The Queen of Poison Doctor Confuses the King's Heart

Chapter 2 Are you finished playing tricks?

Chapter 2 Are you finished playing tricks?
You must know that this name is revered by the world. It not only represents the status of the person who belongs to it, but also shows his strength.However, Luo Yu didn't take it seriously, and cast a contemptuous look in the dark, looking innocently at the eccentric old man in front of him.

Seeing the little baby's eyes that didn't care about him at all, she felt frustrated and muttered: "Aren't ordinary children very curious? Why is she so unenthused?"

"Grandpa, you're done playing with treasures, take me out of here as soon as you're done, it's so cold here, I don't want to blow cold wind." Luo Yu felt very funny in his heart, this old man is so fun.

"You..." The corner of Duan Tianao's mouth twitched uncontrollably, is this still a child?He's just a conceited little devil, and he's still pissed off at him.

However, he liked her very much again. This little doll was very interesting, so he said helplessly, "Okay, little doll, just follow me, and I will take you home. By the way, since you want to follow me, you have to beg me." Be a teacher."

Luo Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, this is how it was played on TV, the barren mountains and wild mountains met a world-class expert, and then worshiped him as a teacher.But after thinking about it, I felt that there was nothing to lose. On the contrary, it was a very good thing. I nodded immediately, agreed, and walked towards him.

Follow Duan Tianao back to Wuyaju where he lives.Luo Yu still hasn't figured out how it came to be here, but now he feels much more comfortable, leaving that dirty world, at least now he doesn't have to face those two scumbags.

In the 21st century, Yun Luoyu is a 22-year-old high-achieving student in the English department. He works for a top [-] company in the world. He has a loving family and a fiancé who loves him.

At least before seeing that scene, she still thought he loved her, but when she witnessed the scene of her groom and her good friend at the wedding tomorrow, her heart died, and she couldn't shed tears , she did not rush forward to question like those people, but turned and left mercilessly.

Since some people are so scumbag, let them be scumbags to the end, as if they were blind and fell in love with scum.It's just that I was still very depressed in my heart. I was driving on the street, but God seemed to be crying for her, and there was lightning and thunder in a moment.Then inexplicably collided with an oncoming car, and finally came to this place.

After recovering, he said to Duan Tianao: "Grandpa, which dynasty is this?" Now let's figure out everything in front of us first.

"Girl, don't call me grandpa, I'm not that old, call me master." Duan Tianao kept fighting for benefits for himself.But no matter how he read it, the girl just didn't bark, and he was almost driven crazy by himself.

"Grandpa, why don't you tell me, I'm going to sleep." How could Luo Yu not know what he was thinking, but she just didn't bark and wanted to watch him jump, she did it on purpose.

"Well, this is the Xingyuan Continent, here is the shape of the four kingdoms. The southeast is Yaxu Kingdom, the king is Yu Shujing; the southwest is Huiwen Kingdom, the king is Dongfang Lai, the prince Dongfang Ling; the northwest is the Psychedelic Kingdom , the king is Mi Haodian, the prince Mi Yaxing."

"The one in the middle is the Starfield Kingdom, which is where we are now. The emperor is Bailiyin, and the prince is still discussing, but the voice of the second prince, Baili Qingtian, is very loud." Duan Tianao didn't hesitate at all. Why did Yu ask these questions, she just answered what she asked subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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