Chapter 5

Looking at the college map manual given to us by the president of the student union, the corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching: Damn, isn't this college too big? It's so big that it's outrageous.Thanks to the fact that Yayoi and I walked all the way from the outside to the student union building, we must definitely buy a bicycle next time!
Finally arrived at the teaching building where the class was held, the bell had already rang, and there was no one in the corridor.My class is on the third floor, and Yayoi's is on the fourth floor, so we were going to separate at the stairs, that idiot Yayoi hugged my waist and cried loudly: "Xiaocha, Xiaocha, we are going to separate the two places T_T I will definitely come back when the magpie bridge meets next year!"

My day, it's like parting life and death.

It finally took five or six minutes to drag him off me: "Okay, okay, I'm going to class. You go too, don't cause trouble, and I will never make trouble again Come to help you!" After saying that, he kicked him flying.

When I came to the door of the class, I heard that it was so noisy inside. When I was about to poke my head in, a blackboard eraser suddenly flew out!I turned my head violently, and the blackboard eraser brushed my hair and hit the wall behind me!

When I was about to turn around, something flew out, and before I could see clearly, I flipped sideways, and the thing hit the wall behind me again... Uh, I looked back and realized it was a person! ?Damn, what kind of class is this? It’s okay to erase the blackboard, and even people fly out? !

Finally, I carefully poked my head in to look, only to see a large group of people fighting there, except for a few very special and handsome guys who were reading or sleeping.That admirable teacher was very calm and cared about his own class!Oh... God, isn't this class a little... great? !Isn't it a world-class college? !Why is this class in such a mess? !You won't let me stay in such a class for two or three years? !

Probably because I stood at the door for too long, and I was finally discovered by the self-directed and self-acted teacher, and then he pulled me in very enthusiastically, and introduced to a group of students who were fighting on their own: "Everyone, be quiet, this time This is a new classmate who transferred today, his name is...uh..." He checked the roster: "It's called Ruozhicha. Welcome everyone..."

The people below continue to fight...or continue to sleep and continue to read books.

The teacher also said seriously: "Okay, okay, there is no need to be so enthusiastic about the welcome, we still have to go to class. Ruozhicha, please sit in the last seat of the classroom."

A certain tea is ashamed... Please, teacher, is that a welcome?Don't bother us at all, okay? !

But forget it, anyway, welcome or not is not a big deal to me, as long as I can spend a few years here quietly, I will be thankful.I was exhausted from being forced to death by that Vajra Sect guy just now, and I was exhausted from walking and walking!It's good to find a stool to rest.

After finally avoiding the things thrown by those crowds during the brawl, he walked to the last position. Not long after he sat down, the classroom suddenly fell silent for a moment, and those who were sleeping or reading all stood up inexplicably... All eyes turned to the classroom door.

Who...who is here?Turning around, I saw a boy with silver hair walking in... Wait, silver hair? !It seems to have seen it somewhere.Silver hair, silver hair...

ah!It was the guy who was offended by Yayoi!Back then that idiot Yayoi laughed at his hair!It's over, it's over, now I'm in the same class as him, will he take the opportunity to take revenge on me!For example, put all-purpose glue on my chair, or put a thousand-year-old Bai Suzhen on my desk (metaphor).

"Lan, you're here." Those handsome and cool guys all stood up and greeted the boy.

And that boy just replied coldly: "En." He walked to the side next to me (separated by the road) and sat down.

Take a closer look, wow, he's really handsome, with silver earrings hanging on his ears, and his skin is extremely fair, I think if his face is used to advertise facial cleanser, it must be very profitable.The most special thing is his eyes, which are slightly silver, and feel like a beautiful fairy.

Probably because he stared at him for a long time, he had no good temper and gave me a cold look: "Enough is enough."

With a drop of sweat on his forehead, he quickly turned his head away... Huhu, I didn't expect him to talk to me. Just now, I saw him so cold and lazy to care about others.

Maybe it was because of his presence that the whole classroom became quiet and the teacher was very happy in class.I was taking notes and listening to the class carefully. Just as I remembered the six sentences of No.30 about the texture of the earth, suddenly there was a loud noise upstairs.My pen suddenly hit the ground.

When picking up the pen, I heard someone saying something:
"Isn't the first-year class G upstairs? That class is basically from the Blood Coagulation Sect, right? People from the Night Sect are fighting with the Blood Coagulation Sect again?"

"Who knows, they can't reach us anyway."

"No, I heard that a transfer student came to class G in the first year today, will it hit that transfer student? (Author: Brothers, don't forget Ruozhicha, she is also a transfer student)"

I stood up in fright when I heard this: "Teacher!!!" The loud voice made the whole class turn their heads.But I guess even if they looked at me, they wouldn't know where I came from.

"What's the matter? Ruozhicha..." The young male teacher smiled.

"I... that I... have to poop!" The voice was absolutely loud again.

Crows fly overhead... croak croak...

"Oh. Let's go. Go early and come back early." As soon as the teacher finished speaking, I was shocked and rushed out.Yayoi... Yayoi... That idiot Yayoi won't cause trouble again!God, who took him away from me!I can't take it anymore!
When I rushed to class G of the first year, I didn't have time to knock on the door, so I pushed the door open: "Yayoi?!!!"

The door broke in half because I pushed it too hard, and it fell to the ground with a "bang".The smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw Yayoi crouching safely under the table, while the other two groups of people beside me were just sleeping.

"Xiaocha T_T, I'm so scared." As soon as Yayoi saw me, she rushed over excitedly. In the shock of everyone... I punched him out...

"Didn't I tell you not to cause trouble?! Where did your fucking ears go? Did you ignore my words! Do you want to be beaten by me a few times! I warn you, if you make trouble again next time When you become this door!" I said as I swung another punch (only with a very small force) and hit the remaining half of the door.

As a result...everyone could clearly see...that iron door turned into powder in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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