Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 525 Roku City

Chapter 525 Roku City

Chen Xin moved forward with the caravan. Although she didn't know if there would be any problems, at least it wouldn't be too boring.

"Young man, where are you from? Are you from our West Sea? It seems that it is very easy to meet people with your skin color."

Although it is very casual, Chen Xin still cares about this point. There is such information in her subconscious mind that she doesn't want other colors. This kind of skin color is pretty and meets her own standards. There is nothing wrong with it. I am satisfied.

"Mr., I don't know if it's the West Sea. Maybe it's the first time I came out. It's the first time I arrived on a small island in the West Sea. It should be regarded as the West Sea. As long as it doesn't cross the entire sea, it is definitely the West Sea. , isn’t it old sir?”

"That's right, no one can really cross the sea now. The boundless sea is like a huge maze. I don't know where the other shore is. As long as you get lost in the sea, the young man is very lucky. It’s not bad, it’s really very lucky to be able to get here so perfectly for the first time, it’s very good, it’s really good.”

"It's all a bit of luck, it's not a difficult task, and God can't help me take care of me, hehehe."

After hearing this, the old man just smiled. This is true, God is taking good care of him, so what else can he think of, it is absolutely impossible, all this is worth explaining, there is nothing to worry about.In their consciousness, they still have a great awe of the heavens, and the power of nature is also the most powerful, including those with connected abilities.

While talking and talking, we can get to know each other better and understand more, as long as we know the good intentions are the best things in our minds, the unchanging intentions are also very obvious, it is not difficult to explain the meaning up.However, they are also very friendly, with an unchanging heart and an unchanging existence, and the world in their hearts hopes to obtain the existence they need.

Although I don't know if these things will become necessary, they are still very necessary for socializing.When you are away from home, many things will become unnatural, and some problems will appear. Then at this time, you should see if there are any good friends who can help you. This will not only reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, but also make you feel at ease How good it is to hit the road.

As for the other people, of course they are just looking at them, and they don't come forward to disturb them very much. After all, the identity of the old man seems to be pretty good, otherwise, these people would not be so enthusiastic, nor would they be so respectful .It seems that once she becomes such a character, she will be honored when standing with others, but Chen Xin is obviously honored by the old man, and she is still very comfortable.

"Mr., do you often come and go on this road? It seems that these people respect you very much. Think about coming and going frequently."

"That's right, I've walked this road countless times. Since I started to do business at the age of 20, they have followed me to this road. Of course, people may be different every year. Some are no longer there, and some have gone to other islands. This kind of thing happened every year, but the old man did not give up. It has been the same for decades."

No wonder, the old man's age and experience are indeed the most prudent, and it is relatively accurate to see. This may be the allusion of aging.These are not big things.For more people, it is already a very certain thing.

A person's heart is not old, and for decades, being able to persist in such a mood is not a powerful person, maybe even those strong people don't have such a mood, this may be regarded as a kind of fun for common people.As long as there is no major change, I think there will be no problem.After all, the law and order here is good, even if there are some pirates.

Let alone being here, this road is indeed very quiet, there is no big deal, everything is quiet and can’t be quiet anymore, it’s all the same level, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, obviously there is a certain trend Therefore, the equivalent value will continue to be advanced, and the factual affirmation is also inevitable, and many facts need to be practiced to be clear.

The meaning in my heart is already very clear, I don’t need to explain it here, I have already said it clearly, and I think it is superfluous, in fact, it takes a little bit of thought to change, all of this is worthy of recognition a little.Everything is done in this way, otherwise there will be no day of existence. If it is not resolved, small things will always become big things, endless.

Arriving in Luoku City, Chen Xin also bid farewell to the old man. The meeting along the way was considered destined, and during the period, he naturally took out a little water and wine of his own to celebrate. It has increased quite a bit, but the old man doesn't know it, but the taste is very unique, and the mellow aroma is even more powerful, his own wine can't compare.

Although he wanted to ask for some, Chen Xin would not take it out casually. This is a treasure in the eyes of ordinary people. Life is absolutely precious to people and cannot be more precious. How could he be willing to lose this point? I want this moment, but I get nothing.Chen Xin is not stingy, but the mortal's wine glass can't hold his wine, and it will be useless once the time limit expires.

In this way, he will naturally not waste it, and being able to give such an opportunity is considered fate, and it cannot be forced or greedy.What is needed is a rational relationship, but we don't need those existences that don't know the so-called, very different existences.

Walking into the city of Roku, the popularity here is even greater. Everyone is smiling, and the shops are open one after another. The center of the city is the palace of the Kingdom of Roku, and that is where the kingdom belongs. core.Of course, there are guards, otherwise, what do you want a kingdom to do, you can see that there are patrol soldiers appearing on the street every once in a while.

This can be regarded as good intentions, more needs will be better, there is nothing wrong with this, in essence, everything can be obtained only by this moment of heart, and the continuation of strength will prove everything.A lovely heart will give the same thing after another, which is what a good king should do.But now the people in the city are obviously very happy, which shows that the king is still a good leader.

This is true, if it weren't for the ability, the people here would be beaming, otherwise they would be downcast.

Look at the people on the street, their eyes are obviously sincere business experience, and they are still polite when they see it. Of course, it is only limited to people they know. As for those who don’t know it, it doesn’t matter. As long as the tone is harmonious, no one will doubt it. .It's more about knowing the benefits, obviously it's not bad at all, all of this is done according to the format in my heart, it's not bad at all.

Value is the need for valuable things, otherwise, it will be put on hold forever, which is not good, especially for civilians.In such a place, there is obviously a big difference between a good king and a bad king. In some remote places, there are even more arbitrary and authoritarian kings. The common people live like slaves, which is very cruel.

It’s just that many of these places are still beyond the reach of righteous people, or places that people who want to gain benefits are unwilling to go. Thinking about these remote places, they are really spotless. Where will there be any benefits? There will be people who like such people, and the end result is that a little bit of benefit is needed to make more people reach and help there.

Human beings, living beings are all the same, they are all combined under the expulsion of interests, if they don't need real interests, then they want to gain invisible fame, but this reputation is not easy to get, it is definitely a The existence of this kind of crisis is actually possible to obtain, and the existence of hope is just more good intentions, which is the same in essence.

The hope for the future is to have a good leader. The king of Roku City is obviously the most affirmed figure in this city. Naturally, he likes it in his heart. Even if the navy has a lot of power here, he dare not follow the trend casually. After all, they are holding the banner of justice. If they do this by themselves, instead of beating themselves, there will be people who will believe them.

This can be regarded as a fact, but if the benefits are large enough, the navy will still think of many ways to complete it, and the size of the benefits is what the other party needs.The navy or the world government are all such forces. Whether they want it or not, it's just all kinds of things. It's nothing. It's an inevitable trend, and they act in order to obtain better benefits.

All these changes require strength. Only strength can know the benefits and the best use of strength. It does not require much pressure, but it is definitely a kind of hope that makes all fates change. They are all factual affirmations, the existence of needs will have many fates, the branch line is also very complicated, and many things are said to be unknown to you.

Only true thinking is the most useful thing, don’t forget that all these are conceptual issues, everything is the simplest fact, everything you need is inevitable doubts, what you need is affirmation is also essential, these Nothing can be saved, what is needed is strength, only strength can save everything, everything that needs to be saved, nothing else.

The din of voices is the best proof, the realization of the most sincere words, and also the meaning of praise in people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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