Chapter 531
Taotao sea water is endless, life is almost at the end of the world.Feeling powerless and helpless, he treated Bo Yuntian graciously.

The sky in the future is even more heart-warming. There is no sense of coldness. The light radiates the earth, and it is a boundless ocean. Countless sea creatures live here, so they are full of vitality. The spirits in the sea are also full of vitality, meaning endless Vitality.

Chen Xin went to the northeast from Luoku Island, traveled a lot of distance, and finally floated into the sea in his own boat. In the boundless area, no one knew his reason for coming, and no one knew where he was going. Where to go, so I can't understand his comings and goings, and I don't know where he is going. The wandering between the heaven and the earth can't be counted, let alone know more wisdom of living beings, and there is a time limit.

Life is boundless, and above the mighty sea, there is no edge at all. At a glance, it is still a mighty sea, and one layer remains unchanged, so the geometry of the past has become incomprehensible.Even though he is having fun on the boat, it doesn't prevent the creatures in the ocean from surrounding him. Not many creatures are willing to stay away, as if they can get more value from being around him.

I can't understand the meaning of it, but I can't lose more value. These can't be less at all, and it's not good to be less. All these things need to be understood thoroughly, and the meaning of the need will be broader. They are all the most important existences, the creatures in the sea are willing to accept all of this, they surround him, and they like to listen to the charm of his voice.

Naturally, Chen Xin knew it, felt it a lot, and felt quite boring all of a sudden, so she took out a jade flute and started playing it.Xu Xu's intention is to sweep everything in the world, and it is definitely a kind of attraction for these creatures in the sea. The boundless sound wave seems to be calling for something, and it has not changed at all, making more people want to get these places.

There are more creatures in the sea all of a sudden, and the fish in the sea can be seen from a distance as if gathering here all at once. There are all kinds of fish, as long as they are fish that can hear the sound, they will They will follow the road, and they will not feel embarrassed at all. They will only feel that it is their greatest luck to have such a good place, and it is an irresistible defense.

Under the call from the depths of the soul, all kinds of sea fish rushed in desperately. What's more exaggerated is that there are countless ones that can jump out of the sea, and the boat that Chen Xin is on is like a prince in the sea. Supported by many fish, no matter who is passing by, once they see such a thing, they will definitely be able to exaggerate it, it is definitely a fact.

Fortunately, here is a boundless sea. It is really not easy to meet people. It is not easy to see now, and it is also very difficult to know. There is no embarrassment at all.Sea fishes don't feel it anymore, they just think it should be, and think that the better meaning is here, so there is even a little bit of meaning in their hearts.

The gathering of many fishes will naturally cause a little disturbance. As time goes by, this disturbance will turn into a storm. In such a situation, even a fool will know that Chen Xin is not an ordinary person. But now Chen Xin is still intoxicated by her own music, and she is not so sure about her waking state, but it's okay, as long as she is happy in her heart, it is the best existence.

An unrestrained life is definitely the most normal thing for him, and it also means peace of mind. There is absolutely no rule that has changed a little. In fact, it is also for this day, and it is somewhat unusual. It is a pity. Ah, it's just that it's better to take it seriously, other than that, it's an irrevocable existence, that's all.

Needed change is already the best meaning, and change is the best reason to move forward. Without change, there will be no change in the past, so what is the meaning of a layer of unchanging existence?Changes are inevitable. Looking at the current scene, isn’t it the best example? There has never been such a phenomenon anywhere before. This is a kind of change.

Ignorance is not terrible. If you don’t know ignorance, it is the real terrible fact. In this way, I hope that the existence of education is also more hope. Everything requires one’s own efforts to be able to do all the facts and needs. There are endless ways to do it. In fact, we still need to seriously consider the factual basis of many years, and the significance of this time is the same.

The way of meaning existence has been opened, but whether anyone can understand the value of it, so if there is such a chance, then all conflicts of interest will be rejected, such a powerful number of people, it is definitely the value, time and time again That's all, these are undeniable values, otherwise how would you understand the gap, you need to learn.

In the distant waters, many ships are sailing, but they are either south or north, or east or west. In short, the people on these ships are all stunned now. Many of them have seen countless The sea fish are constantly gathering, and seem to be heading in a certain direction. Is it possible that these sea fish also have the ability to find treasure, or something happened? I am very suspicious.

But these are not big things, the biggest thing is to hope to know the meaning of it, so that they don't understand the meaning, this is the best existence, and they won't feel inappropriate for it.Now they have a common heart, that is to find this place, and how to find it is very simple, that is, just follow these fish to find it.

The sea fish are still gathering continuously, even if they want to see it, it is very difficult. Looking at this moment, they all feel that they have an illusion, do they feel that this is not right, this is very confusing , is really incredible.Many boats were following the sea fish, and they soon discovered that there were still fish following the boats.

This scene made them feel so incredible. This is a relatively remote area. How could there be such a scene? It’s incredible. How did this scene come about? However, many of them have already started to move forward, of course If you have some strength, you are even more afraid of the opportunity. Here are some ordinary sea fish. If there are some sea beasts, I won’t talk about it.

The difference is that there are many meaningful good intentions and more wonderful things, so I hope to get more treasures. If they can get them, they will not have to work so hard in this life, so day and night Behavior is the worst. Necessary behavior exists here because of dissatisfaction. Wealth is the best example.

The sea fish in this area basically follow the sound of the flute. Even though they are chasing at the farther places, they are quite far away. The sound is gone, there is no feeling at all, and the coming is in vain. This is an instinctive behavior, and it is also a behavior that does not need to be suspicious. Everything is very natural.

Of course, other creatures, they don't think so, they will definitely define it as a ritual of sea fish, maybe it is the gathering ceremony of the best treasure location, and now they have this opportunity, how can they miss it for nothing? They didn't want to appear, and it was an unsure behavior. They still couldn't change their mental state, and the treasure had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The power of nature is very strange, and these sea fish act because of natural treasures. Otherwise, who would have such a big sea fish that can gather so many sea fish? This is obviously not so possible.This is because they are far away, and their senses are different from those of fish. Similarly, their psychology will not be ordinary, caused by emotions without impurities, and the closest to nature.

Only in this way can we better know the purpose, the creatures of nature, the creatures who wish for the existence of nature, can feel this clear voice, the soul cry from pure creatures, the kind of impurities that will not appear, in order to be more Listening to such a profound flute sound well cannot change the existence of this point, and it is also the basis of the existence of absolute hope, which is very free.

Everything is created by fate, don’t think it’s impossible. When all the people gathered along the sea fish, they realized that it seemed that the sea fish had stopped moving forward. There was a surge of sea water, and the sea fish disappeared into the deep sea. On the plane, it has calmed down very much. In that state, they don't know what this means. Could it be because the treasure is somewhere in the deep sea.

This is very much in line with their thinking, no one knows whether it is wrong or right, but such a beautiful scene is absolutely rare, even if it is a few times of sea fish migration, it will not be as magnificent as it is now , You can see so many kinds of fish on the sea surface, and they are jumping happily, as if they are enjoying themselves. What's going on, I don't know the reason.

It's just that this point won't make them want to understand. Many people naturally insist on moving forward for a while, but after a long time, there is no trace at all, and some boats that are close can ask each other Inquiry, but it still has no effect. They don't know what important thing happened here. They really don't understand this, so they are still at a loss.

I hope I can't bring much, but it can bring more psychological bearing capacity. I still hope that I will be erratic here, and I hope I can find some clues, so maybe I can get closer to the treasure, but in the end I still get nothing. .

In the vast sea, there are many unknown things and many mysterious things, how could they know everything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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