Song Yi

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Fuhe Mansion.

An old woman was sitting in front of Fu He's bed, and there were several people standing in the room with sad faces.Fu He's eyes were closed tightly, as if he was asleep.An imperial physician who was about the same age as Fu He was speechless for a while after taking the pulse.

The old woman asked with tears: "Doctor Liu, have you seen our master's illness...?"

The Chief Physician said in a low voice: "Ma'am, other than the trauma, Mr. Fu is mainly in a hurry, and also suffered from the wind and cold, exhausted both physically and mentally. He must rest in peace and not be frightened at all, alas..."

After hearing this, the old woman couldn't help covering her face and weeping.

Fu Dao, Fu He's son, stepped forward and comforted him: "Mother, don't be too sad. Didn't uncle also say that it will be fine if you rest for a while."

Fu Dao took the imperial physician out to the outhouse to prescribe medicine, and then said in a low voice: "Uncle, you and my father are best friends, today you risked your life to come here, I am very grateful."

The imperial doctor waved his hands again and again, and sighed: "Don't say that, even if all the imperial doctors dare not come, uncle, I still want to come. Nephew, uncle must remind you that your father offended the empress dowager. something..."

Fu Dao looked back vigilantly, then dragged the imperial doctor to walk a few steps quickly, and then said in a low voice: "Uncle, I will enter the palace in the morning, and I must find a way to meet Chen Niangniang, she is a family friend with my family, and It's the concubine next to the Holy One, I don't think she will stand by and watch."

The imperial physician looked at Fu Dao with a complicated expression. After a while, he shook his head and said, "We'd better cure your father first."

Walking to the table, he picked up a pen and wrote the prescription, handed it to Fu Dao, and said goodbye.Fu Dao accompanied him out of the gate.

After sending the imperial doctor away, Fu Dao walked back, and was approaching under the eaves of his father, when suddenly a black shadow flashed by, and Fu Dao exclaimed, "Who is it!"

"Meow..." A plump big tabby cat came down from the eaves with a whirring sound, landed lightly in front of him, and flew into the darkness again.

Fu Dao looked at where the cat was going, pointed and cursed: "Damn bastard, why did you still scare me, see if I don't kill you..."

As soon as I said this, a heart-piercing cry suddenly came from my ear: "It's flooded...! The firewood house in the backyard is flooded!"

Fu Dao trembled in fright, looked up and saw thick smoke billowing from the backyard.Suddenly panicked, and ran straight to the backyard.

As soon as I arrived in the backyard, I heard the crackling sound of the wood being cracked by the fire, and there were exclamations from all around. Soon, the flames burst out of the roof, and the night sky was illuminated!
Fu Dao was so frightened that he was at a loss. Looking at the fire, he ran a few steps, then fell back, yelling, "It's drowning! Oh my god! It's drowning!" He wanted to run out, but it was important to run for his life first.But after running a few steps, he suddenly remembered that he should save some treasures, and ran back to his house.As soon as he turned the corner of the room, he remembered that his father was still lying on the sickbed, so he should be rescued first.Then he ran all the way to his father's room.

In the room, Fu He was in a drowsy state when he suddenly heard shouts of water from outside. When he looked up, he saw that the windows had been illuminated. His whole body was shaking with fright, and he was struggling to get out of the bed, but all his muscles and bones were in pain. It seemed to be broken, and there was no movement at all.

Fu He's wife crawled in from the door, threw herself on the bed and yelled, "Master! Run! It's flooded! It's about to burn to this side, run!" while turning her head to look outside the door. , while screaming in horror, kept pulling Fu He's clothes with his hands.

Fu He said angrily: "Are you blind? Didn't you see that I can't move? Hurry up and help me up!"

Only then did the old woman come to her senses, and bent down to help Fu He up, but the old woman was already old and frail, and the fire at home had already messed up, so she couldn't move Fu He even a little bit by pulling hard.Fu He was so angry that he kept yelling and cursing: "Quick! Call Daoer and the others to help! Do you want to burn me to death?"

"Okay!—Where are the people? Where have all these people gone?" The old woman ran to the door at a loss and called the servant girl twice, but no one agreed. He couldn't leave his wife for half his life behind, and ran back in a panic, cursing and helping Fu He again, but he still couldn't pull him, and ran to the window again, crying, cursing and yelling loudly.

At this time, the fire had already illuminated the whole room, and the scorching heat had baked the room like a stove.

How did the fire rise so quickly?Fu He had this thought in his head, but he didn't have time to think about it at the moment. What he wanted to do most was to quickly escape from the fire demon's life threat.He struggled to crawl to the edge of the bed, gritted his teeth and endured the pain and rolled over, finally rolled off the bed with a thud.

He was injured all over his body. The fall made him feel so painful that he almost passed out. He tried to support the ground with both hands, trying to sit up. At this moment, his eyes dimmed, and he saw a pair of feet wearing thin-soled fast boots. The black silk bloomers are obviously not from the family.

Fu He's heart twitched suddenly, the strength came from nowhere, and when he raised his head suddenly, he saw a face covered with a black scarf, his eyes were like lightning, staring at him coldly.The man held a single knife with a cold light in his right hand, the coldness of the blade made Fu He unable to feel the approaching heat.

"You... What do you want to do?" Fu He actually knew that this question was stupid, but he wanted to ask subconsciously.

The man responded with action, and stretched out his hand, grabbing him up like an eagle grabbing a chicken.

At this moment, the old woman couldn't tell anyone to turn around and came back. She saw the man in black grabbing the master, and trembled in fright: "Who? What are you going to do?"

The man in black carried Fu He and rushed forward. Before the old woman could react, he kicked up and hit the old woman's lower abdomen. The old woman fell limp to the ground without even making a sound.

The man in black stuck his single knife behind his back, stretched out his hand and lifted the old woman up, walked out quickly, hid in a secluded place, and came to the blazing backyard in a short while.

The fire was so intense that few of them risked their lives to carry water to put out the fire. Most of the servants fell trees and scattered and ran away to watch the excitement. A small number took advantage of the fire to rob and hide valuables secretly. That's when it counts as a fire.

The fire spread quickly, and many houses were already on fire.The man in black carried Fu He and his wife to a wing room not far from the bedroom. The fire had burned through the roof, the beams had collapsed, and the whole house had fallen apart and turned into a big fire. No one was there to put out the fire. .

The man in black lowered his head to deal with He and said coldly: "Master Fu, I want you to be a prankster, so that you can have an explanation when you arrive at Lord Yan's place! ——It's Mrs. Chen Meiren who wanted me to take your life. Do you understand? Let's go Bar!"

With a wave of both hands, Fu He and his wife were about to be thrown into the fire.

At this moment, two slight bowstring sounds sounded behind the man in black, whoosh!Two spiked arrows shot out from the hiding place, crossed the night sky, and hit the left and right shoulders of the man in black!

The man in black let out a scream, loosened his strength in his hands, and the Fu He and his wife were not thrown into the fire, but fell on the edge of the fire, screaming endlessly from being roasted.

The man in black was hit by two arrows, and he did not panic in the face of danger. He raised his hand and pulled out a single knife from his back, and turned his head sharply. Immediately, he froze.

Behind him stood a dozen Ouchi guards with bows and arrows standing in a circle, and behind him, there was a circle of guards holding weapons.

The man in black knew that Man Shuo had already been hit by two arrows, and even if he missed the arrow, it would be almost impossible to escape from the encirclement of the dozens of Ouchi guards.

He turned sharply to take Fu He and his wife as hostages, when the bowstring sounded, several sharp arrows flew over again, hit his legs, and fell to the ground with a thud.All the guards swarmed up and restrained him with their knives and guns, and another guard took out tendon ropes and tied him tightly.

At the same time, two guards rushed to the fire and brought back Fu He and his wife who were almost cooked.

At this time, all the guards moved slightly to the two sides, and a person came out from behind, it was Du Wenhao.

Fu He's hair and beard were scorched by the flames, and he was dizzy. He saw a person leaning down to look at him. After a closer look, he found that it was Du Wenhao. He immediately hissed like crazy: "It's you? So it's all... What did you do? Why did you set fire to my house? Why did you kill me?"

Du Wenhao smiled wryly, it's really hard to be a good person.In modern society, when an old lady falls down, you kindly help her up, and people say you pushed her. When you see a car accident, you kindly save her and send her to the hospital, but you are beaten by your family members as the perpetrator and claim compensation. Such cases are often reported in the newspapers. Unexpectedly, he traveled to the Song Dynasty 1000 years ago, rescued the old guy, and was framed by him as the person who set fire.Du Wenhao was so angry that he really wanted to kick him.

But this time he came here to show his face, so he had to pretend to be a good guy.So with a smile and a wave of his hand, the Ouchi guard twisted the man in the night clothes and walked in, slamming on the ground.Du Wenhao reached out and tore off the black scarf on his face, and said calmly: "Master Fu, look carefully, this is the one who set fire to your house and wanted to burn you two to death, let's see who he is!"

Fu He turned his head to take a closer look, paled in shock, pointed at the man tremblingly and said, "It's you! Eunuch Lai! How could it be you?!"

This person is the killer Lai Eunuch sent by Chen Meiren.He glanced at Fu He, knowing that he was unlucky, and didn't want to say anything, so he snorted coldly, turned his head and closed his eyes in silence.

Fu He's wife also recognized that the man in black who was about to throw their husband and wife into the fire to be burned to death was actually Eunuch Lai, the personal eunuch next to the Empress Chen Meiren, who they thought was their backer, and was also stunned.

At this moment, Fu He recalled that the man in black had said just now that it was Chen Meiren who sent him to take his life. Just now, under the panic and panic, coupled with the hatred for Du Wenhao, he actually regarded his benefactor as an enemy, and all kinds of things , came one after another, making his head into a mess, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Fu Dao, the son of Fu He, came from afar, looking for him all the way, crying: "Father...! Mother...! Where are you...?"

The old woman hurriedly replied: "Dao'er! Your father and I are here! Come quickly!"

Soon, Fu Dao ran to the front, and when he saw this scene, he was shocked: "Mother! Mother! What's the matter?"

Fu He grieved and said, "What's wrong? Madam Chen wants to kill us!"

ah?Fu Dao was also stunned, and looked at Eunuch Lai: "Eunuch Lai, is it true that Madam Chen sent you to kill us?"

Eunuch Lai didn't say a word, nor did he open his eyes to look at him.

Fu He wailed and roared: "Why are you asking! Just now he was going to throw your parents into the fire and burn them alive, and he said it himself at that time, so what could be wrong!"

Fu Dao was almost exasperated, and murmured: "It's a good thing I was still thinking about going to her to save my parents at dawn, but she was actually thinking about killing my parents! Dad, she's killing people to silence her!"

Fu He nodded in pain, and sighed: "Don't have any hope, the most poisonous woman's heart, in her eyes, no matter how loyal a dog is, it is just a beast that can be slaughtered at will!" Turning to look at Du Wenhao, Slowly said: "Master Du, I can tell you anything, I just ask you to spare my family!"

Du Wenhao nodded: "Okay! I promise to plead with the Empress Dowager for you." He lowered his head and glanced at the eunuch Lai who was kneeling on the ground, and said to the head of the guards: "This old eunuch, you have a way to pry his mouth open. ?"

The head of the Ouchi guards smiled triumphantly: "Lord Du, don't worry, give it to our brother, even if it's a stone, we can make him speak!"

The next afternoon.

Chen Meiren curled up lazily on the spacious eight-step bed, thinking about the past few days.

She sent eunuch Lai to assassinate Du Wenhao and Fu He, but she didn't know what the result would be. Why was there no news at all, neither did she hear the news of the sudden death of these two people, nor did eunuch Lai come back to report, so she felt a little uneasy.

Sometimes, she felt a little soft-hearted. After all, Fu He, an old boy, was sincere to her, but she immediately denied this idea. In this world, one cannot be soft-hearted. This Fu He knows that there are too many things about her. Well, it's a disaster to keep it sooner or later, but you can't be merciful to anyone or things that are not good for you. When she thinks about the position of her target queen, Chen Meiren is relieved again.

As for Du Wenhao, he is really an unfamiliar dog, and it is useless to give him a concubine. As long as he knows that the old woman is loyal to the empress dowager, how many days can this old man be able to dance around?This surnamed Du Ye is really brainless, can't see the situation clearly, don't let such a good backer like himself go, and guard the dead old woman whose head is buried in the loess. His magical skills of laparotomy and healing should be buried in the soil together.The Lian'er who sent it was also an idiot, so far she hasn't sent back any useful news. I don't know if she has changed her mind and was seduced by Du Wenhao.

While thinking wildly, a court lady came in to report that it was the Empress Dowager who had delivered the decree. She heard that she was not feeling well, and asked her to go to the Empress Dowager's bedroom to talk.

Chen Meiren's heart skipped a beat, even though the Empress Dowager often went to various palaces recently to visit the sick concubines, she often called the concubines who were in a bad mood or in poor health to her bedroom to complain about her parents.Recently, Chen Meiren accompanied the emperor to sing happily until dawn. She was really tired and didn't want to go, but the empress dowager couldn't afford to offend her, so she had to lazily change clothes and dress up before going.

When we arrived at the gate of the Empress Dowager's palace, I saw Eunuch Jiao greeted him at the gate.

Chen Meiren was a little flattered. Although Eunuch Jiao is a slave, he is the empress dowager's confidant. No one in the palace knows that even the emperor will give him three points for the empress dowager's sake, let alone others. .It's not easy to get him to smile, let alone come to the door to greet him in person.

Thinking about it, it must be the result of the emperor pampering herself these days. Who doesn't try to please herself? Of course, except for Du Wenhao's damned lump, thinking of this, she feels quite proud

When Eunuch Jiao saw Chen Meiren get off the sedan chair, he walked forward with a smile on his face, and slammed on the ground: "This old slave pays homage to your empress!"

"Mr. Jiao, please don't do this. Don't you want to kill me? Hurry up, there are so many polite things between you and me." Chen Meiren said, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Jiao Gonggong up with a smile .

Eunuch Jiao looked Chen Meiren up and down with concern: "Your Majesty, why don't you look very well today?"

Chen Meiren was most afraid that others would say that she was not good-looking. Hearing what Eunuch Jiao said, she nervously covered her cheeks and said, "Really?"

Eunuch Jiao laughed and said, "There are a few. Is it because serving the emperor is too tiring?"

Chen Meiren immediately smiled brightly like a summer flower: "Yes! Recently, the Holy One has been with me every day, and he can't leave me for half a step. Oh, you don't know how much the Emperor loves me! He wants me to sing and dance , I still have to play the piano, recite poems and compose poems, drink wine with each other, and kiss me and me, so...hehe, sleep is enough, alas, it’s all because of tiredness.”

Eunuch Jiao looked at Chen Meiren's ambiguous and complacent expression, and felt disgusted, as if he accidentally swallowed a big blowfly. Climbing from a small eunuch to the position of today's chief eunuch, he is naturally well versed in the principles of life, and his face will naturally not let people see the slightest flaw: "Your Majesty has worked hard, the emperor's love for your Majesty has made me feel so much better." All the beauties in the harem for three years should be envious, it is the dream of all women in the world to have thousands of pets in one body. But this kind of blessing can only be enjoyed by a stunning beauty like Niangniang who is naturally beautiful."

Chen Meiren really benefited after hearing this, she proudly raised her head and walked gracefully into the bedroom with the support of Eunuch Jiao, smiling and squinting at him: "You also know how to appreciate the beauty of this palace?"

"That is, the beauty of your face, let alone a half-man like ours, even a dead person lying in a coffin will open the lid and open his eyes to have a look."

Chen Meiren covered her mouth and giggled coquettishly: "Boss Jiao, you are so funny! I thought only a brat like Du Wenhao could be glib, but I didn't expect you to be so old, and you are..., hehe, you can use it too." These words mixed honey to coax me."

"Hehe, how can a harem sweeper in our family compare with Master Du? After he saved the little prince yesterday, the emperor promoted him again. If things go on like this, it won't take a few years. You can't get into the prime minister, and you can be named a marquis."

Chen Meiren snorted softly: "Eunuch Jiao, this man is like a cloud in the sky. Who knows that there is rain in that cloud? Looking at the colorful ones, maybe a gust of wind blows and it disappears."

"That's that, that's that!" Eunuch Jiao nodded and bowed in agreement, "Madam Chen, the Empress Dowager is waiting for you in the flower garden, let's go this way."

(End of this chapter)

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