Lord, please kneel

Chapter 22 022: 1 place

Chapter 22 022: One Hundred Places
Jin Nishang looked at Jin Liuyun holding the fairy book and opened it, with a flash of displeasure. She didn't want Jin Liuyun to practice fairy arts, so that Jin Liuyun could only be a waste.

When she succeeds in her training, she will definitely stand out among these ladies from famous families. In the past, she thought that if she could marry the prince and become the queen of a country, that would be enough.

But now that the emperor ordered them to practice fairy arts, she already had a different idea in her heart.

If she could become the wife of that god-like figure in Baidi City, everyone in the world would kneel at her feet and call her Xie Wangfei loudly. That would be the most supreme seat in the world. You must practice hard to surpass all famous girls and become a master.

As for the position of crown princess, let whoever wants to sit.

She didn't dare to think about that evil king before. After all, his status was so high that he had already broken through to the god level. If he was willing, he would have already become the main god of Duyu World.

And she has no cultivation level, even if she really stood by his side, she is not suitable for him. I believe that no one in this world would agree to let Xie Wang stand beside a woman who does not even have cultivation base.

That would be insulting to the evil king's reputation, but now they have the opportunity to practice fairy arts, as long as she becomes strong, standing by the evil king's side, no one can stop her.

The emperors of the four small countries have to surrender to the evil king, so what is the position of the crown princess?
However, Jin Nishang never made it easy for Jin Liuyun to practice fairy arts. It wasn't that she was afraid that Jin Liuyun would surpass her, but that she didn't think Jin Liuyun was so powerful.

What's more, Jin Liuyun has already given birth to a child, and she is physically restricted, so her cultivation may not be able to go very far.

"Second sister is wrong. Could it be that those who have given birth to a child are not allowed to practice?" Jin Liuyun looked at Jin Nishang rather amusedly, and almost guessed what Jin Nishang was thinking.

This woman is indeed ambitious. In the past, she could only marry someone like the prince because of her limited strength, but now it is very different. breakthrough.

"I have already given birth to a child, so I should take care of the child at home, what are you doing to practice?" Jin Nishang took it for granted.

Jin Liuyun nodded with a smile, and then looked at everyone. There were several side branch wives who were holding the practice book and looked up. When they heard Jin Nishang's words, they all looked up at Jin Nishang.

A lady of the side branch said sourly, "If the second lady says so, anyway, the ladies of all courtyards will marry and have children sooner or later, so why should they learn some fairy arts? It's better to learn knitting in the mansion. , good husband and son."

"Isn't it! The second lady is the most popular princess, I am afraid that she will marry into the palace sooner or later. The emperor's most taboo is that the women around her are too high. The second lady should stay in the mansion and look for her." Read some books on how to serve men, so that in the future, you won’t be afraid that your husband’s family will dislike you. If the second lady wants to learn, I can teach the second lady the secrets in the room.” A certain aunt of the side branch was born in a brothel, talking about The source of the words is extremely blatant, and he has learned the secrets of the boudoir for men and women in the brothel, and now he directly gives Jin Nishang such a blow.

Jin Nishang's face flushed when he heard this, and he was furious, but he couldn't find any words to refute for a moment.

Jin Liuyun just smiled and said nothing. Jin Nishang's previous words offended many people. The emperor said that they could practice, but she insisted on not letting them practice. A woman who grew up in a place like Duyu World, There is always a dream of becoming a fairy in their hearts, and now this dream is getting closer and closer to them, but it will be broken by someone, obviously it will provoke public anger.

Jin Nishang turned his eyes for help to Jin Ruian, and then Jin Ruian said: "Nishang is young and ignorant, so don't blame him. One month later will be the day of the entrance examination for Guxuan Academy. This time, only If you fail to recruit a hundred female students, you will have to wait another year, so everyone should hurry back with their books!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words.

There are only one hundred places.

There are more than a thousand ladies in Beijing, let alone more than a thousand people, both the descendants and the concubines must get the books. Although the number of 1000 people out of 200 people is already considered high, it is not easy to stand out from the 1000 people.

After hearing this, everyone got up to leave one after another, and all the people in the hall almost left, leaving only the patriarch, several elders, and Jin Rui'an's family.

"Ruian, you only have two daughters, you have to make them work harder." Patriarch Jin Qing stepped forward and said.

"Yes, don't worry, patriarch, I will definitely supervise them to study hard." Jin Rui'an said.

Jin Qing also understood what he meant. He only had two daughters, so he had to be more stable. He couldn't just let Jin Nishang practice spiritual arts, but not Jin Liuyun. This is really unreasonable.

And he couldn't bet all his thoughts on Jin Nishang, after all, only 1000 people were selected out of more than 200 people, and the chances were not great.

Now they don't know exactly how strong these women in Beijing are, so they must not take this as a joke, and they must put in 120 distracted efforts before they can enter the Ancient Xuan Academy.

Although one has to pass the test of the Ancient Mysterious Academy to enter the academy, if even a young lady in the real mansion cannot get into the Ancient Mysterious Academy, it will undoubtedly become a laughing stock in Beijing.

Jin Qing's reminder made Jin Ruian understand a lot. If Jin Qing didn't remind him, he really didn't expect this. After his reminder, Jin Ruian also felt that it was unreasonable not to let Jin Liuyun practice fairy arts. The most important thing There are still more than 1000 people, if Jin Nishang cannot be selected by then, where will the face of the Jin family be placed?
But if they can choose one of the two sisters, it can be regarded as saving the face of his Yong'an Hou Mansion.

Jin Qing didn't have much to say, only these two sentences. When he finished speaking, Jin Qing got up and walked up. When passing by Jin Yunchen, Jin Qing stopped, stared at Jin Yunchen for two eye, then nodded.

He seemed very satisfied, which made Jin Rui'an confused. He still doesn't understand why Jin Qing sent Jin Liuyun back to the mansion, but at the same time let Jin Yunchen go to the Ancient Mysterious Academy. The look in his eyes made him even more puzzled, what exactly does Jin Qing mean?How is this kid any different?
"But are you ready for the Guxuan Academy's exam?" One month later, not only will the Guxuan students start the women's class, but it will also be the day when Jin Yunchen will enter the Guxuan Academy to study.

"Grandpa patriarch, don't you know if you try it!" The little boy Jin Yunchen stretched out his little hand and put it on Jin Qing's hand.

He was taken aback for a moment, then he stared at Jin Yunchen several times with surprise on his face, then withdrew his hand, stroked his beard and laughed and said "yes" three times before walking out of the hall and disappearing from everyone's sight middle.

(End of this chapter)

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