Supreme Return

Chapter 715

Chapter 715
This sudden action made Chu Xuan's heart sink, but he continued to hide and ignored it.

Because since he saw the man in black for the first time, he couldn't feel his strength!

"Boy, you'd better be honest. With me, do you still want to keep hiding?"

The man in black continued to speak coldly, with black and red lights flashing in his eyes, and he didn't see any movement, but a blood light suddenly shot out from the blood pool, and shot straight at Chu Xuan's hiding place with great precision. attack and go.

With a sound of 'swish', the blood light will arrive in the blink of an eye!
"Not good!"

Chu Xuan was secretly annoyed, and hurriedly dodged away, allowing the blood light to hit the stone wall where he was just now.

However, there was no such bang as imagined. Instead, the blood light seemed to sink directly into the stone wall without causing any fluctuations.

"Jie Jie... still want to hide? Can you hide?"

The man in black laughed strangely, and in an instant, he could see the waves in the pool of blood rolling, and dozens of blood lights shot out at the same time, completely blocking all the paths that Chu Xuan could dodge.

Even though Chu Xuan still didn't take the initiative to show up, but judging by his posture at this moment, I'm afraid he is really exposed.

"Boom bang bang..."

The next moment, Chu Xuan gritted his teeth and came out, holding the Jin Xiao sword in his hand and dancing rapidly, one after another golden glow collided with those blood glows, bursting out bursts of bangs, while Chu Xuan took the opportunity to dodge to the side, from the blood glow escaped from that kind of blockade.

At this moment, Chu Xuan and the man in black stood at each other, looking at each other coldly.

"Boy, who are you? Give me your name!"

The man in black said coldly.

The demonic energy in his body gradually surged, and the black and red lights in his eyes kept flickering, as if there was a possibility of making a move at any time!

"Who are you?"

Chu Xuan asked back, "In the back mountain of Tianshui Palace, what are you going to do? The blood pond was formed because you killed many people, right?"

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Facing Chu Xuan's rhetorical question, the man in black laughed angrily, "Boy, you are very courageous! I don't know how many years, no one dared to talk to me like that! Seeing that you look good, you are so young! With the strength of the middle stage of Dongxu, he shouldn't be from Tianshui Palace, right?"

With just one glance, he could see through Chu Xuan's strength!
This made Chu Xuan's heart more congealed.

Hearing this person's tone, he seems to be an old devil who has lived for an unknown number of years, but he hides here for some reason, and he can only ask Zeng Wu to bring him some golden pills, Yuanying, etc. of……

Could it be that he was trapped here?
"Boy, tell me about your parentage, maybe I still know your elders!" the black-robed man continued.

However, Chu Xuan still ignored it.

While he was staring at the man in black, he was waiting for the right opportunity to leave. After all, if you knew you were invincible and went all out, that wasn't courage, it was courting death!

"Don't try to run!"

Seemingly seeing what Chu Xuan was thinking, the man in black sneered a few times and then said with a sneer, "Boy, in front of me, don't say that you are mere vain stage, even a person who has passed the tribulation stage can't escape If you don’t believe me, just try it?”

After hearing this, Chu Xuan's expression suddenly changed.

Could it be that he is an old devil in his Dacheng period?
Or, simply scatter demons?

In this world of comprehension, there are loose immortals who have achieved success after the failure of crossing the catastrophe, and naturally there will be loose demons who have failed the demon cultivator.

Of course, no matter Sanxian or Sanman, they all have strengths beyond ordinary practitioners.

"No, he is not a scatterer!"

Chu Xuan quickly denied his thoughts.

The person in front of him is obviously real!
In other words, nine out of ten he is in his prime.

Have survived the catastrophe?
is it possible?

Judging by the appearance of the man in black, it seems impossible, right?
Chu Xuan only felt that his head had become a mess, and he couldn't figure it out in a daze.

"No matter what, you must never stand still!"

Chu Xuan took a deep breath, calmed down a lot, and said in a deep voice, "Who is the senior? Come to think of it, he shouldn't be unknown, right? Chu Xuan, the boy, can be regarded as a fellow with the senior!"


Hearing Chu Xuan's words, the man in black was slightly surprised, and looked Chu Xuan up and down, "Boy, what do you mean by that?"

"Senior, please see..."

Chu Xuan thought for a while, and with his thoughts and movements, he released his devilish energy, forming a black vortex-like breath, spreading around.

"This devilish energy..."

The eyes of the man in black shrank obviously, and a look of surprise flashed across him quickly.

"This devilish energy is so pure, and its quality is completely higher than that of a devil cultivator!"

"I'm afraid only the devil world has such pure devil energy?"

"Could it be that this guy is the reincarnated body of a certain great venerable from the demon world?"

"But, he was clearly the breath of a cultivator just now!"

...Looking at Chu Xuan, the black-robed man's complexion also became a bit complicated, and various thoughts kept appearing in his mind.

"Are you a double cultivator of magic?"

In an instant, the man in black thought of something, and suddenly there was a gleam of fire in his eyes.

"Not bad!"

Chu Xuan nodded and responded.

"So it is, so it is..."

The man in black seemed to have figured it out, he kept nodding his head, and looked at Chu Xuan's whole body with bursts of greedy light in his eyes.

"Since we are dual cultivators of magic and dao, we are naturally considered a family!"

The corner of the man in black twitched his mouth, showing a pretended kind smile, and said, "Boy, let's go! I'm assuming that what happened today never happened!"

"The junior will thank the senior!"

Chu Xuan cupped his hands and saluted, facing the man in black, and retreated step by step towards the stone gate.

On the one hand, he deliberately pretended to be respectful, but on the other hand, he was also wary of the sudden attack of the man in black.

After all, people in the devil way, even if they swear, they may not necessarily obey. Unless Zheng Xiao, who was on the Mowu Continent in the past, took the initiative to hand over the heart demon mark to Chu Xiaotian, otherwise how could Chu Xuan believe in such a weird person? The man in black robe?
However, when Chu Xuan walked out of the stone gate and came to the stone hall outside, although the man in black still followed, he had no intention of making a move.

This made Chu Xuan feel a little relieved.

"I won't bother seniors to see you off, and this junior bid farewell!"

When Chu Xuan came to the entrance of the stone hall, he cupped his hands at the black-robed man again, and immediately wanted to use his movements to leave quickly.

However, at this moment, strange black lines appeared on the ground that was originally empty in the entire stone hall, which completely blocked the stone hall, and Chu Xuan also sensed something was wrong. The figure at the entrance of the stone hall forcibly turned a corner and fell aside.

magnetic magnetic magnetic...

Sure enough, at this moment, countless black lights shot out from the entrance of the stone hall. If Chu Xuan hadn't dodged quickly, he might have pierced countless blood holes in his body.

"You really aren't that kind!"

Chu Xuan narrowed his eyes, fixedly staring at the man in black, and said.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The man in black didn't care at all, and said with a strange smile, "Boy, I just want you to relax your vigilance, and I don't want to be so troublesome to do it myself, but now it seems that I won't do it if I don't do it!"

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips greedily, and continued, "If I can absorb your pure devilish energy, I will definitely be able to go one step further. By then, who in the cultivation world will be able to stop me? Haha ... Jie Jie Jie..."

"It's best to let me absorb it obediently, maybe I can leave you with a whole corpse!"

"With Lao Tzu, you have no chance to escape!"

... While speaking, the man in black quickly moved the seal, the black lines on the ground became clearer, and countless demonic energy filled up, covering the entire stone hall almost in the blink of an eye, and finally The main point made Chu Xuan feel an unprecedented pressure...

The movement of the true essence in the body actually dropped by at least one time compared to usual.

His strength has been greatly suppressed, at most he can only display half of his heyday!
"Damn it! You made me come here on purpose!"

Chu Xuan found out all this, gritted his teeth and said.

"Not bad!"

The black-robed man Jie Jie said with a strange smile, "I don't want to destroy the blood pool, and I'm not sure about it over there, but here, I have the Yuan Devouring Array that I spent countless efforts to arrange, and the blood pool behind it will be destroyed." Let alone you, even if someone in the Dacheng period comes, I am sure to let him stay!"

"You are really insidious!" Chu Xuan said harshly.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

The black-robed man licked his lips again, and said greedily, "Boy, let's capture you without a fight! I promise, I will let you live well here! I will take you with me when I ascend to the Demon Realm after passing the catastrophe." Yes! Jie Jie Jie..."

"I see, you want me to be your long-term meal ticket?"

Chu Xuan sneered.

If this statement is placed in modern times, it will really cause some ambiguity.

But to the man in black robe, he couldn't stop licking his lips, as if Chu Xuan was a unique delicacy in this world, which made his greedy heart swell rapidly.

"Who the hell are you? Anyway, I can't run away now, so let me know, how about it?" Chu Xuan suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked.

"I will grant your little wish!"

The black-robed man Jie Jie said, "My surname is Yelu, and my name is Wudao! Kid, considering your young age, you probably haven't heard of my name before, have you?"

"Yelu Wudao?"

Chu Xuan was stunned at first when he heard the words, and then he narrowed his eyes suddenly, staring at the man in black, and said, "You are Yelu Wudao from Xingluomen? Didn't you get killed? How could it be..."

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that you kid actually knew me!"

The man in black robe, that is, Yelu Wudao, was also a little surprised, but then he snorted coldly, "How can I be killed so easily? At the beginning, if I hadn't been careless for a while, how could I have been chased and killed by those hypocrites?"

Yelu Wudao, a well-known genius in the realm of comprehension and magic.

It is said that he was an ordinary person who only started practicing in his forties, but he broke through the alchemy and became a baby in just one year, and reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe within five years. Can't wait for the catastrophe to come.

I don't know what happened, but he became so demonic that he started killing practitioners on a rampage, causing panic in the entire cultivation world.

After that, several powerful experts in the cultivation world joined forces to kill him!

That battle was really dark and dark, the sun and the moon were dark. Several powerful experts at that time used tricks to trap him, but they were still forced out of the trap. After several days of fighting, several powerful experts did not hesitate to use their own Only by fighting with his life did Yelu Wudao be killed into scum...

This is almost a thousand years ago!

Chu Xuan had heard many such rumors, and even saw information about Yelu Wudao in some classics of Wuliang Palace, but he never thought that not only did this guy not die, but he was hiding in the back mountain of Tianshui Palace In the cave, and it seems that it has recovered a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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