Supreme Return

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

"Miss, I always feel as if something is not right?"

One day later, watching the review process of the Huajianmen people, Xiaomier suddenly frowned and said with a pouted mouth.


Yu Linglong couldn't help smiling when she heard the words, "What? How does our Miss Mier feel?"

Such joking words made Xiaomi stomp her feet in dissatisfaction, and said coquettishly, "Oh, miss, what I said is true! I just can't figure out why, it's just like this!"

"Then don't think about it!"

Yu Linglong smiled and said, "Anyway, it seems that there is nothing wrong now!"

"By the way, where is Wang Tie? He doesn't plan to accompany you?" Yu Linglong asked again.

"That's not it, he also went to help!"

Xiaomi'er curled her lips, "He said he didn't do anything to help him before, and now he's doing what he can! Otherwise, he won't feel at ease!"

"Hehe, this person is not bad!"

Yu Linglong smiled and nodded, expressing her relief in her words.

"That is……"

Hearing Yu Linglong praise Wang Tie, Xiaomi raised her head arrogantly, and a happy smile slowly appeared on her face.

Her temperament is like this, once she really loves, she thinks that the other person is good at everything!
Seeing this, Yu Linglong couldn't help but smile again.

There is some inexplicable envy in her heart, maybe she should also find someone who can be relied on for a lifetime?
But Yu Linglong also understood that she couldn't!At least not now!
Now, what she has to do is to re-develop the Heavenly Mystery Sect, and as for personal matters, she has to leave them behind for the time being.

The so-called heavy responsibility is nothing more than that!

"Miss Yu, Miss Yu, it's not good..."

However, at this moment, two figures suddenly ran over from the other side, with anxious expressions on their faces, causing many nearby people to look sideways at each other.

"what happened?"

Yu Linglong secretly thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked.

At this time, Xiaomier recognized them, and said with a pretty face, "Isn't Wang Tie with you? What's wrong with him? Did something happen to him?"

"Yes Yes……"

The two were panting heavily, looking as if they were still in shock.

"Later, Hou Shan... Wang, brother Wang..."

The two of them spoke intermittently, unable to utter a complete sentence, obviously they were greatly frightened.

"Wang Tie..."

Xiaomier hastily unfolded her movements, and quickly fled towards the back mountain, while Yu Linglong's heart sank slightly when she saw this, she carried the two of them respectively and quickly disappeared in place, and the four of them arrived at the back mountain in a short while among.

"Ah... kill! kill!"

"I want to kill! Kill!!"

"Drink blood... so delicious blood, ah... blood, blood..."

Amid the various calls and tossing and turning of more than a dozen people, Wang Tie, with his red eyes, baring his teeth and claws like a monster, kept chasing those people, muttering something crazily, as if lost all human...

"Wang Tie..."

Seeing this scene, Xiaomier immediately dodged and came in front of Wang Tie, but Yu Linglong didn't have time to stop her.

"People, people... blood, blood..."

Wang Tie's eyes lit up, he suddenly grabbed Xiaomi'er's hand and pulled it forward, lowered his head and opened his mouth wide, biting towards Xiaomi'er's slender and fair neck.

"Wang Tie, what are you doing?"

Xiaomi'er dodged in time and shouted in panic.

"You stand back!"

Seeing this, Yu Linglong couldn't help squinting her eyes, and waved her hand to make the dozen or so people around her retreat behind her, watching Xiaomi'er try to control Wang Tie, but Wang Tie kept yelling "people" and "what" Blood' look, could not help frowning.

"What's going on?" Yu Linglong narrowed her eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Miss Huiyu's words are like this..."

Immediately, someone stood up and said briefly.

Wang Tie brought people to search the back mountain to prevent Hua Jianmen's fish from slipping through the net, but suddenly came across a cave. Just in case, Wang Tie ordered people to wait outside, and he entered the cave alone. I didn't expect anything to happen, but within 5 minutes after Wang Tie entered, a red light flashed in the cave, which surprised everyone waiting outside...

However, before everyone went in to find out what happened, Wang Tie rushed out in this appearance, biting anyone he saw, as if he had turned into a monster that only knew how to eat people, and he couldn't see any humanity anymore. !
Everyone felt helpless after being greatly frightened, so they could only ask someone to inform Yu Linglong, and everything that followed would be like this.

"Is there something wrong with this cave?"

Yu Linglong squinted her eyes, and walked slowly to the front of the cave not far away, but frowned directly at the next moment, because she clearly felt the existence of a trace of demonic energy, and there was another strange aura.

These two breaths are intertwined with each other, which makes people feel a little stunned. Even Yu Linglong can only quickly circulate her true energy to expel the uncomfortable feeling, and then barely regain her sober state...

"Pass down the order, no one is allowed to approach this place within a radius of ten meters! I will find a way to solve this matter!" Yu Linglong regained her senses and ordered in a deep voice.


More than a dozen people bowed and agreed, and stepped back again.

"Miss, come and help me!"

At this moment, Xiaomi'er shouted in this direction.

She was almost unable to hold on under Wang Tie's almost dehumanizing bite at this moment.

Especially, when she was afraid of hurting Wang Tie, she didn't dare to do it with all her strength!

Yu Linglong dodged over, and the moment she pushed Xiaomi'er away, she slapped Wang Tie's eyebrows with her right hand, and the real essence poured into her body in an instant, causing Wang Tie's body to tremble suddenly, and he was so wide open. The blood-red eyes fell backwards in a daze.

It was obvious that Yu Linglong had knocked her into a coma, so she didn't have to worry about anything else happening.

"Mi'er, help him up, I'll set up an enchantment here, let's go back and talk about it! Everyone else has also dispersed!" Yu Linglong said.

Soon, everyone dispersed, and Yu Linglong quickly set up an enchantment near the cave before leaving.


"Miss, there is something wrong with Wang Tie! Look at him, he has fainted now, but his eyes are still open!"

Coming to a certain room in the backyard of the manor, Xiaomi put Wang Tie on the bed and said with a frown.

"Well, I found out!"

Yu Linglong also walked to the bed, looked at Wang Tie's still red eyes, couldn't help being startled, and said, "Mi'er, look at his eyes, is there something wrong?"

"There's something wrong with the eyes? Besides the redness, it seems..."

Xiaomier observed carefully, and suddenly said in surprise, "Yes, his pupils seem to be different from before, and now they are a bit oval!"

"Yes, it's an ellipse!"

Yu Linglong nodded, squinted her eyes and said, "Or, it's transforming in the direction of vertical pupils!"

"Vertical pupil? Is it the same as that Hua Cheng?"

Xiao Mier was shocked when she heard the words, "Could it be that that cave is the reason why Hua Cheng became a demon cultivator? Wang Tie must have gone there to be like this!"

"It's not good!"

Yu Linglong sighed softly, "If that's the case, I'm afraid the matter is not over yet, we have to think carefully about it!"

"Then what should we do now? Miss, you have to find a way to save him!" Xiaomi felt that she was about to cry out in anxiety.

"I'll seal his whole body first, so that he will be in a dormant state for a while, so that the situation won't get too bad!"

Yu Linglong took a deep breath, quickly stretched out her hand and tapped Wang Tie's body a few times, and sealed Wang Tie's whole body with her true energy. Although this could not guarantee a solution to the problem, at least it could prevent Wang Tie's condition from deteriorating.

As for the solution...

Yu Linglong had to think about it carefully, if it really didn't work, she could only go inside the cave to find out.

"Miss, I remember Brother Chu said before that Hua Cheng's eyes are snake pupils, right?" Xiaomier said suddenly.

"Well, Hua Cheng is indeed the case, and the giant blood sea snake that appeared later also has a pair of vertical pupils!" Yu Linglong nodded slightly.

"Then tell me, is there any snake in the cave?" Xiaomi asked again.

"This one……"

Yu Linglong hesitated for a while, but she had to admit that this possibility was very high.

"How about this, I'll find a way to see if I can solve Wang Tie's current situation..."

Yu Linglong thought for a while, then pondered, "As for the rest, we'll talk about it later!"

"...Thank you miss!"

Xiaomi pursed her lips to express her thanks, while Yu Linglong chuckled, patted Yu Linglong's shoulder lightly and said, "Then you stay here and take care of him, I'll go back to my room first! Also, if there is anything else, You must remember to notify me in time!"

"Okay, I know!"

Xiaomier nodded slightly, and after watching Yu Linglong leave, she walked back to the bed and sat down, seeing Wang Tie who had really closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, Yu Linglong couldn't help but sighed softly.

At this time, she seemed to have given up on being naughty and lively all along, and became extremely emotional.

Perhaps, love can really change people.

On the other side, after Yu Linglong returned to her own courtyard room, she took out a very simple classic with a solemn expression. There were some special lines on it, and it exuded an aura as if from ancient times.

This classic book is absolutely extraordinary.

It is one of the inheritance classics of Tianjimen. It tells about many special and weird situations. Especially after Tianjimen's collection and the efforts of countless people, it also records various solutions to many situations.

Of course, there are also some other special situations that cannot be solved, after all, it is not a panacea.

It can be regarded as a kind of rare treasure!
But at this moment, Yu Linglong opened the tome with a dignified expression, as if she was thinking about it, she turned directly to a certain page in the tome without any hesitation.

On the top of this page, there are four large characters written: Devil Soul Snake Soul!
Yu Linglong read it carefully, her expression became more and more ugly, and her brows were furrowed. After more than an hour, she took her eyes back from the pages of the book, looked at the sky outside through the window lattice, and sighed softly, "Could it be , could it really be that Demon Soul Snake Soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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