutely huge, and the benefits cannot be compared.

It will always exist in that area of ​​interest, and the temptation cannot be denied.This small mountain is the best proof. Although he was responsible for all of this, it has nothing to do with him now. A transaction is a transaction. There is nothing to say. What a big problem, who would look for trouble unless they are tired of work.

This battle of hits ended overnight, and the result was unknown who won. Anyway, no one talked about it the next day, maybe they couldn't even open their mouths, etc. These are all the same , the very right moment.Of course, for the sake of a little matter now, many disputes over interests have been circled again and again, constantly forming the huge interests that are needed.

A clear notification is also a warning, but I don’t know how many people will pursue it now. I believe that the relationship between these big forces is very clear. They also know the basics, but there is no absolute certainty. There is hope, and the existence of benefits is even more so. Different hopes are made in this way. It takes continuous hard work to have a chance.

These things are rare, but they are also the best basis, otherwise, the combination of interests will change, at least people will not be able to raise their spirits to fight for it.It's worth the money, only when it's rare will it be considered precious. This is a very normal thing. There is nothing wrong with it. Rare things are precious. There is nothing to refute, unless it is really worthless.

The morning light is still gentle, but it is only true for those who look forward to hope, but for those in despair, it is a kind of hardship, a continuation of infinite suffering, there is nothing to worry about, it is equivalent to this.Those who are troubled will not feel very troubled, but those who are not troubled will turn a little trouble into a huge trouble. This is the difference between heaven and earth.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with the choice, maybe there are more experiences, and now they are waiting for them to explore, no matter what he or he is the same.Only by constantly exploring, can we know whether all this is true and whether it is worth this step. The power of life is already the best choice, and there is no need for too much resistance. In fact, this is the case, worrying about dust.

Breakfast has been prepared early, and with a lot of money, what are these things worth? As long as you promise to be happy and enjoy a little, it doesn't matter. People live to enjoy, or to achieve Apart from these, there is not much dependence on my own wishes, I just need to care more about myself.

"Master, where are we going today, do you want to eat some more, these things are very different from the previous ones."

"Eat as much as you want. Anyway, we have plenty of time, so we don't need to worry. Besides, the master made a lot of money yesterday, so we can't spend it all. Use as much as possible, don't save. The master definitely needs the best things, naturally. It's the best food."

The moment of happiness is revealed naturally, and the little bit of warmth is reflected in her heart, that kind of warmth, telling her about her beauty all the time, yes there is no difference, her own value has been better possessed, At the same moment, different interests will appear, and a little bit of self will become relaxed and natural. After learning, you will wait a lot, a lot, a lot.

You don’t need to know too much, but you can still feel his love and care, and your loving heart has not diminished. Although you don’t say it often, that heart is still the same, flashing with love, infinitely containing the emptiness in her heart , has continued continuously until that moment of consummation, and there will be no emptiness in her heart, but she still abides by her position and makes clear her position.

These also have their own constraints, and I don’t want to let myself go too far. Although I know that there are misunderstandings in the previous choices, I will go to the end after I have made the choice. Whether it is right or wrong, I have already decided. Many times it will change because of this. Life is like this , Waiting for the opportunity is nothing more than that, the completion of each piece requires a lot of love.

If you keep completing it, you will have everything about him, and as long as you fill up everything about yourself, you will feel that your wish is incomparable.The little prayer in my heart, I hope it can be realized, no matter how difficult the journey is, she will accompany him to go on, making her master extremely happy, without any depression and troubles, these are what she should do, There is nothing wrong with that.

The moment of waiting is done, and so is what is needed, without favoritism at all.In fact, the proof has already made it clear that the required value is also more clearly pointed out, but outsiders don't know it.The heart that used to be vain is no longer vain, and now it is more full of heart. These are brought by her master, from the beginning of resignation to fate, to the joyful laughter now.

These are the best answers, not bad at all. Time can change a lot, and it can also change her opinion. Now she no longer thinks that her choice is caused by a momentary impulse, and she will not be as happy as she is now. In life, there is no such a colorful world. Maybe the self who was once dead has died, and the present self is a perfect new world.

He didn't have anything to say, he just thought he was happy, feeling the love in her heart, he was naturally very happy, who would want his woman to be unhappy, the current she is his best proof.After straightening the beautiful woman in his arms, he looked at her deeply, his face became even redder, which was obviously the result of constant tension in his heart, and at the same time, those shy emotions reappeared.

It's just that maybe that's what she wants now, and in the end she couldn't resist his gaze, she closed her eyes slowly, and the next moment her strong and powerful lips pressed against her, and then Shelong couldn't help it. She politely broke through her delicate line of defense, enjoyed the fun of chasing, and was finally caught up. At this moment, the two of them were deeply silent within this time, unable to move.

Her breathing gradually became short of breath, and in the end she couldn't stand the feeling of suffocation, so she could only endure the discomfort, and no matter what, she had to do all this for her master, because it was what the master needed, and it was also The master is the happiest moment, she will never want to get rid of it, even if it is death, she is willing, of course, it is possible to achieve it with his consent.

The sudden departure of the big lips gave me the feeling of breathing, but I also lacked that kind of warm happiness. I really can't figure out the flow of time. Everything between each other is like this, and the meaning of hope is even more so.Although he felt uneasy in his heart, when he felt his strong hands, he knew that his master loved him very much and would not make him feel too uncomfortable.

Everything in my heart has settled down, there is nothing wrong, this is the beginning of myself, and it is also the result of his waiting, the moment of the pair flows between the breaths, and the full heart is filled again, there is no regret at all, very happy, yes Yes, only in this way can we hope and obtain better, and they are obviously the best proof.

(End of this chapter)

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