super star lord

Chapter 102 Recruitment Order

Chapter 102 Recruitment Order

Riding Renn and walking in the forest, Lin Xiao hardly noticed any traces of the beast.

Of course, this is not because there are no ferocious beasts, because the Knights have encountered countless ferocious beasts in the process of pioneering.

The reason is that he is riding a saber-toothed tiger.

Fierce beasts are very sensitive to the aura of the same kind, and they will sense Ren's powerful aura from a distance, and they have already avoided it in time when it was beyond Lin Xiao's detection range.

Of course, there are also very few unlucky ones who don't open their eyes, and they all become Lin Xiao's barbecue ingredients.

The deeper you go, the denser the forest is, and there are many towering trees as thick as several people hugging each other. This is a virgin forest with a long history.After the main city was destroyed and before the Xianhe leader set foot, perhaps the only outsiders who came to this big island were the ancestors of the three wild leaders.

In this case, Golden Island is basically in an undeveloped state.

Until it was discovered by Vernal's fleet.

"Come on, Ren, try this new type of potion!"

After watching a silver wolf beast being forced out of his territory by Ren's breath, Lin Xiao, who was riding on Ren's back, flipped his hands, and a dark green cultivation potion appeared out of thin air, and then he threw it away, and saw Ren raised his head nimbly, caught it accurately with a tiger's mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.


With a joyful roar, Ren ran even more happily.

This made the silver wolf beast that hadn't run far startled, and it didn't dare to turn its head back, and it sprang far away in a flash.

"Very well, hurry up!"

Lin Xiao is very satisfied with Ren's performance. He has ridden a lot recently, and the cooperation between the knight and the mount has become more and more perfect.

Moreover, he also found that Ren is not without talent, it has two talents.

The first one is Huwei.

Anyone whose bloodline level is lower than it will be affected, and it will be difficult to display their full strength in battle.

The second one, Lin Xiao called it an iron wall.

When using it, not only is it powerful, but its defense is basically invincible at the same level.

This point, when he was fighting, he had a deep understanding.

He was riding a phoenix, blessed with the power of ice and flames, coupled with the power of the silver frost sword, but he only cut a little bit of skin on Ren's body. On the contrary, he himself almost lost his weapon because he was struggling with it. .

It can be seen from this that Ren's strength and defense are strong.

It's a pity that it encountered Anivia's super permeable power of ice flames, and the level of the Phoenix bloodline is much higher than it. These two talents are basically useless in front of Anivia, and they are sent out. After being beaten violently, he could only submit obediently in the end.

Of course, it felt in its heart that it was only because it liked medicine that it committed itself.

But no matter what, the relationship between the knight and the mount is very good now, and it is very cool to run, and it has become a strange scenery in this virgin forest.


High in the sky, a phoenix bathed in blue ice flames is also spreading its wings and soaring.

Golden Island is [-] kilometers away from Firescale Island, and has his own mount. Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Xiao to take a boat. Anivia follows him, which can not only increase the efficiency of round trips, but also provide a guarantee of safety.

After all, his strongest state is when he is riding Anivia, blessed with the power of ice flames and protected by the ice armor, and holding the silver frost sword in his hand.

In this state, as long as they don't encounter an earth-level beast, they can basically win. Even if they encounter one, no one can catch up with Anivia's speed.

the most important is.

As the lord of a territory, the lord of tens of thousands of people, he has great responsibilities and needs to be responsible for his own safety.

It is impossible to take risks without preparation.


Just when Lin Xiao seemed to be wandering around in his own territory, exploring the Golden Island.

The campaign to subdue wild collars has also begun.

After getting Lin Xiao's approval, Vernal assembled the knights stationed in Hekou Town on the second day and set out to subdue the three wild leaders.

There is no hiding, no material preparation, and no conspiracy.

Just swaggering like that, as if patrolling his own territory, he went directly to the nearest wild collar - Stormrage Territory.

On the same short and irregular city wall, when the knights on duty saw the Knights of Xianhe Land coming towards Stormrage, they immediately reported it, and the news quickly spread throughout Stormrage.

Many people have seen a famous knight wearing exquisite armor and holding a long sword on the roof of their own buildings or on the city wall.

"It's the Knights of Xianhe, so powerful!"

"If Stormrage had such a knight order, those ferocious beasts wouldn't be able to threaten us long ago!"

"Are they coming after us?"

"It seems that I don't know what to do?"

They have long been accustomed to the existence of the Xianhe Ling development team, and this is not the first time they have seen it.

In addition, the knights of the Xianhe collar have been sweeping away the ferocious beasts around them, making them more and more safe, so generally speaking, they are grateful to the Xianhe collar.

Moreover, in the past few months, everyone has been living in peace, and they don't think that Xianhe will cause any trouble for them.

Instead, there will be some expectations.

"Finally, is it still here..."

Of course, most of the citizens know that the Xianhe leader's visit may be the end of Stormrage's history, including Prophet Wilder.

But under the huge power of the other side, they have no room for resistance.

at last.

Under the anxious welcome of Stormrage's high-level leaders and the expectant waiting of ordinary citizens, the Knights came to a stop outside the city, and a messenger on a horse came out from it.

He looked at the somewhat shabby city walls of Stormrage, and said with a formulaic smile on his face: "Hello, fellow citizens of Stormrage, I am Jest, the envoy of Fairy River, and now I will greet you Read out the recruitment order issued by the great Lord of Xianhe, the knight of the saber-toothed tiger Lin Xiao."

"Recruitment order!"


"In other words, are we about to become the citizens of Xianhe Territory?"


Unlike the high-ranking leaders of Stormrage, ordinary citizens who are used to living a life of trembling, yearn for protection from a powerful territory.

"Please be quiet!"

After the messenger spoke, everyone immediately shut their mouths obediently.

Then, I saw him take out a document and read it out:
"To the citizens of Wrathful Wind Territory, I empathize with the suffering you have suffered. As a lord who is about to develop the entire Golden Island, I cannot ignore the fact that there are still people who cannot live on my island. Therefore, I issued a recruitment order that all citizens, regardless of gender, age, or skills, can apply to join the Xianhe community after the recruitment order is read out and become Xianhe leaders .”

"As the lord of Xianhe, I promise that you will not have to worry about your safety, your food, your offspring, or your old age and nothing to support you. You will receive the blessings of glory and the protection of the leader of Xianhe." !"

"You will all be part of the Glory."


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(End of this chapter)

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