Song Yi

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
Singing is the best way to pass the time. Du Wenhao has this experience. Now the society goes to mass-market song cities to sing and drink. He hasn't sung a few songs in KTV, and the night is over.

After escaping the blizzard outside in the ice cave, in Du Wenhao's arms, the eldest princess felt much better from the chills. Although her body was still hot, her headache was cracking, her whole body was sore, and she was still coughing, she still gritted her teeth and cooperated. Du Wenhao sang and learned songs. She knew that only when the blizzard stopped at dawn could the medicinal materials be found and rescued.

The singing time passed quickly, and as I sang, I felt that the ice cave was getting brighter, and I could faintly see the silhouette of people.

The eldest princess said happily: "Is it dawn?"

Du Wenhao looked up at the snow layer above his head, there was faint light soaking in, just like diving into the deep river bottom and looking up at the sky: "It should be! Let's go out!"

"Wait a minute, what if there is still a snowstorm outside?"

Du Wenhao was already able to see the outline clearly by the dim light, and Du Wenhao touched her forehead: "You have such a severe fever, you can't wait any longer, if you wait any longer, your condition will worsen and you will be in danger. First dig a small hole and see The situation outside."

"Well... that's fine too."

Du Wenhao got out of the quilt, helped her tuck the quilt up, knelt in the snow, picked up the quiver, and began to shovel the snow above her head.

"Wait!" the eldest princess said, "Don't shovel the top of your head, it will collapse. If the blizzard doesn't stop, we won't have a place to hide. Shovel at an angle so it won't collapse."

"That's right!" Du Wenhao secretly scolded himself for being a nerd, because he didn't understand this truth, and started digging diagonally with the quiver.Slowly, the snow cave became brighter and brighter.Du Wenhao's subordinates felt more and more relaxed digging the snow, knowing that they were getting closer to the surface of the snow layer.

At this time, it can be determined that it must be dawn outside, but it is still unknown whether the blizzard has stopped.He stopped what he was doing and listened carefully, but he didn't hear anything in the quiet.

When the snow layer was already very bright, Du Wenhao mustered up his courage and poked it out with his fist.With a bang, a hole was opened in the last layer of snow.

A gust of cold wind blew in, startling Du Wenhao, and then realized that after this gust of wind, there was no blizzard blowing in like last night. I was overjoyed, and looked out through the small hole the size of a fist.

I saw white snow on the hillside in the distance, and the trees on the mountain were also covered with white fluffy snowflakes.

"It's dawn, the wind has stopped!" Du Wenhao yelled, he didn't care about using the quiver, and pushed the snow out with both hands, and soon, he pushed open a hole that was as wide as a person.Turning back, he said, "Eldest princess, I'll go out to observe first, and I'll come back to pick you up right away!"

The eldest princess exclaimed happily: "Okay! Be careful!"

Du Wenhao climbed out of the ice hole, got up on his knees, stood up straight and looked around, not caring about the snowflakes on his body, and saw that the mountains and plains had become a world of ice and snow, and a red sun hung in the east, already rising high .

He took a few steps forward, and with each step, he sank deeply into the soft snowdrift, making it very difficult to move forward.I fell back, lay down at the hole, and shouted to the inside: "Princess, the snowstorm has stopped, the sun has come out, there is no one around, and no animals are seen. It is safe. You wait for me in the ice cave, and I will go pick it." medicine!"

The eldest princess said: "I..., I'm here alone... I'm afraid! You..., you should drag me out!"

"But it's cold outside, much colder than inside, your condition will get worse!"

"I don't care, cough, cough, it's already very heavy, I don't care about this... I want to watch you gather medicine, I'm afraid alone! Cough, cough..."

Du Wenhao must have been really scared when he heard her crying. Most girls have claustrophobia and dare not stay alone in such a dark room.He said: "Okay, you hand out the quilt first, and then I will pull you out!"

After a while, a corner of the quilt was sent out. After Du Wenhao pulled out the quilt, he first spread the quilt on the snow, then grabbed the hand of the eldest princess, and dragged her out as well.

At this time, I saw the appearance of the eldest princess clearly, with disheveled hair and disheveled dress.A whole bunch of refugees fleeing famine.Du Wenhao held back his laughter, helped her pat off the snowflakes, helped her to sit down on one side of the brocade quilt, and wrapped the other half around her body: "I'm picking medicine on the opposite mountain, you can see me, and I can see you too." You, if there is any danger, I will rush back immediately, if a storm or an animal or beast comes, you can crawl into the ice cave, and if the beast wants to go into the hole, you can stab it with the arrows inside!"

"Well, I see, where is my horse?" The eldest princess was still thinking about her bay red horse, looking around, but she couldn't see the horse.

Du Wenhao couldn't bear to tell her about the horse's broken leg, fearing that she would be sad, so he said, "Maybe he ran away." He could roughly identify where the horse stumbled last night, but he couldn't see any traces when he looked up. , the horse's two front legs were broken, it is estimated that it could not escape the blizzard, and it was probably frozen to death and buried in the ice and snow.

Du Wenhao said: "I'm going, I'll be back soon, don't worry!"

"Well, be careful!"

Du Wenhao nodded, holding the quiver, wading through the deep snow with difficulty, came to the edge of the hill, and began to climb up.

The snow on the hillside was much shallower than that in the valley. He was heading in the direction where the bay red horse fell in his memory. He wanted to see if he could find any remnants first.

The place where the horse fell in my memory was not far from the bottom of the valley. When I came to the place where the bay red horse fell in my memory, I looked around, and it was already a vast expanse of whiteness.

According to the depth of the snow and the size of the horse, even if the horse was buried in the snow, it should not be buried deep. Du Wenhao broke a branch and stabbed it nearby.

The eldest princess was sitting at the bottom of the valley, looking up at him. The distance between the two was only an arrow's distance, and she could see him clearly. Seeing him stabbing the snow with branches, she didn't know what he was doing. Found the herb?This kid is mysterious, and his medical skills are also very weird, maybe the way to find medicine is also very weird. Han shivered, drowsy, coughing non-stop, could only wrap tightly in the quilt and tremble, looked at him from a distance, and didn't have the strength to ask more questions.

Finally, Du Wenhao's branch stuck to something, he was overjoyed, threw away the branch, took the quiver and started planing.

After digging a few times, I bumped into something. I hurriedly scraped the snow with my hands, and found that there was a saddle under the snow!

When he found it, he continued to dig through the floating snow, and sure enough, what was buried underneath was the eldest princess' bay red horse, which was as stiff as a stone.The long sword and bow were still on the saddle.There is also a carved feather and wolf tooth arrow next to it.It should have been shaken to the ground from the quiver when the bay red horse fell down.

He was happy and sad at the same time, the eldest princess' bay red horse had been frozen to death in the snow.With difficulty, he removed his long sword and bow and arrows.He straightened up and found that the eldest princess below was looking at him, so he said loudly: "I found your sword, bow and arrow, but there is no bay red horse. I don't know where you went."

It was far away, and the eldest princess couldn't see the bay red horse buried in the snow, so she just nodded and didn't have the energy to answer.

Du Wenhao put the bow and arrow next to the horse, and he would take it when he came back later. He had to bring the sword to dig herbs.

He checked again what else he could use, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw the saddle.

The saddle is made of leather, but the saddle is made of iron!And it is arc-shaped, disassembled and then processed and bent, it can be used as a simple pot for boiling medicine.Before discovering this thing, Du Wenhao was going to collect medicinal materials for the eldest princess to eat raw, but now that he has this thing, it is the best.

With the pot, what about the fire?I don't have a fire scythe on me, so I continue to search, I hope God will open my eyes.

There is also a small package on the horse. It is the wet clothes that the eldest princess changed after she fell into the ice hole and was fished out. They are men's clothes.He unwrapped the package and checked the wet suit with his hands. Suddenly, his fingers touched something hard, and he quickly opened it to see that it was indeed a scythe!

It turned out that the eldest princess disguised herself as a man, and she didn't wear a scholar's outfit with a long robe and coat, but a neat short jacket. This kind of equipment is usually worn by soldiers and hunters. The fire sickle is a must-have item, so this is included in the clothes and equipment. stuff.

Du Wenhao was very happy, and put the fire sickle into his bosom, and the saddle was temporarily ignored. It was a bit heavy and not easy to carry. He decided to collect the medicine first and then come back to get the saddle. He turned around and went up the mountain, and began to look for the medicinal materials needed for Mahuang Decoction.

Mahuang Decoction is made from the combination of ephedra, cassia twig, licorice and almond.The plants of these four medicines are relatively tall, and the snow on the hillside only reaches the calf, and they can be found in common places by using a quiver to crack open the snow.Moreover, these four herbs are very common, and he quickly found the ephedra, licorice and almonds he needed.

However, Gui Zhi has never been found, because the main producing areas of Gui Zhi are in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan.But now he was in the mountainous area to the west of Kaifeng, so he searched the entire hillside, but he didn't find any trace of Guizhi.

How to do?
Guizhi can be missing in the ephedra decoction. Although ephedra can also sweat and relieve the surface, guizhi can warm the meridians, unblock the meridians, unblock the yang and transform qi, spread yang qi to the body, and nourish blood on the skin surface. It has the effect of defending the body surface, sweating and relieving muscles, and dispelling wind and cold.This is ephedra can not be replaced.

In Taiyang typhoid fever, the tendons are constricted, and the qi and blood are stagnant, so many pain syndromes will appear.These pain syndromes are caused by poor flow of qi and blood. All pain, itching and sores belong to the heart, and the heart governs the meridians, and the cinnamon sticks belong to the heart. Therefore, the role of cinnamon sticks cannot be replaced in Mahuang Decoction.

Du Wenhao was very frustrated. He sat down on the snow and looked at the eldest princess who had become a little black spot in the valley. She was still trembling and waiting, but without cinnamon sticks, how can I use ephedra soup?
He was thinking about what to replace.

Perilla?Perilla can also sweat and relieve the surface, but the sweating function is relatively mild, and it is mainly suitable for people with cough, asthma and excessive phlegm, so it is not suitable.The same is true for ginger, which has a relatively weak effect of expelling wind and cold, so if you catch a cold in the rain, you can use ginger with scallions and brown sugar to make ginger soup to drink when you catch a cold. It can play a preventive role. Find a place.

Herbs?It is mostly used for people with wind-cold cold and dampness in the spleen and stomach. It is more suitable to drink too many cold drinks and upset stomach in hot summer, but it is not suitable for symptoms here.Moreover, the main production area is in the Huguang area, and I haven't seen it near Kaifeng.

Nepeta?I saw this medicine just now. Nepeta disperses wind and cold, and its properties are relatively mild. It is suitable for external syndromes. It is compatible with Fangfeng, Qianghuo, Duhuo and other medicines. , can be used as an alternative.

Then think about what more suitable alternatives there are.Windproof?Just now I searched all over the mountain for medicine, but I didn't see Fangfeng. It would be great if I could find this thing. Fangfeng can not only relieve the watch, the most important thing is that it can also treat concussion!Although it is not as good as the generation ocher, it is better than nothing.However, the main production areas of Fangfeng are in the northeast and eastern Inner Mongolia, and this medicine is not produced near Kaifeng.Moreover, Fangfeng mainly focuses on expelling wind and relieving the exterior, not good at dispelling cold, and it is not suitable for treating the exogenous pathogenesis of the eldest princess.

Qianghuo?This is a good medicine for relieving exterior syndrome blindly. Jiuwei Qianghuo Decoction, which is compatible with Fangfeng, Asarum, etc., is a good medicine for dispelling wind, relieving exterior and relieving pain.However, people with weak spleen and stomach may vomit after taking this medicine.The eldest princess is already showing signs of nausea and vomiting due to a concussion, and with this thing, I'm afraid she will vomit out of joy.Forget about it.

Angelica?The main function of Angelica dahurica is to clear the nasal orifices.It is often used to treat nasal congestion and runny nose. Although it can also relieve the exterior and dispel cold, it is relatively mild and not symptomatic.Not for now.


Du Wenhao's eyes lit up, - that's right!Asarum!that's it!

Henan is one of the main producing areas of Asarum. Asarum is most suitable for symptoms of exogenous wind-cold and severe head and body pain. The cold force wins, and the sweating effect of ephedra complements each other.The most important thing is that it also refers to the Heart Sutra!This is the same as cinnamon twigs. In the absence of cinnamon twigs, it should be the most suitable substitute.

After thinking about the other medicines commonly used to disperse wind and cold, they felt that none of them were as suitable as Asarum, so they made up their minds.

He took the quiver and began to search for Asarum, which is a relatively common medicine, and he found it quickly.Excitedly, he stumbled all the way down the mountain with the medicine he picked up.On the way, some dry branches were picked as firewood.

When he came to the body of the claret horse, he put down the medicine and firewood, took off the saddle, found a handy stone as a tool, removed the building blocks, and smashed the curved iron saddle beam into a crude pot with the stone.

After he was done, he straightened up and thumped his back.Turning to look at the eldest princess in the valley, she smiled, and was about to speak, when she suddenly found that the eldest princess's expression was wrong. Just as she was surprised, she heard the eldest princess's horrifying cry: "Be careful! There are wolves behind!"

Du Wenhao trembled in fright, turned around sharply, and saw three gray wolves emerging from behind a cliff more than a hundred paces away!
The three gray wolves stared at Du Wenhao coldly with ferocious eyes.

Du Wenhao's first thought was to run!But as soon as he turned around, he stopped. He suddenly thought of an ancient prose he had learned in Chinese class in middle school. The name was wolf when he thought about it. Things that got slaughtered.At that time, when the teacher explained this text, he said that you must not panic when you encounter a wolf, let alone run, because the speed of a human is absolutely inferior to a wolf.Moreover, wolves have "iron heads and copper necks, and can't hold a piece in their waists", so when you beat a wolf, you have to hit your back.

But Du Wenhao is not going to fight hand-to-hand with the wolf, because he has a bow, arrow and sword in his hand!
However, there was only one Diao Ling Spike Arrow, which was left here by luck. The rest of the arrows were used to dig the snow cave last night, and they were all left in the snow cave.

He hastily drew out his sword and pointed at the three hungry wolves, staring fiercely at them like torches.

But the three wolves were not intimidated by his gaze, and slowly surrounded him in a zigzag shape.

Du Wenhao didn't dare to retreat, nor did he dare to look back, he shouted loudly to the eldest princess at the foot of the mountain: "Quick! Hurry up and get into the snow cave! Hurry up!"

Although the eldest princess liked to hunt, she had also shot and killed jackals, but that was done under the guard of a large group of fully armed guards and a large group of hounds. At this moment, Du Wenhao was alone, without any weapons in his hands. Panicked too, she staggered to her feet and shouted in a crying voice, "I don't...!"

"Hurry up! You hide in, so I don't have to worry about it, so I can concentrate on dealing with them!"

The eldest princess stared at the three wolves, subconsciously took a step back, stopped, and took two steps forward, hissing: "I don't! - It's agreed, we must live together! We must die together! "

Du Wenhao was shocked, and looked back at her, and saw that she was wrapped in a brocade quilt, with ribbons tied around her waist indiscriminately, unkempt, looking sloppy and even a little funny, but at this moment, he felt a heart-warming feeling. beautiful.

After only one glance, he immediately turned his head back. In this short moment, the three wolves had already approached a few feet quickly!Seeing Du Wenhao turn back, he stopped abruptly and stared at Du Wenhao with cold eyes.

Du Wenhao stared at the evil wolf, not daring to turn his head, and shouted loudly: "Princess! I need an arrow! I only have one arrow here, and the rest are in the snow cave. Hurry up into the snow cave and throw the arrow out for me!"

The eldest princess also knew that the arrow was in the snow cave, but she guessed that Du Wenhao wanted to use this trick to get her into the snow cave to avoid danger. She didn't know what to do for a while, so she hesitated: "I...I..."

Seeing the three wolves slowly approaching again, Du Wenhao became impatient and shouted: "You fucking want to die, but I don't want to die! Hurry up and roll me into the snow cave and throw the arrow out for me! Do you want to kill me?"

The eldest princess didn't expect Du Wenhao to scold her, blushed, stomped her feet suddenly, threw off the brocade quilt, turned around and stumbled to the entrance of the snow cave, slipped out and slid into the cave along the sloping passage.

Du Wenhao stuck the long sword in his hand on the snow, and slowly squatted down to grab the longbow and the eagle-feathered mace arrow on the ground. Wolves and dogs were afraid of people bending over and squatting, so they habitually stopped, hesitating. Do you want to move on.

Du Wenhao squatted on the ground, grasped the longbow steadily, quietly placed the arrow on the string, and pulled it slightly.Then he slowly moved his feet into a kneeling position, took a deep breath to calm himself as much as possible, stared at the hungry wolf walking in front, and estimated the distance.

There is only one arrow in hand, and it must be hit in one shot. As long as one is killed, the remaining two are relatively easy to deal with with a sword.So this arrow must not be shot in the air!
He doesn't have much confidence in his archery skills. When he used to play archery at home, he still missed the target at a distance of 20 meters.So he decided to put the wolves within ten meters. The three wolves were all strong, like calves. At such a distance, he was sure to be able to hit them.The distance of ten meters was enough for him to throw away the bow and draw the sword on the ground to deal with the remaining two wolves that rushed over.

Du Wenhao was behind the dead bay red horse, and the body of the bay red horse was still between him and the three wolves. There are bows and arrows inside, seeing him squatting on the ground motionless, he slowly relaxed his vigilance, his speed became faster and faster, and he began to trot.

Finally, the first wolf rushed to about ten meters away from Du Wenhao, suddenly paused slightly, and opened its mouth wide.

Du Wenhao immediately felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and a huge sense of danger filled his whole body—the wolf is about to pounce!

He immediately raised his arm and drew his bow, and drew a full moon with a bang, aiming at the wolf!

The wolf suddenly saw the bow and arrow, and was startled. The body that was about to jump up suddenly stumbled and stopped.

At the moment when its front strength disappeared, its rear strength did not grow, and its figure paused, Du Wenhao aimed at its chest and shot an arrow!
The arrow passed by like a shooting star, and hit the wolf's chest!
The wolf let out a scream, fell backwards, got up immediately, turned around and ran away.This wolf was the first wolf, and as soon as it ran away, the other two wolves turned around and ran away immediately, and the three wolves ran more than a hundred steps away in an instant.

At this time, the head wolf who was shot by the arrow was seriously injured and could no longer escape. He stood on a boulder, turned around, and looked back at Du Wenhao.

At this moment, the eldest princess crawled out of the snow cave, holding a handful of eagle feathers and spiked arrows in her hand, shouting, stumbled and ran towards Du Wenhao.

She stopped after only a few steps, because she found that Du Wenhao was standing there with a longbow in his hand as if nothing had happened, and the three wolves in front of him had disappeared.

Surprised and delighted, she swept her eyes, and suddenly found that a wolf was standing on a boulder a hundred steps away from Du Wenhao, with an arrow sticking out of its chest!

Then, the wolf swayed twice, and collapsed on the boulder.The remaining two wolves howled twice, hurried up the mountain with their tails between their legs, and disappeared over the mountain ridge.

Although Du Wenhao was standing upright with a longbow in his hand, looking very mighty, but only he knew that his legs were trembling, and his heart was beating like a Dengwen drum being beaten by a heavy hammer.He felt that his whole body was exhausted, as if his muscles and bones had been pulled out. He really wanted to sit down on the snow, but he still held on.

The eldest princess was ecstatic, climbing up the snow with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Du Wenhao turned around slowly, and smiled at her: "Don't come up, I'll come down right away!" The eldest princess just stopped.

Du Wenhao also shrugged, and pouted in the direction of the dead wolf on the cliff: "Do you want to bring back the prey?"

The eldest princess had lingering fears, fearing that the remaining wolves would go and come back, and immediately shook her pink head like a rattle after hearing this: "No, no! No more! Come down quickly! Come on!"

Only then did Du Wenhao pretend to be chic and put the longbow on his back, picked up the herbs, firewood, sword, and the pot made with the saddle beam just now, walked down the mountain slowly step by step, came to the eldest princess, and put Throw the things in your hand on the ground.grin at her.

The eldest princess was crying, her phoenix eyes were full of tears, she looked at him, suddenly threw herself into her arms, hugged his waist tightly, and began to cry.


PS: The first day of this month happens to be April Fool's Day, Lao Mu asked for a monthly pass, it's not a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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