Supreme Return

Chapter 798 Weird ruins, terrifying beast tide

Chapter 798 Weird ruins, terrifying beast tide

The eight people stood in place, looking forward with their eyes, looking very surprised.

It was a piece of ruins, similar to the ruins of a city. Looking around, the edge of the ruins could not be seen at once, especially when the sky was covered with black clouds, it seemed to be a ghostly land where the living should not come close. chills...

"what happened?"

Everyone stared blankly, their expressions extremely dignified.

"Why is there a city ruin here?"

Lan Shan scratched his head and asked puzzledly.

However, no one could answer this question, including Zhiyao, who seemed to be very knowledgeable, also frowned slightly, not knowing what was going on.

"No matter what, shall we go and have a look?" Chu Xuan asked.

Others hesitated, even the always bold Lei Nuo. After all, the ruins in front of him looked too strange, especially the bursts of black clouds in the sky, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding Blood Sun Desert. , like another special space...

"Although the Blood Sun Desert is famous for its viciousness and scares many people, it is not that kind of dead and silent place, and some people have escaped safely from it!"

Wenren Zhiyao frowned and said, "I haven't heard anyone mention that there will be such a ruin! Could it be related to the upcoming opening of the Demon Lord's forbidden area?"

After hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Chu Xuan said slowly, "As long as the eight of us are more careful, there shouldn't be any major problems!"

Soon, everyone continued to walk forward, and as they got closer and closer to the edge of the ruins, a strange oppressive atmosphere emerged spontaneously, making the expressions of several people more solemn at this moment stand up.

"It's really not easy here, everyone pay attention!"

Chu Xuan reminded in a deep voice.

In fact, there is no need for him to say more. At this time, everyone present is in high spirits.

After a while, everyone really entered the scope of the ruins, only to feel that the surrounding light suddenly dimmed. From the initial blood sun in the sky, to the rising of the full moon in the back, and now to the current black cloud, it seems that three kinds of decisiveness have been formed. different environments...

In particular, regardless of the blood sun or the full moon before, they were still in the normal range, but now the black clouds above the head gave everyone an extremely depressing feeling, as if their minds and minds had been affected to a certain extent, and there was a sudden twitch. An uncontrollable sense of irritability.


Seeing this, Chu Xuan immediately squinted his eyes and let out a soft drink.

In an instant, like the evening drum and the morning bell, it pierced into people's hearts, causing everyone present to tremble, and quickly woke up from the restlessness, making them all terrified.

This kind of unconscious influence is the most terrifying!

If not for Chu Xuan's soft shout, or let everyone continue to sink here, it is uncertain what will happen later, it is really extremely dangerous!

"Brother Chu, thank you!"

Lan Shan said gratefully.

The others also expressed their thanks one after another, even the cold and aloof Wenren Zhiyao thanked Chu Xuan with lightly parted lips.


Chu Xuan waved his hands and said in a deep voice, "It's really weird here, everyone must be careful!"

"Lan Chen Lan Hao, you two pay attention to protecting Shan Zi!"

"Miss Wenren, you and Guanshi He should also pay more attention!"

"Lei Zi, you and Mo Ran remember not to leave the five-step range of me!"

As Chu Xuan said, everyone agreed.

Although they only came to the edge of the ruins, what happened just now made them very clear that this place is definitely not as ordinary as they saw, and it definitely contains many dangers that even they themselves don't know.

The whole ruins looked extremely clean, except for Chu Xuan and the others, there were no other people, and the surrounding sounds were only the echo of the eight of them walking on the road, and the rest was probably only the breathing of a few people.

Unspeakably oppressive!

Extremely weird environment!

And that quietness that makes the heart beat inexplicably faster...

All of these made the expressions of the eight people who were gradually going deeper into the ruins extremely serious.

"Master, aren't those black clouds formed by demon energy?"

Renault suddenly spoke.

"It's not magic energy!"

Chu Xuan shook his head lightly, "If it's demonic energy, I should be able to sense it!"

As for Chu Xuan's identity as a double cultivator of magic and dao, almost no one knows now, but not many people have seen his true face.

Now, the few people here all know Chu Xuan's identity, so naturally there is no need to hide anything.

"It's not magic energy, so what could it be?"

Renault scratched his head, frowned and said, "I observed it just now, those black clouds are not static, they seem to be shrinking slowly!"


Hearing this, Chu Xuan couldn't help being stunned, and the others also looked up one after another.

The few people who stopped for a while really quickly and keenly discovered what Lei Nuo said, which made them even more puzzled.

"How could this be? Do these black clouds have any special meaning or function?"

Lan Shan said so.

Unfortunately, none of the others had any answers.

"Forget about that, let's continue walking around and see if we can find out something about the Demon Lord's forbidden area!"

Chu Xuan said in a deep voice.

Just in case, everyone did not separate, and walked together as before. However, after walking around the huge ruins, they did not find anything. Everything seemed so quiet, but everyone had to admit , This kind of quietness is indeed too weird, making people feel a kind of inexplicable loneliness.

It was as if, at any time, it was possible to completely silence even one's own breathing.

"Look at it!"

Lan Shan suddenly raised his head and pointed at the sky, and said in horror, "How is it possible? When did those black clouds turn into this one?"

That's right!

When Chu Xuan and the others came to the ruins, the black cloud covering the whole strange ruins had condensed into a ball until now.

Although I noticed that the range of the black cloud was shrinking before, but it shrank into a ball like this, which still made it difficult for everyone to hide their surprise!

"Not right!"

Chu Xuan squinted his eyes, as if he felt something, but before he could speak again, he saw the black cloud rolling rapidly, making the sound of friction with the space, and immediately under the surprised eyes of everyone, the black cloud It suddenly turned into countless streaks of black light, shooting out in all directions, falling down like black rain...

In just an instant, the entire ruins began to rain!

The black rain, with a strange aura, completely enveloped the entire ruins, and an inexplicable aura continued to spread towards the surroundings...

"How is this going?"

Dazed by the sudden appearance of this situation, everyone was at a loss.


However, amidst this strange patter of black rain, bursts of animal roars suddenly came from the surroundings, and everyone could even clearly feel the tremor of the ground under their feet.

"A lot, a lot of monsters!"

Through the ruins, everyone can clearly see that there are at least tens of thousands of beasts of all kinds rushing in, and their eyes are so blood red, as if they have no self-awareness. It's just an inexplicable attraction from the ruins.

In less than 5 minutes, the entire ruins were completely surrounded by beast swarms, and there was no way to see the side, and the number of various monsters was still increasing, so dense that one could not help but feel Terrified, terrified...

"What's going on here? How could this happen suddenly?"

Such doubts arose in everyone's mind.

"It's that black cloud!"

Wenren Zhiyao's eyes sparkled with wisdom, and she said expressionlessly, "The black cloud turned into black light and scattered, which caused such a terrifying beast tide!"

"But why don't they come in?"

Lan Shan asked again with a frown.

All the monsters in the beast tide only stayed on the periphery of the ruins, staring at the pair of red eyes, lying obediently on the ground, only if they let out bursts of beast roars, which completely broke all the weird silence before ...

"Could it be that there is something in it that attracts them and frightens them at the same time?"

Chu Xuan pondered.

"But what could it be?"

Others were puzzled.

Although they walked almost the entire ruins before, they didn't find anything special. If there was anything, it could only be the black cloud in the sky.

It's a pity that the black clouds have completely dissipated now, and there is nothing else but a full moon shining.

"Brother Chu, look quickly, what are those beasts doing?"

Lan Shan suddenly exclaimed.

Not only Chu Xuan, but everyone present looked in the direction of his finger, and their expressions changed one after another in the next moment.

All the monsters in the beast tide suddenly quieted down, but they all prostrated on the ground one by one, looking extremely submissive, as if they were performing some special ceremony, even allowing Chu Xuan and the others to see from the eyes of these beasts, Feel a kind of surrender and madness!

"How could this be?"

Everyone became more and more puzzled.


Suddenly, a coquettish blood-red blood shot out from the center of the eyebrows of a monster, turned into a beam of light and shot out towards the sky above the ruins, and the body of the monster was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. , It turned into a skinny appearance!

There is no flesh and blood at all, and all the breath is gone, only the thin fur and strong skeleton!

Immediately afterwards, blood essence flew out one after another, and all the monsters became like this, but they didn't make any painful sounds before they died, but they were full of a state of madness.

Accompanied by the death of countless monsters, the countless streams of blood essence gradually formed a blood-colored cloud over the ruins, covering the bright full moon, and a faint blood-colored light shrouded it. Let the whole ruins be filled with a disgusting bloody smell...


Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone who was thinking about how to resist the beast tide changed their expressions drastically.

Such a strange situation made them all understand that things are by no means that simple, and what happens next will definitely be an even more terrifying scene...

(End of this chapter)

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