Supreme Return

Chapter 101 Chu Xuan recognized his sister and arrived at Black Dragon Cliff

Chapter 101 Chu Xuan recognized his sister and arrived at Black Dragon Cliff
"Mysterious cathode music formula?"

Hearing these five words, the faces of Xiao Yu and the other three girls changed slightly.

This name is not a good thing at first glance!

"Hehe, in fact, Zhong Kui can be regarded as a person with extraordinary opportunities!"

Chu Xuan glanced at Zhong Kui who had become stupid because of the soul searching technique, and chuckled, "Not only did he successfully escape from the mysterious realm, but he also found another secret realm some time ago! His "Xuanyin Le" The formula is obtained from this secret realm!"


Hearing this, Xiao Yue immediately asked, "But young master, didn't he say he got it from the Mysterious Secret Realm? Oh, yes, he lied to us!"

"Not bad!"

Chu Xuan nodded and said with a sneer, "He thought I couldn't do anything about him..."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiao Yue asked.


Chu Xuan looked at Xiao Xiao, but at this time the little girl was biting her lip, her small body was trembling a little, looking at Zhong Kui who had become stupid, her eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Big Brother, I'm going to kill him with my own hands!"

Xiao Xiao raised her head and looked at Xiao Tian, ​​although she was a little scared, she was still so firm.

"it is good!"

Chu Xuan nodded without hesitation.

Xiao Xiao held Xiao Yue's Hanyue Sword in her hand, and after Chu Xuan nodded, she mustered up her courage and walked towards Zhong Kui who was two or three meters away.

The small body was still trembling a little, and his steps seemed to be quite unsteady, but they were so firm.

The dozens of hundreds of members of the Xiao family were all killed by Zhong Kui.

This hatred is unbearable!

The Cold Moon Sword directly pierced Zhong Kui's heart, and the scorching blood rushed out. Zhong Kui still smiled foolishly, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

The last ray of smile disappeared on his face, and then he fell heavily to the ground, and after several convulsions, he seemed to have become a corpse.


The little girl was crying, crying so loudly.


Seeing this, Sun Bingxuan walked over immediately, hugged the little girl in her arms and softly comforted her.

Revenge has been avenged, you should be happy!

Of course, this can be regarded as tears of joy!

"Okay, it's getting late, let's all go to rest!"

Chu Xuan said softly, and winked at Xiaoyu.

"Then young master, I'll take Xiaoxiao to rest!"

After saying hello to Chu Xuan, Sun Bingxuan returned to the room with Xiaopi in her arms.

At this time, however, Xiao Yu walked up to Zhong Kui's corpse, took out something to drip on the corpse, and made the corpse disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into wisps of green smoke and drifting away, even a little There are no pieces of clothes left...


Zhao Quan was shocked to see it.

"Butler Zhao!"

Chu Xuan spoke again at this time, causing Zhao Quan's body to tremble, and hurriedly said, "Young Master Chu, I'm here!"

"Zhong Kui is dead, and the restriction in your body will be lifted automatically! From now on, you can take care of yourself!"

Chu Xuan said something lightly, then picked up Xiao Bai, and took Xiao Yu and Xiao Yue back to their rooms. As for Lei Nuo, he patted Zhao Quan on the shoulder and walked towards his own room.

Zhao Quan stood where he was and didn't speak for a long time.

"Master, Xiao Xiaofei wants to find you!"

Not long after, Chu Xuan was lying on the bed ready to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door.

Opening it, it was Sun Bingxuan and Xiao Xiao.

Hearing Sun Bingxuan's words, Chu Xuan smiled lightly and bent over to hug Xiaoxiao, saying, "What, little girl? What are you doing seeing me?"

While talking, the three entered the room and sat down.

Sitting on Chu Xuan's lap, Xiao Xiao raised her head and asked, "Big brother, I want to learn something, can you teach me?"

"Oh? Learning skills?"

Chu Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and continued to laugh, "What do you want to learn?"

"do not know!"

Xiao Xiao pouted, "I imagine that big brothers and sisters are so powerful that they will be bullied! Big brother, teach me..."

The little girl started acting like a baby, dangling Chu Xuan's arm.

"Master, what if you accept Xiaoxiao as an apprentice?" Sun Bingxuan interrupted from the side.

"Accept apprentices?"

Chu Xuan was startled when he heard this.

"Big brother, can you be my master?" Xiao Xiao also blinked her big eyes, full of expectation.

"Well... let's do this!"

Chu Xuan couldn't bear to refuse, and said, "From now on, I will adopt you as a righteous daughter for my father, and from now on you will be the princess of our Chu Palace, my sister of Chu Xuan!"

"younger sister?"

Tilting her head, Xiao Xiao asked, "Then big brother, can you teach me my skills?"

"Of course! But we have to wait until we get home!" Chu Xuan smiled and pinched the little Qiong's nose, full of pampering.

"Hee hee...thank you brother!"

Xiaoxiao giggled, hugged Chu Xuan and kissed him, and even the "big brother" in the address became "brother", which made him more intimate.

Since then, Chu Xuan can be regarded as having a younger sister.


Black Dragon Cliff is the destination of Chu Xuan's trip.

The matter of the Xiao family is just an episode, and of course recognizing Xiaoxiao as his younger sister is also a kind of gain for Chu Xuan.

The trip to Black Dragon Cliff is dangerous and unpredictable.

After all the talk, he let the little girl stay in the Xiao family for the time being, let Zhao Quan take good care of her, and when they came back from Heilongya, he took them back together.

As for whether to go to the imperial capital or go back to Xuanyuan Villa, that can only be said later.

The trip to Black Dragon Cliff was to find news about the head of Tianhuang's mercenary regiment.

Before Chu Xuan and the others got accurate information, Black Dragon Cliff was the last place where the leader of the Tianhuang Mercenary Corps appeared, and most importantly, that weird entrance to the secret realm should also be there.

With Xiao Xiaona's pursed mouth and big eyes full of reluctance, Chu Xuan and his group left Xiao's house, left Qinglin Town which had been renamed back to its original name, and rushed straight to Heilongya.

The whole journey was considered to be calm and calm, and there were no more disturbances.

Finally, at noon of the next day, they arrived at the area where the Black Dragon Cliff was located. However, as soon as they arrived here, everyone's expressions were terrified.

A feeling of oppression arises spontaneously from the bottom of my heart, as if there is a great danger waiting for them ahead, especially that Black Dragon Cliff looks like a ferocious prehistoric beast, waiting for Chu Xuan and the others with its mouth wide open. enter...

This place is hundreds of meters away from the Black Dragon Cliff Group, and it feels like this here, so what will happen if it gets closer again?

For a moment, everyone's expressions became more serious.


Xiao Yue turned to look at Chu Xuan.

"...Let's go! Since we're here, we can't give up!"

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xuan took Xiaobai in his arms and took the first step, followed by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yue, Sun Bingxuan and Lei Nuo, who did not flinch at all.

The distance of hundreds of meters is just an instant to them.

Soon a group of five people arrived at the foot of the Black Dragon Cliff. Looking at the cliff that was at least a thousand meters high, they felt like a giant, and the most important point was that there was no vegetation on the Black Dragon Cliff. No tall trees, not even a grass or a wild flower...

What makes people tremble even more is that the dust on the entire Black Dragon Cliff is black, a strange and depressing black.

It was as if the blood turned black after solidification, which made people tremble slightly.

"Master, look over there..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yue pointed to the left side and exclaimed.

There were some small mounds blocking it, but from Xiaoyue's angle, she could just see some scattered bones. It seemed that she had been dead for a long time, and no flesh and blood could be seen.

"Look around to see if you can find any clues! Just in case, don't go far!" Chu Xuan said in a deep voice.


Several people spread out, and from time to time they would find the existence of some Senhan's bones.

Just like what was discovered at the beginning, there are only white bones, no flesh and blood can be seen, and nothing can be found to prove the identity of these people.

Nearly half an hour later, the few people reunited, their expressions even more dignified.

"Go, go up the mountain!"

Chu Xuan waved his hand and led everyone to climb the mountain.

I have to admit that walking on this kind of black mountain road, coupled with the fact that there is no sound around them except them, is indeed very frightening.

If it wasn't for their high skills and boldness, I'm afraid this section of the road alone would make people extremely timid and withdrawn.


Halfway up the mountain, suddenly the wind blew up.

The sound of the wind echoed in everyone's ears like a dragon's chant, and it seemed to have a great impact on their minds, making Chu Xuan's expressions even more solemn.

"Master, I, I..."

Renault was the most miserable. After only a few minutes after the sound of the wind, he was actually pale, with no trace of blood in sight.

At this point, even the words seemed incomplete.

Seeing this, Chu Xuan hurriedly waved out a shield of real energy to protect Lei Nuo in it, and isolated him from the whistling wind around him, which made his complexion look better.

In an instant, Xiao Yu and the others also put up their protective shields, which immediately made the blackness a bit more colorful, which seemed rather peculiar.

"Continue to go!"

Without stopping any longer, Chu Xuan and the others continued to climb the mountain.

Except for the whistling like a dragon's chant, nothing happened after that. It took about twenty minutes for everyone to arrive at the top of the Black Dragon Cliff.

Looking around, it does have a bit of the spirit of "being the top of the mountain and looking at the mountains and small mountains".

Of course, this is only relative.

For the entire Qingyun Empire, and even the Mowu Continent, there are not a few peaks more than a thousand meters high like the Black Dragon Cliff!
"Master, this place looks like it's only a thousand square meters in size at most, and you can see it all at a glance! It doesn't look like a place with a secret realm!" Xiao Yue looked around, frowned and said softly.

Several other people also looked at Chu Xuan one after another. Although they didn't speak, they obviously agreed with what Xiao Yue said.

"No! Something is wrong here!"

Chu Xuan shook his head, and said in a concentrated voice, "From the halfway up the mountain, there are countless sounds of howling wind, but it's so peaceful here, isn't it strange?"


Xiao Yue pouted, as if she was about to say something.

But before she could speak, the whole Black Dragon Cliff suddenly trembled.

That's right, it's the entire Black Dragon Cliff!
As if it was about to collapse, like a large earthquake, the sound of rumbling was endless, causing Chu Xuan and the others to sway from side to side, and finally stabilized again.

And the most important point, the sound of dragon chant resounded in the surrounding space again, everywhere, like a violent storm, arousing the crazy surge of countless energies...

"How is this going?"

Xiao Yue said in surprise, but no one, including Chu Xuan, could give an accurate answer.

For a moment, the wind was rumbling, and amidst the turbulent wind and clouds, the scene that should have been noon turned into darkness, which greatly affected everyone's sight at this time.

boom... boom... boom...

The mountain vibrates and the energy is disordered, as if the end of the world is coming.

"Master, I... I can't hold on any longer!"

Renault felt extremely guilty.

Anyway, he is also a majestic ninth-level magician, why is he so weak?

"Protect Renault!"

Chu Xuan let out a soft drink, and Xiao Yu and the three daughters directly joined forces to form a protective shield, covering them all and protecting them.

But at this moment, Chu Xuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, as if he had noticed something, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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